Rate the last movie you saw

TheCowboy;3910398 said:
Anyone see Scream 4? I'm a little hesitant to pay full admission price for this movie..

I watched it today. 1/10.

i'm convinced they only made this movie to give david arquette and neve campbell work. It's the same damn movie as all the other screams. It's annoying, not scary, and 45 min. too long. I guessed the killers half way through.
urface59;3910415 said:
What masterpieces have you been watching everyday to make true grit a 6? that movie was as good as a movie can get

Simply found it boring. Bridges' drunk, mumble-mouthed routine rendered him unintelligible for vast stretches of the film, and the main villains didn't show up 'til the last 15 minutes or so. When they did, they weren't that menacing.
TheCount;3910339 said:
Night actually had almost nothing to do with the movie.

I didn't know this, but he started a production company to help horror/suspense writers get major releases.

Devil was the first movie produced under that company and Night just signed on as producer to get it more press, but it was written, directed, etc by someone else.

The movie was terrible and I'm as sick of Night as anyone, but he probably shouldn't be hanged for this one.

Writers: Brian Nelson (screenplay), M. Night Shyamalan (story)
I saw the remake of karate kid at the drive in recently and wow it was right on par with brandos performance in mutiny on the bounty.
MarionBarberThe4th;3910434 said:

lol, the emoticon probably didn't come across the way you intended.

However, I just explained why Night is tagged in it as a producer. We rented the movie cause there was no way I was going to see it in theaters, and in one of the extras (don't ask why we watched the extras), he explains his involvement in the movie.
urface59;3910415 said:
What masterpieces have you been watching everyday to make true grit a 6? that movie was as good as a movie can get

I enjoyed the movie more than bbgun did, but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. In all likelihood I probably won't ever watch it again. That fact in itself says it wasn't that great of a movie.
urface59;3910415 said:
What masterpieces have you been watching everyday to make true grit a 6? that movie was as good as a movie can get

I disagree.

The movie was good, but I found it a little lacking in content.

I thought the acting was tremendous - Jeff Bridges and the girl were great, and the rest of the cast was very good as well.

But it all just flowed by too easy and too quick, with the plot and the characters not developing as they could have. I didn't get the sense that the whole thing was an ordeal all the charcacters shared, but rather more like knowing exactly where the bad guys live, driving across town to get the bad guys and everything wrapping up in a few hours.
To me, the enjoyment I derived from True Grit was about 90% from watching Jeff Bridges do his thing, and the debut of the main actress. The acting from the two of them alone was worth the price of admission and deserved the oscar nominations they both got.

That being said, to someone who doesn't watch movies to appreciate acting but rather just be entertained by the content, I can totally understand why they wouldn't have enjoyed the movie.
Hall Pass 10/10 Definetely one of the funniest movies I've ever seen, if not the funniest.

Unknown- 8/10 GREAT rental.


A nice little romantic movie which gets a lot of its charm from Amy Adams. I wasn't planning on watching it. It just happened to follow Bill Maher on HBO, but I'm very glad that I didn't change channels.
Battle LA

I enjoyed every last minute of the movie. I love watching the military fight back and not look like a complete waste for once. "

:bow: retreat Hell"
DallasDomination;3917649 said:
Battle LA

I enjoyed every last minute of the movie. I love watching the military fight back and not look like a complete waste for once. "

:bow: retreat Hell"

Actually, I found the movie made the military look pretty pathetic. Nothing the Aliens did was all that impressive that our military should get basically wiped out so completely so quickly. Unmanned drones...whoopee, the firepower still wasn't that great.
True Grit 8/10

Pretty good but not the be all end all movie a lot of people where making it out to be
Don't laugh but I saw Toy Story 3. I saw the other 2 when I was a kid, so I decided to see this one on Netflix.

It wasn't bad. Not the best Toy Story but still interesting at least.

The Green Hornet 2/10

mildly entertaining, but only saw the first 45 minutes of it (I think). Horrible chinese accent, and I'm not Chinese, but he was only credible like 10% of the time with that accent, he slipped out of the accent quite often.
VietCowboy;3917960 said:
The Green Hornet 2/10

mildly entertaining, but only saw the first 45 minutes of it (I think). Horrible chinese accent, and I'm not Chinese, but he was only credible like 10% of the time with that accent, he slipped out of the accent quite often.

The guy who plays the part is from Taiwan.
Scream 4


Never was a huge Scream fan, although I will say this is the second best of the series.

Not as scary...and a huge letdown when you find out who is behind the mask in this one.

Halloween (1978) will always be my favorite.
Temo;3917990 said:
The guy who plays the part is from Taiwan.

yeah, I just looked it up and saw an interview, and it is much more pronounced in the interview than it was on screen.
MarionBarberThe4th;3901928 said:
Source Code: 8/10

I thought it was over and it was about to be perfect. Then it went on for about 5 more unnecessary minutes

I just came in to say the exact same thing. I gave it a 7/10. A freeze frame ending would have been perfect.

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