Sucker Punch: 4.5/10. This is turning into a disappointing year so far. Thankfully, most of what I've seen has been free.
This movie was summed up pretty well by the person walking out behind me. He said it was like Zack Snyder had a whole bunch of ideas to put into a movie but didn't really have an idea of what to do with them, so he took some lame plot and tried to make all those ideas fit in there somewhere.
To me it was kind of like watching one of those music videos that kind of, sort of, has the makings of a story, but not really, but it at least looks cool. Problem was, it went on for almost 2 hours. There were songs blaring throughout almost every frame of this film. There was absolutely no tension during the action (the music was a big contributor to this), and the "plot" holding all those pretty scenes from the trailer together is barely explored and lacks any of the emotional depth and pathos needed to make the audience really care what happens to these people.