Rate the last movie you saw

tomson75;3967731 said:
I told my wife that the two of you were among the most respected posters on this forum and that we should listen to your advice.

I usually don't lie, but she fell for it....so we're going to go. ;)
:tongue: :laugh1:
theogt;3967861 said:
I'm still excited given the reviews it's getting. The only negatives seem to be that it's pure nostalgia pr0n, to which I happen to be highly susceptible.

I am completely stoked for Super 8, of course it's going to seem less epic when the first trailer was just a train crashing and a "something" trying to beat its way out of a container.
tomson75;3967731 said:
I told my wife that the two of you were among the most respected posters on this forum and that we should listen to your advice.

I usually don't lie, but she fell for it....so we're going to go. ;)

DE????? Respectable????? :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:
Transporter II 5/10

I can put up with a lot of nonsense in action flicks, like the protagonist not being hit by thousands of bullets fired at close range, but there were at least four gravity/physics-defying scenes in this movie which rendered it laughable. Statham only seems capable of one emotion and one facial expression: constipated.
bbgun;3967953 said:
Transporter II 5/10

I can put up with a lot of nonsense in action flicks, like the protagonist not being hit by thousands of bullets fired at close range, but there were at least four gravity/physics-defying scenes in this movie which rendered it laughable. Statham only seems capable of one emotion and one facial expression: constipated.

Yeagermeister;3967943 said:
DE????? Respectable????? :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:

Don't hate. Appreciate. :laugh1:
The30YardSlant;3967708 said:
Great movie. I do not understand how some people think it's stupid and unfunny.

I completely understand those people.
The30YardSlant;3967708 said:
Great movie. I do not understand how some people think it's stupid and unfunny.
I don't get it either. Even some in my own family don't think it's funny but that's not the most fun part of the family to be around either.
theogt;3967861 said:

DallasEast;3967883 said:
:tongue: :laugh1:

Yeagermeister;3967943 said:
DE????? Respectable????? :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:

Well, despite my instincts telling me otherwise, I took their advice.....and as it turns out, they were right. I couldn't wait until the weekend.

X-men First Class gets a 8.5/10....best movie I've seen this year.

Super 8...I'm not really sure. Probably at least 7/10, but I probably have to think about it some. My experience was not helped by the fact that the sound at the theater was terrible. The movie was supposed to be shown in a ETX (AMC's version of IMAX) screen, but they had some issue or other and moved it to another screen, and the surround sound was barely noticeable and the center channel sounded very hollow and far away. The first 5-10 minutes were pretty difficult to even hear what characters were saying.

I will say the movie has a definite old school 80's kid/family movie (think E.T. and/or Goonies) vibe to it, but definitely a darker tone than either of those films. The kids deliver nice performances, as do some of the adults.

I think the film loses a little towards the end when the feeling of mystery and discovery fades away and it becomes a somewhat basic monster movie. There are 2 sequences in particular towards the end that felt slightly generic and somewhat out of place.

The creature's appearance is kept a mystery for much of the movie but when it is shown, it isn't all that spectacular. For me he was more of a side character though that just happened to be the driving force behind the story of the 2 lead kids and their fathers.

I think it has a chance upon further reflection (and a viewing with quality sound) to be and 8 or 9/10, but for now I'll just stick to a 7.5 with room to grow.

X-Men is still the movie to beat.
ChldsPlay;3968508 said:
My experience was not helped by the fact that the sound at the theater was terrible.
In my experience, that can COMPLETELY ruin a movie for me.
Gemini Dolly;3969077 said:
Anyone seen The Town w/ Ben Affleck?

Is it worth watching?

I think I gave it a seven or so. Blake Lively's cell phone snaps of herself while working on the film? Ten.
The Lost Weekend (1945) 4/10. I can't believe this won best picture in 1945 must have been an awful year. It was 100ish minutes, and should have been like 20 minutes. Okay we get, alcohol addiction sucks...


The train wreck alone is worth the price of admission.

E.T.|The Extra-Terrestrial meets Cloverfield??? Perhaps not, but kinda makes sense given that Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams hooked up together for this project.

The movie didn't waver too much from what I expected after watching the previews. All the kids were diverse characters, which made their interactions very funny. The movie itself wasn't so much about the monster, but displayed how grief is dealt with and overcoming great loss.

Good movie. Oh. If some of you don't care for projective vomiting, best to keep watch for the tall kid. :lmao:
I'm going to give it a 9.6 out of 10 only because it has to get a slightly better grade than X-men.

Fantastic movie. Go see it in a digital theater with great sound.
The Human Centipede (First Sequence) 2/10 - I just got a Blu-Ray player, so while I was surfing Instant Watch on Netflix, this one popped up. I figured I'd give it a shot out of morbid curiosity.

I didn't figure I'd last very long on it, but it wasn't as gross as it could have been. The acting was straight up lousy. The fact that the human experiment prevented the two actresses from having any lines of dialog for 2/3 of the movie, actually raised my score.

Exit Through the Gift Shop: 6.5/10 - This documentary gives an interesting look into the graffiti artists, including the amazing work of Banksy. Not your typical documentary, with focus turning on the obsessive nature of the amateur filmmaker, and his quest to join the movement.
tomson75;3968466 said:
Well, despite my instincts telling me otherwise, I took their advice.....and as it turns out, they were right. I couldn't wait until the weekend.

X-men First Class gets a 8.5/10....best movie I've seen this year.


i'll echo this. it's my favorite x-men movie and the only ones to me that look to be better are cowboys and aliens and the new planet of the apes.

the apes movie has me VERY excited about a movie this year!!!

i finally saw the remake of true grit and except for "the dudes" acting (he is one of the most underrated actors of our time) the movie sucked. forced conversations and pregnant pauses between words and such "formal language" just got on my nerves in no time at all.
iceberg;3971008 said:
i finally saw the remake of true grit and except for "the dudes" acting (he is one of the most underrated actors of our time) the movie sucked. forced conversations and pregnant pauses between words and such "formal language" just got on my nerves in no time at all.

watched it the other night, i loved it
In regards to Super 8, after further reflection I'm action going to lower my score to a 6.5 or 7.0. While I love the kids and the central storyline involving overcoming loss, the monster story aspect just completely fell apart the more I thought about it. So, I may give it a 9.5 or so for the kids etc. but like a 2 for the monster and the ending.

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