I don't get it. I'm not exactly certain what is DC's problem with transferring the true essense of their main characters to the big screen, but it's getting pathetic.
Martin Campbell got the Guardians of the Universe down pat. Tomar-Re and Kilowog were outstanding despite their limited time on screen (Michael Clarke Duncan's voice as Kilowog was five-star level casting). Maybe translating CGI characters in this movie was easier??? Who knows?
Angela Bassett as Amanda Waller was a nice NICE touch. She has some of the BEST pair of legs in Hollywood. Wow... (COUGH!) Anyway, she wasn't allowed enough time to really develop Waller's character in this movie. Maybe she'll have the same opportunity in any future DC movies as Samuel L. Jackson has as Nick Fury in Marvel movies to tie films together. :crossed:
The actors playing Abin Sur and Sinestro did great, especially with Sinestro. He nailed Hal Jordan's future arch nemesis's sense of supreme arrogance. Oa was a wonder to behold.
Hector Hammond? Blah. Carol Ferris? Blah. :grrr: (Was that Blake Lively? Shame.) Tim Robbins acting as senator and father in this movie made me wish that his character in The Shawkshank Redemption had never escaped.
Three quarters of the movie drags because evidently Campbell wanted to make a "wise cracking Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern" movie instead allowing Ryan Reynolds to showcase his serious side and submerse himself completely within the character. Note to Reynolds: leave the puppy dog eye routine with your comedic roles. Physically speaking, there may not be another actor in Hollywood who could have pulled off the character's look in this movie, so he and Campbell should be given high props for that at least.
The special effects were first-rate. They gave the cosmic power of The Ring true meaning. Parallex? Superb opening film villain.
That's it. Got it off my chest. My months long anticipation was underwhelmed. DC should be awfully appreciative of Christopher Nolan and his Batman franchise. REALLY appreciative... because Marvel continues kicking their corporate butt on screen. However, there is one thing for fans of the comic title to really look forward to in the sequel [***SPOILER ALERT IN WHITE BELOW***]
The YELLOW ring has been created!