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Have you added viewing options yet? A question on how to increase posts per page I couldn't answer or find a solution to.
Have you added viewing options yet? A question on how to increase posts per page I couldn't answer or find a solution to.

There are no user settings available for thread/post count per page. The site uses SEO friendly URLs which have page numbers in them. If users had different post/thread settings, then those URLs would point to the wrong pages depending on whether or not the user sharing the URL has the same settings as the users reading and clicking on the links. I will keep looking into it, but it is not something built-in to the software.

Love the new look. I did love the old one but this looks a natural evolution of the old theme. Good job

Just noticed post counts and member since are no longer under usernames. Will it stay that way?
Coca-Cola, Microsoft Windows, Domino's Pizza and now the Zone.

*shakes head*

Always trying to fix stuff that ain't broke.

it's not about fixing stuff.

it's about learning.
Coca-Cola, Microsoft Windows, Domino's Pizza and now the Zone.

*shakes head*

Always trying to fix stuff that ain't broke.

Microsoft Windows and Domino's Pizza were both pretty broke.
Coca-Cola, Microsoft Windows, Domino's Pizza and now the Zone.

*shakes head*

Always trying to fix stuff that ain't broke.

I'm a believer in the "if it's not broke, don't fix it" philosophy, but after 9 years, it was finally time to take that step.

There are no user settings available for thread/post count per page. The site uses SEO friendly URLs which have page numbers in them. If users had different post/thread settings, then those URLs would point to the wrong pages depending on whether or not the user sharing the URL has the same settings as the users reading and clicking on the links. I will keep looking into it, but it is not something built-in to the software.


I think I understood that. :)
Whatdayamean was broken? :) But to be fair I haven't tried 8 yet.

if you've ever done something totally stupid, no one could understand, but it made sense on levels that made no sense, you have.
if you've ever done something totally stupid, no one could understand, but it made sense on levels that made no sense, you have.

LOL. I think I've been both insulted and praised at the same time which is quite an accomplishment. Maybe it's a Zen thing. :O
LOL. I think I've been both insulted and praised at the same time which is quite an accomplishment. Maybe it's a Zen thing. :O

not at all. it's just that windows 8 is like the partridge family bus crashing into the hollywood squares studios.
not at all. it's just that windows 8 is like the partridge family bus crashing into the hollywood squares studios.

That bad, huh. I'm still trying to get that image to focus. :D Actually I think I'll just erase it from memory. :) I knew I had a good reason not to get Win 8. I just didn't know why yet. I've become a Mac person for the nonce.
That bad, huh. I'm still trying to get that image to focus. :D Actually I think I'll just erase it from memory. :) I knew I had a good reason not to get Win 8. I just didn't know why yet. I've become a Mac person for the nonce.

they're all after $. google is a phone OS trying to be mainstream. windows is now trying to make the desktop a phone.

one day it will get there. things *will* combine.

the only good thing i can say about windows over google is windows doesn't ask for money to watch a video. as for apple, they've made a career of being an alternate choice.

they just never got it right either.

btw - props to reality. i HATE that my ignore list is gone.

i love i can click on a name and ignore them more quickly.
I notice if I put someone on ignore then I can't see even sections of their posts quoted by others. At first this might seem like a nice feature (to have ignored posters completely invisible to me) but actually it makes the replies of other, non ignored posters very difficult to understand.

Thanks for all the work you put in on the site.
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