Rate the last movie you saw

DallasEast;3981049 said:
Inception got a 10/10 from me. If Black Swan is the better movie, it's gonna knock my socks off.

:laugh2: I guess it is dependant on the viewer and expectations. My wife literally made me watch Black Swan, but I have been wanting to see Inception for a long time.
BrAinPaiNt;3981071 said:
I hope that comes on one of the movie channels soon. Saw a short clip of it and it looked pretty wicked.

You can watch it on Netflix, if you have it.

Aikmaniac;3981115 said:
The elevator movie?

No. You're thinking of 'Devil'.
DallasEast;3981049 said:
Inception got a 10/10 from me. If Black Swan is the better movie, it's gonna knock my socks off.

It's not. :laugh2:

No movie could live up to the type of hype Inception had, but it's very good.

I felt the same about Super 8, but I still gave it an 8/10 because I didn't go to see it planning to measure it to the hype.

I still remember FINALLY seeing Citizen Kane and being like, "Okayy... this is the best film ever made?" :laugh2: :laugh2:
Employee of the Month - The one with Cook and Simpson..I think there was another one..6.5/10
"Hot Coffee" -- 9/10

an HBO documentary about tort reform in the US.

It is named after the case about the McDonald's lawsuit over the spilled coffee. It's really a great documentary. Everyone should check it out. Was certainly eye opening.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps: 4/10 - I always find Shia Labeouf annoying and this movie lacked any tension buildup. It had some potential but fell flat, IMO.

TiMER: 6/10 - A watchable rom-com about a lonely woman in a society where people can purchase an implant that displays a digital countdown to when they will meet their perfect match.
peplaw06;3981492 said:
"Hot Coffee" -- 9/10

an HBO documentary about tort reform in the US.

Let me guess. You watched it to see if you could find a way to prevent tort reform? :muttley: ;)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997) 8.5/10 a bit too long (2.5 hours!) but overall really decent good movie. John Cusack and Kevin Spacey, can't get much better than that.
VietCowboy;3981936 said:
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997) 8.5/10 a bit too long (2.5 hours!) but overall really decent good movie. John Cusack and Kevin Spacey, can't get much better than that.
Bad Teacher. I'd give it a 5. Save your money and just watch the commercials. All the best parts of the scenes are contained in those.
Bridesmaids - (Very funny, not a chick-flick)

Older movies:

Inception - (I thought the concept was hard to believe, although i enjoyed Dicaprio and some of the graphics)

The Fighter - (Best movie i have seen in a long time)
"Super 8"

The first half was a 9. Started out incredibly well. The train crash was very cool, but very unrealistic. And don't get me started about the yawhoo driving the pickup truck into the front of a diesel locomotive... And living.

The last half was a 5. Way too predictable. Very much a "been there, done that" feel to it.

Overall a 7.
nyc;3981863 said:
Let me guess. You watched it to see if you could find a way to prevent tort reform? :muttley: ;)
Well, I'm not a tort lawyer... but I have to admit, I wouldn't really call what the gov't has been doing "tort reform." :)
Transformers: Dark of the Moon...eh, I guess a 7/10 right now. I wasn't really in the right frame of mind when I watched it last night. Definitely darker than the others, and the last battle in Chicago is the last 40 minutes to an hour of the film. Still plenty of silly humor (some good, some not), but not as much as in the previous films. I don't think I cared much for the new love interest. Not that she was bad or anything, just after 2 movies with Megan Fox (and a particular focus on their relationship in the last movie) I just didn't have the connection for her character to make some of the weight of the film pay off.

Some of the Decepticons were disappointing again. The supposed new bad guy for the film (shockwave) was pretty irrelevant. But there were bigger fish to fry, and one in particular has some good stuff, and nice surprises (if you weren't spoiled as I was).

Going again tonight, hopefully I'm in a better mood. I know I'll be in a better theater (ETX) and hopefully better seating. If I change my mind, I'll adjust accordingly.
Joe Rod;3981086 said:
:laugh2: I guess it is dependant on the viewer and expectations. My wife literally made me watch Black Swan, but I have been wanting to see Inception for a long time.

Black Swan is worth seeing for that one scene alone. Mila Kunis deserved a best supporting actress Oscar for her role in that scene
BrAinPaiNt;3981069 said:
Recently saw Inception and The Social Network...found both a little over hyped.

They were OK IMO but nowhere as good as I thought they would be.

I preferred Social Network. I still can't figure out what the hell was going on in Inception
Changing my transformers score to 8.5 after a second viewing. The best one of the series, easily. Not perfect, but very good entertaining movie.
peplaw06;3982016 said:
Well, I'm not a tort lawyer... but I have to admit, I wouldn't really call what the gov't has been doing "tort reform." :)

Hey lawyerface: long story short if I punch a guy when he gets out of jail can I just lie and said he came at me? Since he would have a record and be less reputable?
MarionBarberThe4th;3982224 said:
Hey lawyerface: long story short if I punch a guy when he gets out of jail can I just lie and said he came at me? Since he would have a record and be less reputable?
sure you could do that... of course it would be more complicated than that. I.e. why were you around the Guy. Were you trying to instigate something? Then there's the whole perjury and lying to law enforcement thing. But I guess there's a chance you could get away with it.

Side note: the whole self-defense thing is usually reserved for when you kill someone. If its just an assault, there's nothing stopping the cops from charging both you and the recently released Guy with assault.

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