Rate the last movie you saw

Ides of March - 7/10
Pretty good, but it played out almost like a short story, not a feature. Clooney was good in this one, as was Gosling.

Red State - 5/10
I still have no idea what this movie was about, really. I'm sure there's some political or religious message I didn't quite grasp, but when it was over, I didn't give a crap about a single person in the film.

Date Night - 6/10
It was enjoyable, but not particularly memorable. It was fun watching these two run around, you get the idea they were trying to make each other laugh the entire time.

Conan O'Brien Can't Stop - 8/10
You really get to see the kind of maniac you have to be to have a talk show. I always find documentaries about comedians interesting because a lot of them are funny on stage but miserable off it. It's kind of like if they weren't comedians, they'd be clinically depressed.

The Mechanic (Remake) - 7/10
I'm actually a big fan of Ben Foster, I think he is an incredibly underrated actor and that sooner or later, he's going to be a star. This is an enjoyable action movie, you just have to take it for what it is.
The Rum Diaries...3/10

I was so amped, thinking it was going to be another Fear and Loathing, but it was pretty boring. It wasn't funny at all. I walked out finally, with about 35 minutes left. I just didn't care how it was going to end at that point. It's just a movie about Johnny Depp becoming a writer at a newspaper in Puerto Rico. That's about it. Boring.
Transformers 3 4/10

I'm usually not the kind of person that gets all hung up on details, i love stuff like Godzilla movies so my standards are pretty low as long as i get to see big things fight. This movie however annoyed me a lot for one of those little details. Skyscrapers falling down explosions and broken glass everywhere and that chick in the white jacket doesn't get as much as a dust stain on it and her hair stays perfect the whole time even though she was inn one of those buildings as it fell down :laugh2:
Rynie;4220311 said:
The Rum Diaries...3/10

I was so amped, thinking it was going to be another Fear and Loathing, but it was pretty boring. It wasn't funny at all. I walked out finally, with about 35 minutes left. I just didn't care how it was going to end at that point. It's just a movie about Johnny Depp becoming a writer at a newspaper in Puerto Rico. That's about it. Boring.

Saw this mini-review at a diff site:

Saw Rum Diary yesterday, and holy **** was it bad. Like, really. Embarrassingly bad. So bad that I actually walked out, which is something I almost never do. Avoid at all costs.
Paranormal Activity 3 - 6/10
Kind of a hard task to scare someone in a full theater.
The best way to watch these is to wait for the DVD and watch it by yourself at 3 AM.
Went on a date and saw Paranormal Activity 3. The choice for the time we were seeing was that and Puss N Boots.


I won't spoil anything. I've seen the first but not the second one. If you've seen the first, don't pay a theater to watch the 3rd. Wait for it to come out at Redbox or something. If you haven't seen the first, take your pick on which you want to see. They all pretty much do the same thing, give you cheap scares, no plots, no real stories etc.

I would have given it a 7/10 if I hadn't seen the first one.
Ren;4220386 said:
Transformers 3 4/10

I'm usually not the kind of person that gets all hung up on details, i love stuff like Godzilla movies so my standards are pretty low as long as i get to see big things fight. This movie however annoyed me a lot for one of those little details. Skyscrapers falling down explosions and broken glass everywhere and that chick in the white jacket doesn't get as much as a dust stain on it and her hair stays perfect the whole time even though she was inn one of those buildings as it fell down :laugh2:
Part of what made Die Hard so great was you couldn't recognize Bruce Willis at the end of the movie.

Like Crazy 1 / 5

It's a chick flick my wife wanted to see. I suppose it had a decent story line, but they would completely skip parts that you felt needed to see play out and later imply what happen. :confused:

Then finally at the end, they left the outcome up to interpretation. /FAIL

The movie had no closure to it. You leave feeling like you don't know if A) happen or B) which in the end makes the movie suck that much worse.

Tower Heist 6.5/10

Had some funny moments, but they should have notched it up a bit, very underwhelmed.
VietCowboy;4231812 said:
Tower Heist 6.5/10

Had some funny moments, but they should have notched it up a bit, very underwhelmed.

My wife wanted to see this movie until she read Brett Ratner's comments about Olivia Munn. After that she said she wouldn't ever watch one of that $&%^ heads movies. :laugh2:
Megan is Missing - Unrateable

It's hard to rate a movie that is so disturbing, so chilling, so graphic, and so realistic. Basically, the story follows two teenage girls who are abducted. The film is put together by various "footage" elements such as web chats, news reports, video camera, etc. It is explained that it is based on several actual abduction incidents.

The two teenagers are best friends while being polar opposites. One of them goes missing after meeting a stranger on a web chat session. Her best friend then goes missing a week later.

I do not recommend watching this movie if you have a weak stomach or are easily phased by disturbing images. It really hits you to the core on what kind of monsters are out there looking for kids like ours. If you have Netflix streaming, it is available there.

It takes a while to get going but once this stranger has contacted "Megan", the first abductee, things go south quickly. I will not watch this again but glad I did watch it in its entirety to be more aware of what a dangerous world we live in with creeps like these.

If you want more details, send me a pm. I will not post anything specific for everyone to read.
Larry Crowne - 7/10
I didn't expect to like it, and it bombed in theaters, but actually a nice and sweet, feel good movie. The story itself is completely unbelievable of course, but I don't think that's the point. It's a good cast too, Wilmer Valderrama (who played Fez in That 70's Show) was probably the funniest. Hanks and Roberts are their usual likable selves, not much of a stretch.

Conan, The Barbarian - 3/10
Terrible acting, terrible story, and sloppy (though gory) action. Maybe half the point was to see this in 3D because I thought it was awful. Didn't even finish it.
The Immortals....10/10

We went to the midnight premier of The Immortals last night (in 3D). It was freaking AWESOME. It was visually STUNNING like 300. I don't mind the fact that these movies are basically ALL green screen/CGI. The story is a little weak, but the action more than makes up for it. I highly recommend!
The Immortals 7.5/10 I liked 300 better, but yes, i agree that the visual is this movie is mind-blowing......pun intended. I took .5 away for the ridiculous outfits of the gods, ugh.

J. Edgar 9/10 Really enjoyed it more than I expected. i think they put him in a slightly favorable light, although they didn't shy away from some of his controversy, especially towards the end. DiCaprio was very very good in this, i can see him winning some awards for his performance.
Melancholia -1,485 of 5 stars.

Dear god that was an absolutely TERRIBLE movie. The odd thing is, it seems to be getting a lot of good reviews. (what in hell for I have no freaking idea!)

First off, it's a two hour movie and it starts off with about 20 freaking minutes of music playing over basically still frames. (umm, WHY! A complete waste of 20 minutes!)

It's about a planet that was hidden by the sun comes around and is on a crash course with the Earth, though they don't talk a whole lot about it until the end.

Meanwhile, this girl gets married (Kirsten Dunst), but wants nothing to do with him at the wedding reception or the reception at all. Does completely stupid ignorant stuff without without giving any reason for it.

This movie is horrible. So bad that even though I want Michael Vick to play with broken ribs and have a few more broken in the process, I would not recommend this movie to him to watch.

All the worlds government should keep a close eye on the guy who wrote this film. He is a sick man and probably very destructive.
Sam I Am;4249004 said:
Melancholia -1,485 of 5 stars.

Dear god that was an absolutely TERRIBLE movie. The odd thing is, it seems to be getting a lot of good reviews. (what in hell for I have no freaking idea!)

First off, it's a two hour movie and it starts off with about 20 freaking minutes of music playing over basically still frames. (umm, WHY! A complete waste of 20 minutes!)

It's about a planet that was hidden by the sun comes around and is on a crash course with the Earth, though they don't talk a whole lot about it until the end.

Meanwhile, this girl gets married (Kirsten Dunst), but wants nothing to do with him at the wedding reception or the reception at all. Does completely stupid ignorant stuff without without giving any reason for it.

This movie is horrible. So bad that even though I want Michael Vick to play with broken ribs and have a few more broken in the process, I would not recommend this movie to him to watch.

All the worlds government should keep a close eye on the guy who wrote this film. He is a sick man and probably very destructive.

Meloncholia is directed by the same guy that directed Antichrist, I'll have to check it out. Guy is a total basketcase, but his films require patience.
TheCount;4249149 said:
Meloncholia is directed by the same guy that directed Antichrist, I'll have to check it out. Guy is a total basketcase, but his films require patience.

He uses a ton of symbolism and it changes (Jamie's view of the world) throughout the movie, but it's a really deranged view he creates with this movie. While I can see where he tried to create a very deep movie, he really went out on a screwed up ledge with it. Not believable, not endearing, nothing the natural psyche can relate too. (unless you are a deranged freak too)

Not to mention the long completely useless beginning of the film.

EDIT: oh yeah, and the movie is in "parts" and each part Jamie's different. I hinted at that above, but.. well you will see what I mean if you watch it.

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