Report: DE Greg Hardy will not return to Panthers - Charges Dismissed 02/09/15

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To my knowledge she spent the rest of the 90s and early 2000s living out her dream as a dancer, but probably not the venue she was thinking of if you catch my drift. :) Haven't heard about her in years though.

Have you thoroughly checked the internet? From the sound of it, a girl like that would have a "presence" somewhere...
Have you thoroughly checked the internet? From the sound of it, a girl like that would have a "presence" somewhere...

Nah, my wife frowns on such things. It would be a hoot to see what she is up to though. Probably married a multi-millionaire.
It could well be that. They distanced themselves from him pretty quick, either way. Did you read the article about him leaving the note on the whiteboard for his teammates? I'm not sure what to expect from an NFL team in this situation. Normally, if you are going to let a talented young player walk, you make a lot of lip service about how you hope things work out in negotiations, and then you just low ball him enough and later express how sad you ware that it didn't work. In this case, though, with the bad PR and the current NFL environment, maybe you just cut ties. Not sure, honestly. I just know I"d be sick if we were losing a 26 year old guy with 15+ sack potential who just had the charges against him dismissed.

Carolina if they thought these charges werent true they would sign the guy in a heart beat. They didnt even try last yr, but just franchised him because of this. The only reason he appealed was because he thought he was going to be able to play. Then all these DV cases popped up and Carolina decided to deactivate him. Now they dont want anything to do with him. Thats a very telling situation.

I do think he hit her, i do think shes making it more of a dangerous account then what it was. And im sure the neighbors are scared of him for a reason.

Agree with you on the PR part of the NFL. They are going to milk a punishment on this guy. He's already been found guilty once, gonna be very hard for a jury not to convict him again.
Is there a time frame for the commish to figure out if he will be suspended or not before then?
The commish seems to do what he wants on his own timeframe. I would expect them to resolve it before free agency starts.

He missed 17 games in 2014, although he did get paid. It would seem excessive to force him to miss more than 17 games considering that the charges have been dropped.

They might fine him but I think that will be all that happens.
The commish seems to do what he wants on his own timeframe. I would expect them to resolve it before free agency starts.

He missed 17 games in 2014, although he did get paid. It would seem excessive to force him to miss more than 17 games considering that the charges have been dropped.

They might fine him but I think that will be all that happens.

He will get suspended. Guy got paid the whole season. Thats not a punishment at all.
Didnt read the title change from this morning. Why wouldnt this be a seperate thread?

Still wouldnt want this guy on the team. All he did was gave her some shut up money and a roof over her head.
You get a couple fairly-dysfunctional people together, add some drugs and some emotions, maybe some guns and a whole lot of money, you normally get a mess. I've got no respect for men who hit women, but I also have a hard time getting a clear picture of what went down that night. Especially when you read the 911 transcripts where it sounds like the football player is trying to protect himself from a situation that escalated.

That said, the fact that the Panthers are willing to walk away from a very talented young edge rusher over this says something, too. That's not normal behavior for an NFL franchise. It might not reflect directly on this situation, but I don't doubt that Hardy is a grade-A headache. He's a heck of a football player, though, and by most accounts is also a good worker and a good teammate.

Richardson is stupid, they let Peppers go, got rid of Steve Smith. One simply can't say panthers let hardy go for this one incident
He will get suspended. Guy got paid the whole season. Thats not a punishment at all.

Punished for what. Case was dismissed the same as being not guilty. Would you want to get punished for a crime you didn't commit
Punished for what. Case was dismissed the same as being not guilty. Would you want to get punished for a crime you didn't commit

You dont think he hit her? Or do you think she was sober and reality hit her that she was about to lose her meal ticket by going thru this? Dont be naive
I made a call to a guy I know in Charlotte. Long story short, folks in here are doing the absolute most. There's a reason why he appealed the original misdemeanor conviction, which was a wrist-slap at best.
Punished for what. Case was dismissed the same as being not guilty. Would you want to get punished for a crime you didn't commit

No, it isn't the same at all, but I'll spare everyone a block of instruction on the finer points of the Mecklenberg County judiciary.
You dont think he hit her? Or do you think she was sober and reality hit her that she was about to lose her meal ticket by going thru this? Dont be naive

Didn't matter you can't punish someone that want found guilty in the court of law. You wasn't there neither was I but the facts are he wasn't convicted of a crime so therefore how can you punish him
Didn't matter you can't punish someone that want found guilty in the court of law. You wasn't there neither was I but the facts are he wasn't convicted of a crime so therefore how can you punish him

Actually he was found guilty. He appealed and the witness didnt want to go thru with it. So charges were dimissed, he wasnt found not guilty. How many times was john gotti tried? Was he not guilty? Took a rat from his own family to take him down.
You dont think he hit her? Or do you think she was sober and reality hit her that she was about to lose her meal ticket by going thru this? Dont be naive

She accused him of several things but I don't believe she ever accused him of hitting her.
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