Realistically, how do we make the...


Hawaiian Cowboy
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stiletto;2393314 said:
Hey, I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong should a miracle happen like last year for the Giants. Will you if we tank? The Giants last year are the exception to the rule. Usually teams don't turn it around like that. I don't see us turning it around as undisciplined as we are. The entire world outside of "Cowboys Homerdom" pretty much agrees....

The entire world disregarded us this whole year. Regardless of everyone predicting SB for us, it all came with a disclaimer. That was "How will they play in December?" Well, I want to know the same answer. If they can cure their December blues, there is a good chance we will be in the playoffs and do well. If we can't cure it, the season is done. For right now, only half the season is over and only a fool would be conceding it already. :starspin


Kane Ala
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Paniolo22;2392678 said:
playoffs? Let's pray that 10-6 will get us in.

at Commanders Toss up

vs San Fran W (We get 6 sacks on whomever is QB)

vs Seahawks W (Seattle just never gets in sync)

at Steelers Toss up

vs Giants Toss up

vs Ravens W (D plays well against weaker offense)

at Eagles Both probably playing for playoff lives. I think it'll come down to this game. I don't think the road bothers Romo much, so I think we have a decent chance to pull this off.

We could lose 5 more games. Or we could even win out. Who knows. Right now we have a Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde team. I suspect a better O will make a better D. It's the STs and mistakes as well as poor tackling that bothers me. I'm not certain you can stop the mistakes although they're all correctable. For this team to win less than 9-10 games would be a tragedy and will get Wade fired.

Is Jason ready to be a HC? I don't know since I'm not around him. Somebody here should know someone who does have an opinion. I'd love to hear it. Until then I'm thinking Wade needs to get control or be fired. I'd personally hire either someone out of college but preferably a Cowher or even consider Mora or Dom Capers. That's right I'm on the fence about Wade.


Hawaiian Cowboy
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EveryoneElse;2393346 said:
Are you done? Ya blind Homer.


You've been pissing on the team all day. Go to the Giants board to get your rocks off and cheer with your team. :yousuck:


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Paniolo22;2393370 said:
The entire world disregarded us this whole year. Regardless of everyone predicting SB for us, it all came with a disclaimer. That was "How will they play in December?" Well, I want to know the same answer. If they can cure their December blues, there is a good chance we will be in the playoffs and do well. If we can't cure it, the season is done. For right now, only half the season is over and only a fool would be conceding it already. :starspin

Well the problem I have with your homer-logic is that the problems that have plagued this team are only getting WORSE, not better as we go. We have totally tanked since Green Bay last year. Nothing has been fixed, no discipline added, no signs of consistency (except being able to get penalties on a regular basis). What makes you think besides utter faith/hope that this team is capable of turning into a lights out playoff caliber team over the next 8 weeks? U are predicting through blind faith. Sure a squirrel gets a nut every once in awhile with that attitude but most of the time your little nest is empty as a fan that thinks that way....I love the Cowboys but they don't get the benefit of the doubt from me after 13 years of mediocrity. We're a loser, undisciplined organization now. We have joined the ranks Bengals/Lions/Browns. Prove me wrong with facts. I'm open for a mind-changing. :)


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Paniolo22;2393415 said:

You've been pissing on the team all day. Go to the Giants board to get your rocks off and cheer with your team. :yousuck:

This team deserves to be pissed on after a piss poor performance like today.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
30yrheel;2393291 said:
romo, on his back (sacked)
newman, ain't coming back
Flo, sux regardless



Maybe not?


