Rate the last movie you saw

Rebel Moon: Part 1 | A Child of Fire (2023)

5.25 of 10.00

Zack Snyder re-does 300 in space and not very well. Hope part two is much more thoughtfully presented. :facepalm:
Just watched this, I agree with your rating. Zack Snyder is trying to do Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai set in space. But if you want to see that concept, then just watch George Lucas' Star Wars. :thumbup:
Society of the Snow - Really good movie. It's about the 1972 Uruguayan airplane crash in the Andes Mountains that had a Uruguayan rugby team (and family members) on it. You may remember the 1993 movie called Alive that was also about this event. Anyway, I really enjoyed this one. Fair warning: it is a voice-over movie, but it didn't bother me at all. It's on Netflix and I do recommend.
I watched "Navy Seals vs. Zombies" last night. LOL. It is what you would expect it to be. Some cheese, some bad acting, some bad dialogue, not much creativity, and not much of a plot. It's a B zombie movie. Get the popcorn and turn off your brain for a couple of hours.
Finally saw Oppenheimer. Rented it on Prime. 9/10. One of those movies that I feel the huge HDTV and nice sound system in the living room was worth the investment. If you can't see it at the theater, at least try and get some type of home theater experience.

Always an experience watching a Christopher Nolan movie. This must be what if felt like for cinema buffs to watch a David Lean film in his heydays. (Director of Lawrence of Arabia, Bridge on the River Kwai, Doctor Zhivago, etc) Top notch cinematography. Always looking to stretch the limits on filming. Makes it an experience no matter what the subject is. Although Nolan goes more for future themes than historical themes.

Haven't read much of the history vs hollywood articles yet, but it appears they are pretty darn faithful to the real events with some embellishments here and there. Amazing to read too that Nolan decided to have no CGI whatsoever in this film. Including the first atom bomb test, and the rebuild of the Los Alamos town. Classic movie making.

I enjoyed the 80's movie on the same theme, Fatman and Little Boy. I think Matt Damon did a better job with General Groves, mainly because of the screenplay. He was a crazy military stereotype character in Paul Newman's version, but Nolan's version gives him true depth. And finally a perfect role for Cillian Murphy who has been a fantastic actor for a long time.
I caught "Equalizer 3" last night. It is hard not to like Denzel Washington and I did enjoy this latest episode of Equalizer. It was more like the 1st one than the 2nd and I think better than the 2nd if you are okay with the same kind of stuff going on that we saw in 1. 3 is more violent I think. It takes place in Italy, and there is some beautiful scenery. My mother's mother is from Naples so it was cool to get some shots of the city. I also love the Italian language, when Italians speak it, Denzel not so much. The story is kind of irrelevant. We've seen it a million times in a million action movies. But if you like the action hero genre. and you enjoy the Equalizer doing his thing, then I think you will enjoy this movie. I have no problem giving it a 7.5 out of 10.
I caught "Equalizer 3" last night. It is hard not to like Denzel Washington and I did enjoy this latest episode of Equalizer. It was more like the 1st one than the 2nd and I think better than the 2nd if you are okay with the same kind of stuff going on that we saw in 1. 3 is more violent I think. It takes place in Italy, and there is some beautiful scenery. My mother's mother is from Naples so it was cool to get some shots of the city. I also love the Italian language, when Italians speak it, Denzel not so much. The story is kind of irrelevant. We've seen it a million times in a million action movies. But if you like the action hero genre. and you enjoy the Equalizer doing his thing, then I think you will enjoy this movie. I have no problem giving it a 7.5 out of 10.
Better than 2, but that’s not saying much. It was. Fun watch. But 1 is in a class of it’s own. One of my favorite action movies of all time.
Cocaine Bear - I can’t really rate it, it’s not for everyone.

I never planned on watching it but got bored and decided to give it a shot. It was corny, bad and unbelievable in a fantastic way! I had tears rolling down my face on a few occasions. It is very different but I kind of loved it :laugh:
Cocaine Bear - I can’t really rate it, it’s not for everyone.

