Rate the last movie you saw

rash;3902266 said:
Shawshank Redemption

10 out of 10

It's my favorite or at least tied with Apocalypse Now.
Finally got a chance to see the fighter. I thought it was pretty good but not great. Good acting, good story but the fight scenes were just moronic.

7 / 10
Doomsday;3902959 said:
Finally got a chance to see the fighter. I thought it was pretty good but not great. Good acting, good story but the fight scenes were just moronic.

7 / 10
Yeah I was really disappointed in that. Otherwise like you said it is a really good movie.
FIGHTER 7/10''''''''''''
I liked it. loved Bale . the characters reminded me of my old neighborhood in PA


I felt they dragged things out way too long and then when things happened it was empty and very disappointing.

some of the scenes I thought are spectacular
The Lincoln Lawyer: 8 / 10

I though it was a very good and entertaining movie. I just finished reading the book not long ago. Obviously the book is better and more complete, but the movie didn't deviate all that much from the book. (in some places it definitely did, but nothing major) Most of the time, it was just streamlining things since the movie would have been much longer otherwise. Something in the end (one scene) was very different, but overall even the ending kept pretty close to the book.

I saw a review here that bashed Ryan Phillippe in the movie, but I must say I don't see why. Granted, he won't up for any acting awards, but he did a good enough job. My biggest issue with his part is the part of Louis Roulet in the book came off as someone a bit older and more mature that the part that Ryan played. I would say someone closer Alec Baldwin in Malice would have fit the bill. If Alec was still that age, (whatever he was in 1993) he would have been the perfect Louis Roulet. Ryan just came off too young for the part, but since he was cast, he did an apt job.

I recommend both the movie and if you are a reader; definitely the book.
CanadianCowboysFan;3903366 said:
The Source Code, 7/10

not a bad film but I hate how it screws with the time space continuum at the end.

The science wasn't realistic throughout the entire film, so the end shouldn't bother you too much.


It's the same thing for me every time I watch this movie. If all the gangsters were more believable, it would be a much better film. Even so, Clarence Williams III gives the best performance of all.



If you love 'mother protects her children at all costs' movies, this is one for you.
Arthur the original with Dudley Moore 7/10

Sir John Gilgud (sp?) still cracks me up with his one liners :D
SultanOfSix;3903746 said:
Hanna 7/10

I'd say about 6.5/10, so about the same.

Yeagermeister;3903800 said:
Arthur the original with Dudley Moore 7/10

Sir John Gilgud (sp?) still cracks me up with his one liners :D

I'm frightened by the prospect of watching the new one. I hate Russell Brand and it looks ********. Definitely have to wait for blu-ray on that one.
ChldsPlay;3903653 said:
The science wasn't realistic throughout the entire film, so the end shouldn't bother you too much.

you mean keeping half a man alive just to send him into another's brain is not realistic?
CanadianCowboysFan;3903961 said:
you mean keeping half a man alive just to send him into another's brain is not realistic?

That, and somehow the other dead person's brain somehow having knowledge of seemingly an infinite amount of information.
DallasEast;3903743 said:


It's the same thing for me every time I watch this movie. If all the gangsters were more believable, it would be a much better film. Even so, Clarence Williams III gives the best performance of all.
I remember seeing this movie in the theaters and a person in the crowd yelled out 'oh just put him out of his misery already' at the scene involving Clarence Williams III towards the end.
DallasEast;3903743 said:


If you love 'mother protects her children at all costs' movies, this is one for you.
The women is this movie are the best parts of the entire movie. The director just said find me some super hot women.
Yeagermeister;3903800 said:
Arthur the original with Dudley Moore 7/10

Sir John Gilgud (sp?) still cracks me up with his one liners :D

After all these years that movie still cracks me up every time I see it. One of my favorite comedy movies of all time.
Doomsday;3904262 said:
After all these years that movie still cracks me up every time I see it. One of my favorite comedy movies of all time.

How revolting!

Yeagermeister;3903800 said:
Arthur the original with Dudley Moore 7/10

Sir John Gilgud (sp?) still cracks me up with his one liners :D

I don't hink I can bring myself to see the new version. I'm sure it would just piss me off.
Doomsday;3902959 said:
Finally got a chance to see the fighter. I thought it was pretty good but not great. Good acting, good story but the fight scenes were just moronic.

7 / 10

The fight scenes weren't particularly good, but I didn't think they had to be. The fights weren't really the focus of the movie, so they simply minimized them. I thought it was an oustanding movie.
Stautner;3904288 said:
The fight scenes weren't particularly good, but I didn't think they had to be. The fights weren't really the focus of the movie, so they simply minimized them. I thought it was an oustanding movie.
I'm a huge boxing fan and typically hate boxing movies because the fight scenes are so unrealistic. While they made the fight scenes a little too lopsided in The Fighter, it has by far the most realistic boxing scenes I've ever seen in a movie. Granted, that's a pretty low bar to cross.

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