Hawaiian Cowboy
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stiletto;2393428 said:
Well the problem I have with your homer-logic is that the problems that have plagued this team are only getting WORSE, not better as we go. We have totally tanked since Green Bay last year. Nothing has been fixed, no discipline added, no signs of consistency (except being able to get penalties on a regular basis). What makes you think besides utter faith/hope that this team is capable of turning into a lights out playoff caliber team over the next 8 weeks? U are predicting through blind faith. Sure a squirrel gets a nut every once in awhile with that attitude but most of the time your little nest is empty as a fan that thinks that way....I love the Cowboys but they don't get the benefit of the doubt from me after 13 years of mediocrity. We're a loser, undisciplined organization now. We have joined the ranks Bengals/Lions/Browns. Prove me wrong with facts. I'm open for a mind-changing. :)

Here is my thinking. Our offense has been killing us since Romo has been out. I want to see how it will play out because of the Roy Williams factor. Defenses will not be able to cover all of our options. That threat alone will open up the run game. The other fact is that we get at least 4 key players back from injury. At least our O will be able to try and out score other teams. The D has been underacheiving to be sure. If they continue to play this way, we probably don't make the playoffs, and if we do, we don't do much in it. I guess we'll have to wait and find out. The point is, it is absolutely ridiculous to call it a season with 7 games left.


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Paniolo22;2393560 said:
Here is my thinking. Our offense has been killing us since Romo has been out. I want to see how it will play out because of the Roy Williams factor. Defenses will not be able to cover all of our options. That threat alone will open up the run game. The other fact is that we get at least 4 key players back from injury. At least our O will be able to try and out score other teams. The D has been underacheiving to be sure. If they continue to play this way, we probably don't make the playoffs, and if we do, we don't do much in it. I guess we'll have to wait and find out. The point is, it is absolutely ridiculous to call it a season with 7 games left.

All wishful thinking nothing more. This team was playing like DOGCRAP before Romo went out too. Him going down just unmasked some of the fundamental problems he was covering up/making up for. We had penalties, special teams problems, more penalties and bonehead plays before he left so why is that going to change?? Roy W. will not help anything if the line cannot block or we keep getting stupid penalties or the D as you said continues to play junior league. It makes no difference who is out there. The team kills itself because it cannot execute properly. It's like having a brand new Quad-core PC except we got a nasty virus we can't get rid of. You can put all the memory in it you want but the virus will still eat it away. That's our Dallas Cowboys....we are not a well-oiled machine regardless if we are healthy or not or have a new fancy receiver or not. The basic fundamentals of championship caliber football are not there. Those fundamentals are execution, no penalties, no mental errors.


Cowboy for Life
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dallas will only win 9 games this year.


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k0wb0y;2393841 said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dallas will only win 9 games this year.

I can see us going 8-8 or 7-9. We are just not very good. Anyone who thinks we will turn this around is kidding themselves. We are showing no signs of turning this around. Forget about QB. We keep committing stupid penalties. We can't run the damn ball and we can't stop the run when we know it is coming. Eli gifted us 3 turnovers today and what did we do with them?

Romo coming back is going to make us more competitive in games, but I honestly don't see us winning very many more.


Cowboy for Life
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links18;2393923 said:
I can see us going 8-8 or 7-9. We are just not very good. Anyone who thinks we will turn this around is kidding themselves. We are showing no signs of turning this around. Forget about QB. We keep committing stupid penalties. We can't run the damn ball and we can't stop the run when we know it is coming. Eli gifted us 3 turnovers today and what did we do with them?

Romo coming back is going to make us more competitive in games, but I honestly don't see us winning very many more.

yep. and regarding our backup qb. i was pissed at johnson before the game even started. just lookin at him out in the field got me mad. nothing surprising tho' its not like dallas was expected to win today.


Reaction score
stiletto;2393760 said:
All wishful thinking nothing more. This team was playing like DOGCRAP before Romo went out too. Him going down just unmasked some of the fundamental problems he was covering up/making up for. We had penalties, special teams problems, more penalties and bonehead plays before he left so why is that going to change?? Roy W. will not help anything if the line cannot block or we keep getting stupid penalties or the D as you said continues to play junior league. It makes no difference who is out there. The team kills itself because it cannot execute properly. It's like having a brand new Quad-core PC except we got a nasty virus we can't get rid of. You can put all the memory in it you want but the virus will still eat it away. That's our Dallas Cowboys....we are not a well-oiled machine regardless if we are healthy or not or have a new fancy receiver or not. The basic fundamentals of championship caliber football are not there. Those fundamentals are execution, no penalties, no mental errors.