I never planned on watching it but got bored and decided to give it a shot. It was corny, bad and unbelievable in a fantastic way! I had tears rolling down my face on a few occasions. It is very different but I kind of loved it :laugh:
Yeah, if I still smoked weed, I probably would have laughed my butt off...but it was pretty dumb in reality. Lol
Cocaine Bear - I can’t really rate it, it’s not for everyone.

I never planned on watching it but got bored and decided to give it a shot. It was corny, bad and unbelievable in a fantastic way! I had tears rolling down my face on a few occasions. It is very different but I kind of loved it :laugh:
Yeah, it was so terrible, I loved it!!!!!

I'd say offhand it was what they meant it to be, corny and silly.
Throw Mamma From the Train. 9/10. Was playing on HBO and was near the beginning, started watching, and just sat through the whole thing. Forgot how great a movie it was. That old lady who was also in flicks such as The Goonies is one of the all time classic typecast actresses. Great role for Danny DeVito who people forget can do all types of characters, doesn't always have to be an obnoxious short fat Brooklyn-ite. Billy Crystal one of my underrated comedians, although I know some people put him in our thread of "Comedians Who Don't Make You Laugh." Like a lot of his films, especially 80's-90's. Just a simple, but clever little heartfelt movie.
I really like Billy Chrystal. He's one of those comedians who make you rather smile than laugh. Can't think of a movie with him that's really bad. Watched City Slickers a couple of days ago and it's just a good "Tuesday night movie" as I call it. Not Saturday night material but not a waste of time either. He would have perfectly fit in with the (original) Ghostbusters cast, that kind of humour.

But he can also nail it. Analyze this is one of the best comedies ever by the way. This one had me in tears in the cinema.
Brawl in cellblock 99

There was another movie this guy did...dragged against concrete or something. It was just so slow in the start I could not get into it.

This movie has a little of that same feel. It is a good movie but man it just seems so slow or directed with lack of emotion for the most part that it is kind of a buzz kill.

I dont think it is the acting as much as the directing.

In the end it is still a pretty cool movie but I think it could have been so much better with a different director or style to it.
The Last Exorcism. 8/10. 10+ year old found footage horror movie about a priest who lost his faith a long time ago, and is working with a documentary crew to show that exorcisms are scams.Found footage was way overdone during that decade, but it works well in this one. Great acting, somewhat scary, and cool ending. It didn't do well with the critics or box office, but I thought it was really well done.
I really like Billy Chrystal. He's one of those comedians who make you rather smile than laugh. Can't think of a movie with him that's really bad. Watched City Slickers a couple of days ago and it's just a good "Tuesday night movie" as I call it. Not Saturday night material but not a waste of time either. He would have perfectly fit in with the (original) Ghostbusters cast, that kind of humour.

But he can also nail it. Analyze this is one of the best comedies ever by the way. This one had me in tears in the cinema.
Have you ever seen Running Scared with Crystal and Gregory Hines?

A personal favorite and a very underrated movie in my opinion.
The other day I watched "Live Free or Die Hard" again. I don't know why but the older I get the more annoying movies like this are to me.

For example, traffic light go out or all green, does that mean everyone drives full speed with their eyes closed through every intersection?

It's JADHM, just another die hard movie, but they are still fun to watch. Some little things had me scratching my head but otherwise it wasn't bad. Not the best Die Hard movie.
The other day I watched "Live Free or Die Hard" again. I don't know why but the older I get the more annoying movies like this are to me.

For example, traffic light go out or all green, does that mean everyone drives full speed with their eyes closed through every intersection?

It's JADHM, just another die hard movie, but they are still fun to watch. Some little things had me scratching my head but otherwise it wasn't bad. Not the best Die Hard movie.
Apparently, you don't drive in the city much. Laws cease to exist when the traffic lights go down...and when it snows...and whenever the people on the road are more important than all the other people on the road...
The Holdovers 10 of 10.

This is right up my alley. Kind of a Dead Poets setting. Great acting from all involved. Story that wasn’t too slow or sappy with comedy/drama. Thoroughly enjoyed it

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