ABQCOWOY, thats what i was going to say, you beat me to it, best i remember, drew pearson, played just alittle wr his senor year, catching 33 passes, but before that he was the QB for Tulsa.
As we all know, he hit stride mid year in 1973 with the cowboys, what helped, he worked out late in pratices with stauback catching passes.
I did see stanback play wr his rookie year at washington, he can cut on a dime, and had speed to burn, the usc team couldnt stop him. So, let see, now, stanback has had one 1/2 year last year with the team, remember he didnt play until way into training camp, then at end of the year, he hurt his shoulder.
Now, he is praticing again with the cowboys and romo, so i say, he should hit stride by mid season for sure, sure he wont probably catch alot of passes until he gets the position down, so i say by mid october we should see what kind of player he is.
I read reports on those asking, he has reportedly ran 4.38 to 4.44 in 40, now that is good for a guy his size, he is just as big as T O, 6-2 at 209, now if he can learn a few things from TO at working out, increasing his body siize and strength look out.
i do think jerry jones is going to trade for either chad johnson, or roy williams, not sure if i would give up a # 1 for either one, but a # 2 for sure, id wait them out, get one of those impact wrs, and put stanback in the slot, look out, until then crayton can hold down the fort,