Rate the last movie you saw

The Green Lantern - 7.5/10. Not perfect by any means, but still quite an entertaining flick. I thought the balance between humor and seriousness was well done, and my biggest faults are with the CG looking kind of cheap a lot of the time, the secondary villain of Hector, and with the really awkward timing of Hal having trauma flashback issues.

On a side note, I saw the Transformers trailer in 3D before this, and it was far and away the best 3D I've seen.
7/10 - Green Lantern. Just based on entertainment value..

I didn't know the origin of the green lantern, so I can't really judge it based on authenticity. There were some things that bothered me. The quickness in how he went from irresponsible to responsible, the mastering of the green lantern skills.
DallasEast;3975534 said:


I don't get it. I'm not exactly certain what is DC's problem with transferring the true essense of their main characters to the big screen, but it's getting pathetic.

Martin Campbell got the Guardians of the Universe down pat. Tomar-Re and Kilowog were outstanding despite their limited time on screen (Michael Clarke Duncan's voice as Kilowog was five-star level casting). Maybe translating CGI characters in this movie was easier??? Who knows?

Angela Bassett as Amanda Waller was a nice NICE touch. She has some of the BEST pair of legs in Hollywood. Wow... (COUGH!) Anyway, she wasn't allowed enough time to really develop Waller's character in this movie. Maybe she'll have the same opportunity in any future DC movies as Samuel L. Jackson has as Nick Fury in Marvel movies to tie films together. :crossed:

The actors playing Abin Sur and Sinestro did great, especially with Sinestro. He nailed Hal Jordan's future arch nemesis's sense of supreme arrogance. Oa was a wonder to behold.

Hector Hammond? Blah. Carol Ferris? Blah. :grrr: (Was that Blake Lively? Shame.) Tim Robbins acting as senator and father in this movie made me wish that his character in The Shawkshank Redemption had never escaped.

Three quarters of the movie drags because evidently Campbell wanted to make a "wise cracking Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern" movie instead allowing Ryan Reynolds to showcase his serious side and submerse himself completely within the character. Note to Reynolds: leave the puppy dog eye routine with your comedic roles. Physically speaking, there may not be another actor in Hollywood who could have pulled off the character's look in this movie, so he and Campbell should be given high props for that at least.

The special effects were first-rate. They gave the cosmic power of The Ring true meaning. Parallex? Superb opening film villain.

That's it. Got it off my chest. My months long anticipation was underwhelmed. DC should be awfully appreciative of Christopher Nolan and his Batman franchise. REALLY appreciative... because Marvel continues kicking their corporate butt on screen. However, there is one thing for fans of the comic title to really look forward to in the sequel [***SPOILER ALERT IN WHITE BELOW***]

The YELLOW ring has been created!

From the previews, it's not high on the list to see because of the overabundance of CGI, however I'm a big fan of Ryan Reynolds.

Do you think this will hinder his rise to the mainstream ranks as an actor?
WoodysGirl;3976379 said:
7/10 - Green Lantern. Just based on entertainment value..

I didn't know the origin of the green lantern, so I can't really judge it based on authenticity. There were some things that bothered me. The quickness in how he went from irresponsible to responsible, the mastering of the green lantern skills.
The transition from non-committal Hal Jordan to responsible Hal Jordan would have worked much better if the movie had been longer. They could have devoted more time into establishing his background more. Maybe it'll be a lesson learned for the sequel.

Now the comic book character of Earth's Green Lantern is not unlike him being one of 'the chosen'. He adapted pretty quickly to the ring and its abilities. It wasn't that long before he was regarded as the best the Corps had ever seen in very short order. It is also one of the reasons why Sinestro went rogue and soon betrayed the Corps.

Of course, this is my recollection of his story from when I was still buying comics full-time before the mid-90's. DC could have revised it since then.
Aikmaniac;3976459 said:
From the previews, it's not high on the list to see because of the overabundance of CGI, however I'm a big fan of Ryan Reynolds.

Do you think this will hinder his rise to the mainstream ranks as an actor?
It should not have much effect on his abilities to land large or small comedic roles. Dramatic roles? I'm not certain, but I do not believe he did himself any favors.

There was a small scene which took place when he first powered up his ring with his battery. It was WAY over the top. Perhaps that's how the director wanted it to play out, but something tells me it was more of Reynolds ad libbing the scene a la channeling Van Wilder.

Hal Jordan's character is more stern and unflappable. I believe he would have increased his odds of landing more serious roles if he had played the role much closer to character.
DallasEast;3976643 said:
Hal Jordan's character is more stern and unflappable. I believe he would have increased his odds of landing more serious roles if he had played the role much closer to character.

