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Dune | Part One (2021)

8.75 of 10.00

So far, the remake has improved on the original. Just beautiful cinematography. All of the characters were supported really well except Dave Bautista's Glossu. I thought his depth was pretty thinly presented. On the other hand, Stellan Skarsgard's Baron has almost made me forget the original version.

At first, I regretted they would split up the story into two parts. Now, I am glad they did. We get a fuller evolution of Paul this time around without many shortcuts. Timothee Chalamet is a much better, more boyish looking and believable successor to the House of Atreides than Kyle MacLachlan in my opinion.
Dune | Part One (2021)

8.75 of 10.00

So far, the remake has improved on the original. Just beautiful cinematography. All of the characters were supported really well except Dave Bautista's Glossu. I thought his depth was pretty thinly presented. On the other hand, Stellan Skarsgard's Baron has almost made me forget the original version.

At first, I regretted they would split up the story into two parts. Now, I am glad they did. We get a fuller evolution of Paul this time around without many shortcuts. Timothee Chalamet is a much better, more boyish looking and believable successor to the House of Atreides than Kyle MacLachlan in my opinion.
I’m surprised it took you this long to see it. Great film, very eager for Part II. Been a few movie/TV versions of this classic book and IMO the first one to do it justice
I’m surprised it took you this long to see it. Great film, very eager for Part II. Been a few movie/TV versions of this classic book and IMO the first one to do it justice
I think the wait was due to no wanting more lag time before part two came out. One of my pet peeves is getting too hyped for another chapter of a movie after thoroughly enjoying a previous one.

You should have seen me sweat after watching Kill Bill: Volume I in April that year. Then finding out Volume II was scheduled later in October. It was murder. :laugh:
This is a movie I had been meaning to watch for quite a while. It's about the singer-songwriter Blaze Foley, he was a great songwriter and a real character, I'd seen Blaze play back in the day and still remember when he was murdered. Ben Dickey does a good job as Blaze and Charlie Sexton does have a resemblance to Townes Van Zandt, who was a close friend of Blaze. The movie goes through his ups and downs and the events of that tragic night and captures some of the eccentric nature that was Blaze Foley. I'd always heard stories of Blaze and his nature and one of the early lines in the movie kind of sums him up pretty well, Townes says "he only went crazy once......... but he decided to stay there." 7.5/10
Mel Gibson's Payback - Still one of the most underrated guilty pleasure action films I've ever experienced.

Tubi TV currently has it available for view.

Columbiana and Law Abiden Citizen were also vastly underrated gems as well.

I remember seeing Mark Grace, aka "The Undertaker" in WCCW back when he 1st started wrestling. It was towards the end of the Von Erich ownership. I believe he had reddish brown hair and was just a jobber. Stunning Steve Austin, aka Stone Cold wrestled there as well. Both were practically "no bodies" before their move to WWF.

Them Von Erich boys were modern day rock stars in the early 80's. The wheels of the bus began to fall off once David passed away. He was such a crowd pleaser, a genius on the microphone and carried the ability to be a long time NWA champion. Kevin's only flaw was his microphone skills. Kerry, well he suffered on the microphone to but his physical appearance put the fans in the building. His usage of illegal substances caused his demise of being a suitable/longtime NWA champion. Mike, he didn't want to wrestle at all and only did so at the direction of Fritz, to help offset the loss of David.
Minor detail correction here: The Undertaker's real name is Mark Calaway.

PW Fun Fact: Steve Austin's real name is Steve Williams. There was a fairly
popular wrestler in the south who's went by his real name, which was also
Steve Williams.

I don't know why I've retained this info.
Minor detail correction here: The Undertaker's real name is Mark Calaway.

PW Fun Fact: Steve Austin's real name is Steve Williams. There was a fairly
popular wrestler in the south who's went by his real name, which was also
Steve Williams.

I don't know why I've retained this info.
You Sir are correct. I'm not good at remembering names.
He is who he is. All ‘style’ and no substance.
Generally, I agree but everyone knows I am not as critical concerning all of his directorship as others are. I loved his 300, Man of Steel and Justice League (the 2021 version NOT the 2017 crap Warner Bros brought Joss Wheldon in and re-did) and really liked Sucker Punch, Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead.

Snyder did disappoint the <bleepity-bleep> out of me with Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. His introducing Wonder Woman in that movie was the only thing that kept me from disliking what he presented more than I actually did. He did (in my opinion) rebound, big time, with Justice League. For that reason, I will give him the opportunity to do the same with Rebel Moon: Part 2 | The Scargiver.
Generally, I agree but everyone knows I am not as critical concerning all of his directorship as others are. I loved his 300, Man of Steel and Justice League (the 2021 version NOT the 2017 crap Warner Bros brought Joss Wheldon in and re-did) and really liked Sucker Punch, Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead.

