TheCount;3385196 said:
Isn't 120/240hz motion blur technology via faster refresh rates? How would that have any effect on revealing flaws in CG animation and effects?
It could actually be that the fact that you're using a 240hz TV is what's degrading the quality of the film. I usually turn off all the fancy stuff on my TV when watching movies. I have a 120hz TV and when you turn the effect up it makes people look like they are almost separate from background, and not in a good way.
Yes, the higher rates on newer TVs have always looked funny to me, I'm not sure if I like the look or not. While on one hand it looks more 3 dimensional or more lifelike in that the people seem more like they are really right there in front of you, it also looks somewhat cheap like a handheld camera was used.
It isn't just those TVs though, it's on others as well, but it is just magnified on those other TVs. Again some scenes are far worse than others.
On a side note: I saw A Nightmare on Elm Street Wednesday and to nobody's surprise it pretty much sucks. I actually like the new Freddy better than the original as he isn't portrayed to be as jovial as the original. He comes off more menacing, but still manages to keep his wit. Every frame without him is pure garbage. 4/10