Rate the last movie you saw

The Snowman - It had the feel of the original girl with the dragon tattoo movies. It had that foreign feel but with known actors which was weird. Oh and Val Kilmer...what the heck happened to that dude, he looked so bad I did not even recognize him at first.
This movie had some good things in it but it really seemed discombobulated. While watching it I felt like some things were missing. Later after reading some reviews about it even the director was a bit upset as they had filmed a lot more to make the story better but it was cut down too much and left it a little wanting. Would like to see a directors cut of this movie if they made one as it probably would be much better if not a little too long. It had potential but fell short of it. However I had little to no expectations going in so that probably helped.
Hey Hunka, being that you're a massive film/TV buff, did you post your most underrated/overrated actors in that one thread? I don't recall seeing it and would love to see your list, BP.
I saw Red Sparrow on an airplane. Pretty lame. Bad acting and predictable plot. Jlaw is nice eye candy, though. 4/10
I saw Red Sparrow on an airplane. Pretty lame. Bad acting and predictable plot. Jlaw is nice eye candy, though. 4/10
I had no idea who you were talking about, but Jude Law was the first name I could think of. lol After Googling the movie cast, I agree, Jennifer Lawrence is pretty hot.
Okay, not a movie, but I wasn't about to start a thread for Netflix specials - But I just finished watching Eliza Shlesinger's Netflix special, and it's pretty good. She's gotten much better at her delivery since the last time I saw her, and she's pretty easy on the eyes too. As stand up specials go, I'd give it a 7.5.
Okay, not a movie, but I wasn't about to start a thread for Netflix specials - But I just finished watching Eliza Shlesinger's Netflix special, and it's pretty good. She's gotten much better at her delivery since the last time I saw her, and she's pretty easy on the eyes too. As stand up specials go, I'd give it a 7.5.
we have a netflix thread my bro, lemme dig it up for ya...
Anymore I tend to fall asleep during movies so sometimes it takes me a few times to watch them.

Annabelle Creation took me a few times to see it all but after seeing it I was ok with it. Much better than the Annabelle movie.
Still not as good as the Conjuring Movies IMO.

The Terminator - Been a LOOONG time since I seen the original. Sometimes it is funny when you have not seen things in years and you see things you did not catch.
This time i caught someone being in the film for a bit role that was not famous at the time but is now. Bill Paxton, When Arnold first comes to the past and confronts the 3 punkers for their clothes...Bill Paxton is one of them.

Ex Machina - Don't know what to think about it. Was kind of slow, kind of cool...kind of liked the ending but kind of did not. However I guess the Turing Test was confirmed
Took girls to see Teen Titans. 9/10
Really? From the commercials, it looks like and absolute turd fest. I guess you can't judge a movie by its ads.
I am bias because I liked the original cartoon more than the current one this movie is based on. My nine year old granddaughter thinks the new series is hilarious and does not understand both why her PawPaw thinks the show is crap or that told her I would not take her to see the movie.

I am a bad old PawPaw. :(

oh well. She will get over it. Eventually. :D
I am bias because I liked the original cartoon more than the current one this movie is based on. My nine year old granddaughter thinks the new series is hilarious and does not understand both why her PawPaw thinks the show is crap or that told her I would not take her to see the movie.

I am a bad old PawPaw. :(

oh well. She will get over it. Eventually. :D
What a crappy pawpaw!!!! You should bring her to see any kid's movie she wants........unless there's a Barney movie.
What a crappy pawpaw!!!! You should bring her to see any kid's movie she wants........unless there's a Barney movie.
See??? An exception!!! What is wrong with Barney? C'mon. Let us sing it together:

I love you.
You love me.
Blah blah blah blow my brains out.

I am bias because I liked the original cartoon more than the current one this movie is based on. My nine year old granddaughter thinks the new series is hilarious and does not understand both why her PawPaw thinks the show is crap or that told her I would not take her to see the movie.

I am a bad old PawPaw. :(

oh well. She will get over it. Eventually. :D

I heard they may bring back the original Teen Titans cartoon. Not sure if it will be on Cartoon Network or DC's new streaming platform.
I heard they may bring back the original Teen Titans cartoon. Not sure if it will be on Cartoon Network or DC's new streaming platform.
Thanks for the heads up. I have enjoyed the DC home video fare with the 'mature' group, especially The Judas Contract, but would not mind reminiscing seeing the original Cartoon Network group.


a murder mystery spanning decades

the script seemed pieced together at the last minute.

Scorsese was moved from director to executive producer
at the last minute and the movie could not overcome the change.

Shot in Norway so visually a 9 but a weak 5 overall.
Black Rain... Older movie with Michael Douglas. Forgot how much I liked this movie even if it is full of cliches.

Pirate Radio... Was on last night. Have not watched it in a year or so. Still pretty good fun movie.

Warriors... War he'd it again. Sure it is cheesy, silly and dated... But still love it. I would imagine if it was not a childhood movie and I just watched it for the first time I probably wod hate it. But I still love it. . And it ends with a nice Joe Walsh song playing lol

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