I think Reynolds is so obsessed with getting a DeadPool movie done that he is probably not too worried about landing those other roles at the moment.
Hoop Reality - The followup to the award winning documentary 'Hoop Dreams.' However, it's not produced by the same company that produced Hoop Dreams. The production values were quite good though and there was enough good footage. No William Gates in this one (he's now a minister with a family). And there is no stuff with St. Joe's, which is good for my tastes because it was tough to watch them use and abuse Agee in Hoop Dreams whereas Marshall High School's new coach (Luther Bedford passed away) seems to do a really great job of being there for his players and stressing the right things in life.

Hoop Reality follows up on Agee's life a bit and with the new star of Marshall High's basketball team, Patrick Beverley (now a pro player in Europe who was drafted by the Lakers and then traded to the Heat).

The main issue with the movie is that Agee is doing the narration and he's too much of a fan of the team and Beverley, along with being involved in the story as well. So it comes off too much like a promotional video for Marshall, Beverley and Agee than a documentary that reports the story with little or no bias.

They will probably never make a documentary on basketball quite as good as Hoop Dreams (although the Heart of the Game was really, really freaking great), but Hoop Reality had the footage there to make a solid documentary and followup to the original.

In the end, Agee wanted to be the star of the documentary, but he was better off as a nice role player like he was in the first one (his mother and coach Bedford were the real stars of the Hoop Dreams). Agee never really understands that and I think it held the movie back.

Grade: C-

Joe Rod;3976657 said:
I think Reynolds is so obsessed with getting a DeadPool movie done that he is probably not too worried about landing those other roles at the moment.
That's actually a good strategy for him. Deadpool's character is perfect for his acting style. His scenes in X-Men Origins|Wolverine should serve as a great springboard for him.
Joe Rod;3976657 said:
I think Reynolds is so obsessed with getting a DeadPool movie done that he is probably not too worried about landing those other roles at the moment.

I still have no idea how they decided to cast him as both, maybe the amount of time he has the mask on will offset the fact that he's planning to play two super heroes but it's a pretty silly move to cast him as both.

What if both end up being franchises? Then you have the same guy appearing twice a year as a superhero? Maybe they should make Deadpool an R rated movie and that way they can at least play to different audiences. Of course they won't do that though, they want money.
TheCount;3976764 said:
I still have no idea how they decided to cast him as both, maybe the amount of time he has the mask on will offset the fact that he's planning to play two super heroes but it's a pretty silly move to cast him as both.

What if both end up being franchises? Then you have the same guy appearing twice a year as a superhero? Maybe they should make Deadpool an R rated movie and that way they can at least play to different audiences. Of course they won't do that though, they want money.

They said that Deadpool is indeed supposed to be a much darker and quite possibly R-Rated. The guys who wrote the script are the same ones that did Zombie-land.
Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides


I don't think this movie needed to be in 3D but it was very entertaining and Geoffrey Rush and Johnny Depp were good as usual.

Geoffry Rush may be the best pure actor in Hollywood.

Btw, a very long preview of the Green Lantern was shown before the movie and I am going to see it mainly because it looks like it is pretty cool in 3D.
DallasEast;3976757 said:
That's actually a good strategy for him. Deadpool's character is perfect for his acting style. His scenes in X-Men Origins|Wolverine should serve as a great springboard for him.

He actually was convincing in Amityville Horror. His acting was good but he was too much of a pretty boy for the role.

He could have a career similar to Tom Cruise's. He just needs a Top Gun-type role which will cater to all audiences.
127 Hours - 8/10

Man, the end is pretty brutal but Franco does a great job. I was glad, maybe the correct word is relieved, when it was over though. Wow.
green lantern


my husband & i saw this today. very fun & entertaining movie. ryan reynolds is great.
IP Man - 8/10 - Excellent martial arts film. It's up there with my favorites such as Fist of Legend.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - 7.5/10 - An exciting thriller. I haven't read the books, so I don't know how it compares.
Boom;3976961 said:
IP Man - 8/10 - Excellent martial arts film. It's up there with my favorites such as Fist of Legend.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - 7.5/10 - An exciting thriller. I haven't read the books, so I don't know how it compares.

Do so, it's a great series of books.
Gemini Dolly;3969077 said:
Anyone seen The Town w/ Ben Affleck?

Is it worth watching?
Very good movie. It was better the first time though, when it was called Heat.
Super 8
9/10 I think it's just fantastic. A review I read compared it favorably to Stand by Me, rather than lighthearted films like the Goonies.

Can't wait to pick it up when it's on Blu-ray.
nyc;3976971 said:
Do so, it's a great series of books.

Thanks. Someone else told me they were good reading. I'll definitely check them out.
nyc;3976971 said:
Do so, it's a great series of books.

Eh, I don't know about that. The first book is fantastic, the other two don't even seem like they were by the same author.

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