Report: DE Greg Hardy will not return to Panthers - Charges Dismissed 02/09/15

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Jerry has to get him ,he might to give him a huge contract though.
Yes. I don't want Hardy. Too much off-field baggage.

While I respect your position, mine is a bit different. In searching for any evidence of a pattern of misbehavior, I have been unable to find it.

And unless I were to see otherwise, my thinking is that the only thing Hardy may truly be guilty of is picking a crazy woman who was out to make herself a quick buck.
Jerry has to get him ,he might to give him a huge contract though.

I think that goes without saying, but I think if you're:

1) A 12-4 team that came within a blown call of being in the NFC Championship Game

2) With a veteran QB on a 2-3 year deal

3) With DE/pass rush being your clearest, biggest need

I think you absolutely have to consider it.
But a "settlement" means the two parties came to an agreement that to solve the matter out of court is better than solving the matter in court. There's still an implication that the defendant is somewhat culpable.

Two things at work here: 1) Hardy likely paid off Holder in a civil settlement. She probably got a boatload of money, and the implicit (if not explicit) understanding was that she would disappear for his criminal trial. She likely was under subpoena for the criminal trial, so she could be charged with contempt for not showing. If she had not been served with the subpoena yet (possible if the police could not find her), there is no repercussion. 2) Hardy's criminal case was dismissed by the State because their key witness, Holder, did not show. This happens not infrequently in criminal domestic violence cases. As a result, Hardy has no pending criminal charges and no conviction. While the NFL could still suspend him, they would be foolish to do so after Hardy sat our 15 games on the exempt list and now has a dismissal in his back pocket. I think he would win an appeal of an NFL suspension.

So basically, I think he is a free, free agent. Just whether a team wants to deal with bad PR and possiblity of him doing it again. I think both can be managed. The PR by saying he beat his charges and paid a 15 game penance. The recidivism possiblity with an incentive-based contract, little guaranteed money, and a morals clause that allows the team to get out of it. I am in favor of signing him to a contract like this.
While I respect your position, mine is a bit different. In searching for any evidence of a pattern of misbehavior, I have been unable to find it.

And unless I were to see otherwise, my thinking is that the only thing Hardy may truly be guilty of is picking a crazy woman who was out to make herself a quick buck.

Fair enough. I just find it interesting that his girlfriend does cocaine. I think it's pretty likely that he does cocaine also. I mean, who gets involved with a woman who does cocaine if you don't. Too much smoke around Hardy. That's why I'm not enamored with him wearing a star.

Then again, I don't make those calls.
Two things at work here: 1) Hardy likely paid off Holder in a civil settlement. She probably got a boatload of money, and the implicit (if not explicit) understanding was that she would disappear for his criminal trial. She likely was under subpoena for the criminal trial, so she could be charged with contempt for not showing. If she had not been served with the subpoena yet (possible if the police could not find her), there is no repercussion. 2) Hardy's criminal case was dismissed by the State because their key witness, Holder, did not show. This happens not infrequently in criminal domestic violence cases. As a result, Hardy has no pending criminal charges and no conviction. While the NFL could still suspend him, they would be foolish to do so after Hardy sat our 15 games on the exempt list and now has a dismissal in his back pocket. I think he would win an appeal of an NFL suspension.

So basically, I think he is a free, free agent. Just whether a team wants to deal with bad PR and possiblity of him doing it again. I think both can be managed. The PR by saying he beat his charges and paid a 15 game penance. The recidivism possiblity with an incentive-based contract, little guaranteed money, and a morals clause that allows the team to get out of it. I am in favor of signing him to a contract like this.

Thanks for the explanation. I found this article a good explanation of what happens going forward.
So the title says his charges were dropped. When?

Never mind just read it.:)
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I don't see Hardy in Dallas regaurdless of what the league does, teams like ATL, Tampa Bay etc. are gonna throw a boat load of money at him. I don't Dallas see giving out massive contracts like that.
Neither of those teams are winners right now either. If the money is reasonably close, why not pick Dallas where you start shines brighter and on a team ready to win? That's of course if Dallas was even interested which we have no idea at this point. Jerry is a great salesman
I can understand the concern, but other than this incident, whatever it actually was, he doesn't have a history of being a bad person.