Snyder did disappoint the <bleepity-bleep> out of me with Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. His introducing Wonder Woman in that movie was the only thing that kept me from disliking what he presented more than I actually did. He did (in my opinion) rebound, big time, with Justice League. For that reason, I will give him the opportunity to do the same with Rebel Moon: Part 2 | The Scargiver.
To me, he’s the film equivalent of Brian Bendis. They over promise and under deliver. They put style and flash over substance and the viewer or reader is ultimately left disappointed.

Both have grand visions that in the end they fail to execute.
Columbiana and Law Abiden Citizen were also vastly underrated gems as well.
I think part of the reason why I enjoyed Colombiana so much is that it was a modified version of a Leon: The Professional sequel that was never produced. I loved Natalie Portman as Matilda. It would have been great to see her as a young adult hitwoman. However, I got Zoe Saldana as a 'substitute' Matilda and had zero regrets, lol.
I think part of the reason why I enjoyed Colombiana so much is that it was a modified version of a Leon: The Professional sequel that was never produced. I loved Natalie Portman as Matilda. It would have been great to see her as a young adult hitwoman. However, I got Zoe Saldana as a 'substitute' Matilda and had zero regrets, lol.
what i cannot comprehend to this very day, is why Colombiana received such bad reviews per movie critics.

As a result of the bad reviews, Colombiana flopped at the box office with a porous opening weekend of just
a mere 11 million.

But it's my guess that once those viewers who decided to ignore Colombiana at the theater, started hearing by word of mouth how actually great it was and watch it per stream ..now they are impressed and now it's a totally turnaround about Colombiana.

I saw Colombiana at the theaters, never even bother to hear what the critics were saying about it becuz i had my mind totally made up to see it .. and i was quite impressed and entertained. i only regret that a sequel was never thought about as a a green light,.. becuz of the poor theater audience outing.


Generally, I agree but everyone knows I am not as critical concerning all of his directorship as others are. I loved his 300, Man of Steel and Justice League (the 2021 version NOT the 2017 crap Warner Bros brought Joss Wheldon in and re-did) and really liked Sucker Punch, Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead.

Snyder did disappoint the <bleepity-bleep> out of me with Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. His introducing Wonder Woman in that movie was the only thing that kept me from disliking what he presented more than I actually did. He did (in my opinion) rebound, big time, with Justice League. For that reason, I will give him the opportunity to do the same with Rebel Moon: Part 2 | The Scargiver.
Sucker Punch and Batman vs Superman ... two of my guility pleasure films

Sucker Punch always gave me the impression that i'm watching a big video game movie.
His first movie is still my favorite - Dawn of the Dead remake. I've never seen 300. Been on my "to do list" for a long time.

Watchmen looked cooler in the trailer than the actual movie. :oops:

One of the best trailers ever. Works perfect with that Smashing Pumpkins song in the background. But I guess what you would expect from a guy who learned the ropes as a music video director.

His first movie is still my favorite - Dawn of the Dead remake. I've never seen 300. Been on my "to do list" for a long time.

Watchmen looked cooler in the trailer than the actual movie. :oops:

One of the best trailers ever. Works perfect with that Smashing Pumpkins song in the background. But I guess what you would expect from a guy who learned the ropes as a music video director.

Bold> Opinions will vary about 300 but one thing I loved best about it was David Wenham's narration. He plays Dilios and has a fantastic, wide-ranging voice.
A creature was stirring

Low budget horror monster movie.

Old school non cgi monster that although the budget was low on it, they did an ok job considering.

I give them props for trying something a little different although not totally original.

However the movie had some good build up at times, it could have been so much better.

If you enjoy b movies...this might be ok for you. If not, do not bother.
Sucker Punch and Batman vs Superman ... two of my guility pleasure films

Sucker Punch always gave me the impression that i'm watching a big video game movie.
Sucker Punch, for me is one of those "I want to love it more than I do" type movies. The visuals and action are spectacular, everything just looks so good, but the story just didn't connect, just didn't live up to the action on screen, which is a shame.
Bold> Opinions will vary about 300 but one thing I loved best about it was David Wenham's narration. He plays Dilios and has a fantastic, wide-ranging voice.
"300" is one of my favorite movies, loved everything about it, the look, the action,story and story-telling, performances, etc. It's an all time great and a movie I re-watch fairly often.


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