Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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I don't ask this sarcastically.

I'm genuinely interested.

Is it the fugal straw?
Turn them in for sure?

Can you YouTube it.... again... not being sarcastic. Do it. Make your statement. Go viral.
LOL c'mon. You took that nonsense seriously?
Meanwhile some on "America's team" do not want to atand because they feel as though it relates to the behaviour of the presidwnt. That is both ignorant and sad.

That has been reported, but the game hasn't been played yet. We will see in a few hours. I highly doubt any starters will kneel. Let them prove me wrong.
The NFL has stated that it does not require players to stand during the anthem. Owners were down on the sideline with them yesterday.

Deal with it.
And that is fine as long as they realize there are consequences to their actions. Will the consequences hit them in the wallet? I guess we'll see.
That has been reported, but the game hasn't been played yet. We will see in a few hours. I highly doubt any starters will kneel. Let them prove me wrong.

I'm looking forward to Witten kneeling and the board going apoplectic
Not this again. The anthem and all of those tributes they do for the military and police are political. There have been politics in sports for thousands of years. I can go through them again if need be.

You only take issue now because your profession is being protested.
Supporting the military and police is only controversial to those that would wish them harm. It's not political unless your perspective opposes American. Patriotism is not political, as Americans we should all love America. Oppose America, you are an enemy of the state.
Or you could enforce the rules the way they do in every other situation. Fine the players that don't follow the rules.
notice how I listed 2 options of what would eventually happen..."Fining the players" fantasy-land and isn't going to happen
And 84% of white murders were committed by other whites. Your stats don't mean what you want them to mean.

I doubt evidence will make much a dent in your thinking though.
Yet Blacks are 12% of the population and commit nearly 50% of ALL violent crime. Wonder if you understand this hard truth?
They are infringing on my rights as an NFL fan.. not to have the every day BS of politics mixed with my entertainment. I watch the game because I enjoy it, it entertains me.. not to watch over paid, over entitled millionaires disrespecting the flag and the people that died to give them the opportunity to play a kids game for millions of dollars. Like I said, there are ways to protest, to show unity, but to kneel during the anthem to me is just disrespectful and if that happens, I will have to make a decision.. I haven't missed a Cowboy's game that was televised in 40 years.. tonight might be the first of many though.

don't watch the anthem, go to the fridge. When you get back, the game will be on
Pretty much the way I see it, Scipio. Once he went after the players and told fans to leave the stadium, the owners got involved. Billionaires like to be left to their own laurels, and hate their money being messed with.

That particular part of his speech reminded me of Chris Farley in Black Sheep. If you've seen the movie, you
know the scene I'm thinking of.
Supporting the military and police is only controversial to those that would wish them harm. It's not political unless your perspective opposes American. Patriotism is not political, as Americans we should all love America. Oppose America, you are an enemy of the state.

This type of black and white rhetoric is narrow minded and never progresses nuanced issues like this in any meaningful way.
That's nothing more than your disgusting fantasy. It's not happening. Witten loves and respects this country.

You can love and respect your country and still protest. The two are not mutually exclusive. Disgusting to suggest otherwise.
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