In his defense, this could simply be a case of getting hooked up with the wrong woman too.

it could very well be that, but with so much focus on domestic abuse, its not his case or history that worries me. its the court of public opinion and the media scrutiny that comes with it, regardless of it being wrong or right
it could very well be that, but with so much focus on domestic abuse, its not his case or history that worries me. its the court of public opinion and the media scrutiny that comes with it, regardless of it being wrong or right

How do you feel about AP being a Cowboy?
I think that is something that comes with age. To me if you have a daughter it becomes impossible to root for a player like Greg Hardy given what he was willing to do to a woman.

I have three daughters.
I have three daughters.

Yup, and that's why I was right on board with you when you said you couldn't disagree more that "winning is all that matters"
There are players I can get comfortable rooting for. And there are players like Hardy who I could never root for.
Fair enough. I just find it interesting that his girlfriend does cocaine. I think it's pretty likely that he does cocaine also. I mean, who gets involved with a woman who does cocaine if you don't. Too much smoke around Hardy. That's why I'm not enamored with him wearing a star.

Then again, I don't make those calls.

Again, I can see your point and I honestly don't know a ton about her, her backstory, or how long they were together.
it could very well be that, but with so much focus on domestic abuse, its not his case or history that worries me. its the court of public opinion and the media scrutiny that comes with it, regardless of it being wrong or right

Eh, I'm not worried about that so much. People that want to hate the Cowboys will find a way to do it, whether it's a valid criticism or something they make up.

And we as fans will find it in ourselves to accept or even justify some bad behavior in defense of our favorite team.
Again, I can see your point and I honestly don't know a ton about her, her backstory, or how long they were together.

It's pretty murky. I looked into it because I think Hardy's a perfect fit in Dallas on the field, and I couldn't really make heads or tails of what went on. Im dubious of just about everything I've read from both sides. And then today's dismissal makes things even murkier.
It's pretty murky. I looked into it because I think Hardy's a perfect fit in Dallas on the field, and I couldn't really make heads or tails of what went on. Im dubious of just about everything I've read from both sides. And then today's dismissal makes things even murkier.

I don't see it as murky. He came to a settlement with the alleged victim who in turn, pretty much disappeared, leading to the dismissal.
Reading the article the victim claimed she was bruised from head to toe. All of this bruising would have been documented by photos. In fact she would have probably been photoed more then once to better document the bruises as the color changed. Doubt that these photos(if they exist) stay out of the NFL and the public's eye if they exsist
Bleacher Report's Jason Cole reports it's "extremely unlikely" that free agent DE Greg Hardy faces "any kind of further punishment" from the league.

Per Cole, the league could go digging into Hardy's reported settlement with the victim of his summer assault, but it's unlikely the shield could get something it could use. Barring any unforeseen developments, Hardy should soon come off the commissioner's exempt list, and hit free agency as scheduled on March 10.
It's pretty murky. I looked into it because I think Hardy's a perfect fit in Dallas on the field, and I couldn't really make heads or tails of what went on. Im dubious of just about everything I've read from both sides. And then today's dismissal makes things even murkier.

Same for me.

One thing that occurs to me - and this is just my opinion - but if Hardy wanted to hurt her like she describes in her original testimony, she wouldn't be alive today.

And someone who has done something some grievously wrong isn't the person who calls 911.
Bleacher Report's Jason Cole reports it's "extremely unlikely" that free agent DE Greg Hardy faces "any kind of further punishment" from the league.

Per Cole, the league could go digging into Hardy's reported settlement with the victim of his summer assault, but it's unlikely the shield could get something it could use. Barring any unforeseen developments, Hardy should soon come off the commissioner's exempt list, and hit free agency as scheduled on March 10.

That's how I see it too. The league has enough legal issues at this point in time. Do they really want another one or more?

Because I think if they try to apply any further discipline they'd be looking at suits from both Hardy and the NFLPA.
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