You're an elohssa. It just need to be said.

This team was not playing like crap before Romo got hurt.

Our OL was playing well before we started to get some injuries.

Kosier then Adams injurs his shoulder in Arizona.

From that point the OL has been playing slightly below average. However the totally inept QB play has exasperated the holes and inconsistent play to make it lik eterrible.

When played at a SB level first 3 weeks as most had predicted. It's reasonable to assume we can get back to that level after the BYE.

After the bye we get back:
ADAMS healthy
WITTEN healthy

Also now that we have Romo, we can see just how unstoppable this offense may become with R. Williams added to the mix.


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sonnyboy;2394009 said:
You're an elohssa. It just need to be said.

This team was not playing like crap before Romo got hurt.

Our OL was playing well before we started to get some injuries.

Kosier then Adams injurs his shoulder in Arizona.

From that point the OL has been playing slightly below average. However the totally inept QB play has exasperated the holes and inconsistent play to make it lik eterrible.

When played at a SB level first 3 weeks as most had predicted. It's reasonable to assume we can get back to that level after the BYE.

After the bye we get back:
ADAMS healthy
WITTEN healthy

Also now that we have Romo, we can see just how unstoppable this offense may become with R. Williams added to the mix.

Wasn't it terrible offensive line play that caused the QB position to become inept? Wasn't it the OL failing to protect Romo that got him slammed into the ground and broke his pinkie?


Reaction score
links18;2394082 said:
Wasn't it terrible offensive line play that caused the QB position to become inept? Wasn't it the OL failing to protect Romo that got him slammed into the ground and broke his pinkie?

Koiser was already out and that's the game Adams hurt his shoulder. That was prob the worst game this oline played by far. So yes it was.

What did you think of this oline against Cleveland, Philly and G.B.?
Was it terrible then?


NFL Historian
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links18;2394082 said:
Wasn't it terrible offensive line play that caused the QB position to become inept? Wasn't it the OL failing to protect Romo that got him slammed into the ground and broke his pinkie?
Iguess you missed the part where he mentioned getting Kosier back and Flo healthy.


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sonnyboy;2394009 said:
You're an elohssa. It just need to be said.


#2. Why am I an ***----? Are people who have differing opinions not allowed? Sorry I don't see the team through HOMER-COLORED glasses like yourself.

This team was not playing like crap before Romo got hurt.

Our OL was playing well before we started to get some injuries.

Kosier then Adams injurs his shoulder in Arizona.

When played at a SB level first 3 weeks as most had predicted. It's reasonable to assume we can get back to that level after the BYE.

I'm not sure what some low-standard losers are watching. This team ABSOLUTELY WAS playing like crap. Arizona/Washington/Philly. We looked horrible. I don't know what team you were watching.

Also now that we have Romo, we can see just how unstoppable this offense may become with R. Williams added to the mix.

LOL OK. Let's just see what happens. I'll be glad to admit I'm wrong. But in the meantime, keep looking for that Nut my little blind-squirrel... LMAO!


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windward;2394097 said:
Iguess you missed the part where he mentioned getting Kosier back and Flo healthy.

Do you really think that is going to make a difference? If FLO is hurt, bench him--what is so difficult about that? Do you really think Kosier coming back is going to make much of a difference?

BTW--wasn't it Columbo's man that slammed Romo into the ground, thereby causing us to start BJ for 3 weeks?


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sonnyboy;2394093 said:
Koiser was already out and that's the game Adams hurt his shoulder. That was prob the worst game this oline played by far. So yes it was.

What did you think of this oline against Cleveland, Philly and G.B.?
Was it terrible then?

Philly, the D SUCKED

What about Washington then Arizona? We looked horrible and everyone outside of the Homer-kingdom see's it. Why don't you? Oh I forgot we're going 7-0 the rest of the way. All the signs are there. :lmao: