Rate the last movie you saw

Beat Down

Terrible terrible terrible

Has some MMA guys in it. Bisping actually did not do a bad job for what he was asked to do but the whole story was lame, predictable, silly and some of how the director did the camera work/shots was just annoying and not needed.

Avoid this movie.
sherlock holmes: a game of shadows


simply put, definitely better then the first. :D
kristie;4317335 said:
sherlock holmes: a game of shadows


simply put, definitely better then the first. :D

Not 2 doubt u, but I doubt that

Not that's its better then the 1st, but 10/10
Warrior - 6/10 - after watching this I'm not surprised people can't understand Tom Hardys accent in Dark Knight Rises. He had what seemed like a mix of Philly/Jamacia.

The movie didn't work for me. It was unrealistic all over the place and too over the top.

Nick nolte almost had me near the end but they ruined it.
Sherlock Holmes 2: 6.5, maybe 7/10. Just about the same as the first one, which for me was entertaining but unspectacular. There was one scene early on that I thought that was great between Moriarty and Holmes, but ultimately I never felt that invested in any of it.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes 7/10

As misanthropic as the original, but I guess that's Hollywood values for ya.
ChldsPlay;4319614 said:
Sherlock Holmes 2: 6.5, maybe 7/10. Just about the same as the first one, which for me was entertaining but unspectacular. There was one scene early on that I thought that was great between Moriarty and Holmes, but ultimately I never felt that invested in any of it.
I guess I'd give it about an 8 of 10. I enjoyed from beginning to end.
Sherlock Holmes 2: 7/10 Overall I enjoyed this movie but it wasnt anything special.
Rumble in the Bronx 7/10

Good acting and Jackie Chan don't go hand and hand but if u can look past this and the horrible dubbing........its entertaining and worth watching.

I've seen it many time but seen it on netflixs and decided to watch it for nostalgia, while not as good as when I was young I still enjoyed it.
The Hangover


It was OK, i've seen funnier. For all the hype it got from people I know who have seen it, it couldn't have lived up. So essentially I had elevated expectations. The Big Lebowski and Office Space are still 1 and 2 the most funny I've seen.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

8/10 - Pretty much what you expect. So-so acting, pretty good fight scenes, and just unbelievable stunts.

Great mindless entertainment and I loved it. A questionable plot twist, that didn't take away from the movie, and I guess it sorta set up the next movie.
WoodysGirl;4328112 said:
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

8/10 - Pretty much what you expect. So-so acting, pretty good fight scenes, and just unbelievable stunts.

Great mindless entertainment and I loved it. A questionable plot twist, that didn't take away from the movie, and I guess it sorta set up the next movie.
Saw it in IMAX. Some of those scenes had me just crawling into a ball in my seat.
theogt;4328277 said:
Saw it in IMAX. Some of those scenes had me just crawling into a ball in my seat.
Even knowing it was fake and the movie's over, I still cringe when I think about one in particular.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol 8/10 - Really enjoyed this movie, the best one of the series in my opinion.

I Lonely Place To Die: 7/10 - Rented this over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised.
We were going to see Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but it was sold out well in advance. So, we just went home and rented a movie OnDemand. That movie was Source Code. I give it an 8/10

It was a pretty good movie. Definitely worth watching. Although, Source Code was a terrible name for it as the term makes no sense in conjunction with what they were doing. Might as well have called it Toaster Oven.
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Awesome. They kept very close to the book for the most part. I highly recommend seeing it. Though be aware it's over 2 1/2 hours.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - 9/10
Possibly the most enjoyable action movie I've seen in years. I'm a huge fan of the Bond movies, but this absolutely put the recent ones to shame. I know it's fashionable to dislike Tom Cruise, but I find him immensely watchable.

Brad Bird, the director, is one of my favorites when it comes to animated films (He directed The Incredibles, Iron Giant, and Ratatouille and was a creative lead for Up) and it's amazing that he's able to bring that magic so well to live action.

All the characters were believeable to me, the fact that Brandt was so pessimistic during all the missions was just one of those nice touches that makes sense later in the film.

And Paula Patton... wow. She's absolutely stunning, but she also sold the physicality which I think will land her more action gigs.

Even the humor was spot on, the fact that the self destruct wouldn't work correctly in Russia without a little knock was very clever.
Sam I Am;4341674 said:
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Awesome. They kept very close to the book for the most part. I highly recommend seeing it. Though be aware it's over 2 1/2 hours.

The new one?
I was worried the new one would not be a raw as the others. Did you see the other 3 movies?

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