Rate the last movie you saw

The Thing (2011) - 7/10 - Enjoyable, but probably moves faster than it needs to for audiences with shorter attention spans. Also like how it nicely segues into the original, so newer audiences may actually check that one out as well.

Fright Night (2011) - 6/10 - Meh, not bad but not memorable either.

Fast Five - 8/10 - I loved the first one when I was a teenager and haven't watched another till this one, which I also enjoyed.

Punture - 8/10 - Probably the first real role I've seen Chris Evans in, he was very good and the movie is good in general with solid acting all around.
Immortals - 3 out of 10 - Visually, it was well done (the headgear that the gods wore was pretty cheesy though). Otherwise, it dragged in parts, the character development was terrible and there was only one battle scene that I was truly impressed with. Total embarrasment of a movie. They could have made this into a brilliant mini-series on HBO instead of a poor movie that only got by because of the visuals and comparisons to 300.

Twilight Breaking Wind Part 1 - 3 out of 10 - Sometimes being a husband requires....sacrifice. I just can't get behind sparkling vampires and poor acting werewolves. I held out hope that one of them would finally bite Kristen Stewart in the face (that would have bumped it up to 8 out of 10), but I ended up disappointed as usual. Worst of the series of movies that is heavily geared toward the ladies.

Puss in Boots - 7 out of 10 - Not a masterpiece, but entertaining and the kids really loved it. I would say to skip it in the theaters, because it would be an awesome rental option when it comes out. We will end up owning it to entertain the kids on our annual drive to Key West.

The Human Centipede - Can't even rate it - Let's just say that I hung out with some odd birds this Thanksgiving. Terrible movie that will be legendary because of its horrible acting, cheesiness and obviously disturbing idea. I will need a good year before I can figure out what I thought of it, but it has been a constant goof amongst the family and friends since we saw it a week ago.

Let Me In - 8 out of 10 - Thoroughly enjoyed it. The gal that played the vampire was the one that played HitGirl in Kick"butt". I did not watch the foreign version and do not feel bad about skipping it.
ChopBlock;4279304 said:
Liar, Liar - 10/10 -- Funny as h@!! and based on a real life story.

I'd give it a 15/10 for the unintentionally hilarious title.
ChopBlock;4279304 said:
Liar, Liar - 10/10 -- Funny as h@!! and based on a real life story.

I like it too. Very easy to steal from when I'm short on dramatic or homespun stories.
Joe Rod;4281623 said:
Let Me In - 8 out of 10 - Thoroughly enjoyed it. The gal that played the vampire was the one that played HitGirl in Kick"butt". I did not watch the foreign version and do not feel bad about skipping it.

I also thought this was an excellent movie. Loved every aspect of it. The only part I didn't fully understand was the part where she had to be "invited" in. IT was kinda poorly described what was actually going on in the movie. All in all, I gave it a 9 of 10.
The King's Speech - Good acting job by those involved but overall I thought it was nowhere as good as it was hyped up to be. Slow and boring and not a movie I would watch again.

Horrible Bosses - Meh...had a few moments but other than Jennifer Anniston's role I was just not that into it...although Colin's comb over and over the top house interior with the 80's kung ** stuff was kind of funny.

Fubar:Balls to the wall - I actually liked this. I never seen the first movie and had not heard of the second so I had low expectations before watching it and that might be why I liked it. Just cracked me up in a few areas.

Unknown - Liam Neeson so that is a plus off the bat. Not great, not terrible but ok for what it was going for. Plus you got the old german detective that was the guy who played hitler in the movie the Downfall...who some might know from all of the hitler parodies on youtube.

Soul Surfer - Ok for a family film although the shark scene might scare the children.
BrAinPaiNt;4293549 said:
The King's Speech - Good acting job by those involved but overall I thought it was nowhere as good as it was hyped up to be. Slow and boring and not a movie I would watch again.

Horrible Bosses - Meh...had a few moments but other than Jennifer Anniston's role I was just not that into it...although Colin's comb over and over the top house interior with the 80's kung ** stuff was kind of funny.

Fubar:Balls to the wall - I actually liked this. I never seen the first movie and had not heard of the second so I had low expectations before watching it and that might be why I liked it. Just cracked me up in a few areas.

Unknown - Liam Neeson so that is a plus off the bat. Not great, not terrible but ok for what it was going for. Plus you got the old german detective that was the guy who played hitler in the movie the Downfall...who some might know from all of the hitler parodies on youtube.

Soul Surfer - Ok for a family film although the shark scene might scare the children.

Simpsons version was better.

X-Men First Class. 5/10, Havok was Cyclops' brother not his dad/granddad. Continuity fail.
Warrior - 9/10

Great performances from Tom Hardy, Nolty, and Edgerton. Hardy is becoming a force. Can't wait for Batman now. Pretty real movie without a lot of BS. If you like good acting and MMA...SEE IT!

Bonus: Kurt Angle plays a Russian MMA fighter!!!
casmith07;4293659 said:
X-Men First Class. 5/10, Havok was Cyclops' brother not his dad/granddad. Continuity fail.
How does it affect the continuity in the film universe? He wasn't in the first three films.
Aikmaniac;4231891 said:
Megan is Missing - Unrateable

It's hard to rate a movie that is so disturbing, so chilling, so graphic, and so realistic. Basically, the story follows two teenage girls who are abducted. The film is put together by various "footage" elements such as web chats, news reports, video camera, etc. It is explained that it is based on several actual abduction incidents.

The two teenagers are best friends while being polar opposites. One of them goes missing after meeting a stranger on a web chat session. Her best friend then goes missing a week later.

I do not recommend watching this movie if you have a weak stomach or are easily phased by disturbing images. It really hits you to the core on what kind of monsters are out there looking for kids like ours. If you have Netflix streaming, it is available there.

It takes a while to get going but once this stranger has contacted "Megan", the first abductee, things go south quickly. I will not watch this again but glad I did watch it in its entirety to be more aware of what a dangerous world we live in with creeps like these.

If you want more details, send me a pm. I will not post anything specific for everyone to read.

This movie is strait DISTURBING!!!! The director is insane.
Its suppose to be a look into a psychotic mind, and that it is.

I feel disturbed for finishing this film, I suffered thru this horrible premise and bad acting waiting for justices.

I do not recommend Megan is missing and under the title should be buyer beware.

Between the psychotic and disturbing feel of this movie paired with bad acting this movie is just bad........just bad
The Help 7/10 - Humorous and tightly nit, which I wasn't expecting.

Hugo 4/10 - Slow and boring.

Arthur Christmas 9/10 - This was a real surprise. The wife wanted to see it and I went reluctantly. Very good stuff.
bbgun;4313581 said:
The Inbetweeners Movie 7/10

I did not even know they made a movie with that group.

I will have to try and find that.

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