Rate the last movie you saw

viman96;4341819 said:
I was worried the new one would not be a raw as the others. Did you see the other 3 movies?

Nope, but I think you will approve of this one. It is really good and very raw. There were many gasps in the theater from people not expecting parts to be so graphic. (like the rape scenes and they weren't shy about nudity) I can't freaking wait until the make the other movies.

Rooney Mara did a great job and I was put off by the thought of having Daniel Craig playing Blomkvist, but he too did a great job.

The intro into the movie is very cool too. Lots of kick *** animation.

Edit: Oh yeah, and Rooney Mara (Lisbeth Salander) is daughter to Timothy Christopher Mara of the New York Giants.
That is good to know. That scene is the one I was thinking of and wondering if they would cut it out for the remake.

If you have Netflix account then you can stream all 3 movies.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - 9/10

Best 2.5 hours at the theater I've had in awhile. Not a movie for the whole family...in fact, don't know why it was released around the holidays (think that'll hurt its box office draw)...but such a fantastic movie.

It's in your face.

Loved the opening credits.
Sam I Am;4341897 said:
Nope, but I think you will approve of this one. It is really good and very raw. There were many gasps in the theater from people not expecting parts to be so graphic. (like the rape scenes and they weren't shy about nudity) I can't freaking wait until the make the other movies.

Rooney Mara did a great job and I was put off by the thought of having Daniel Craig playing Blomkvist, but he too did a great job.

The intro into the movie is very cool too. Lots of kick *** animation.

Edit: Oh yeah, and Rooney Mara (Lisbeth Salander) is daughter to Timothy Christopher Mara of the New York Giants.

This is good to know. I was afraid the American version would "sanitize" it from the original version where it wouldn't be recognizable. I hope to see it some time this weekend. I just have to figure out who I can go see it with. I know my wife wouldn't like it at all.
Jammer;4342451 said:
This is good to know. I was afraid the American version would "sanitize" it from the original version where it wouldn't be recognizable. I hope to see it some time this weekend. I just have to figure out who I can go see it with. I know my wife wouldn't like it at all.

It's a powerful movie. My wife doesn't like the same stuff I do, but she liked it quite a bit.
Saw 7 (I think): The Final Chapter: 2/10. Absolutely Horrible. Never really been a fan of these movies, but they've been especially bad of late. There was no creativity to this at all. And the whole film seemed like it was made by some guys at film school or something, not professionals. Just very poor acting and production.
Sam I Am;4342855 said:
It's a powerful movie. My wife doesn't like the same stuff I do, but she liked it quite a bit.

I just got back from watching The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Better than I imagined. I loved the original Swedish version and even though the American version got great reviews I still had my doubts. It was great. I loved how the kept it based in Sweden and even though they spoke English they still had the Swedish accent (at least to my ears) to give it more feel.

I went alone and I wished she went with me, because I think she would have enjoyed it. She went with a friend to see the latest George Clooney movie instead. I may try to talk her into seeing with me again.
Just re-watched Jarhead. One of my favorite movies of all time. 10/10

Ace Ventura Pet Detective- very funny for a tv movie haha. 8/10 Jim Carrey is hilarious
We saw The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo yesterday. It's the best film I've seen in quite a while, and Rooney Mara's character is the best I've seen in years.
Dodger;4344329 said:
We saw The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo yesterday. It's the best film I've seen in quite a while, and Rooney Mara's character is the best I've seen in years.
It was beautiful to watch. There's no doubt Fincher is the best visual director of the current generation. The first 2/3 of the movie were near picture perfect. Very taught. But I can't help but feel that it just sort of came unraveled at the end. I would still give it nearly a 10 of 10.

Another movie that was spectacular that's currently out is We Bought a Zoo. The childrens' performances were some of the best I've ever seen. The movie's an emotional one from beginning to end, and of course Damon is fantastic.
Idiot Brother: 5/10
It had all the reasons I avoided it to begin with. Predictable and clichéd. Trailers made it to look like a comedy. Laughs were few and far between.

30 Minutes or Less: 7/10
Better than I thought it would be as I had low expectations to begin with. I like the comedy of Aziz Ansari, but I can see how his "routine" can get old rather quick. I like it when I see a movie when I have no expectations and it's better than I thought it would be.
Syriana - blahhhhhhhhhhhh 1/10. ***, fell asleep after seeing the child electrocuted.

Everybody's fine - 1/10.

The Descendants - 2/10. I hated this movie, and I liked Up in the Air

Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows 8/10. Entertaining considering all the crap I've been seeing.
VietCowboy;4344831 said:
Syriana - blahhhhhhhhhhhh 1/10. ***, fell asleep after seeing the child electrocuted.

Everybody's fine - 1/10.

The Descendants - 2/10. I hated this movie, and I liked Up in the Air

Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows 8/10. Entertaining considering all the crap I've been seeing.
I'm virtually certain you just troll in this thread. No one can really have such terrible taste.
theogt;4345410 said:
I'm virtually certain you just troll in this thread. No one can really have such terrible taste.

Maybe just different taste/preference in movies.

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