Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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Supporting the military and police is only controversial to those that would wish them harm. It's not political unless your perspective opposes American. Patriotism is not political, as Americans we should all love America. Oppose America, you are an enemy of the state.

then love all of america and stop forcing the military into every discussion about what makes america what it is. This insane viewpoint that has been pushed on everyone that the only measuring stick of being an american is how much you obsess or love the military is nuts.

go tell a parent whose kid or other family member was killed by an officer that they have no right to be upset with the conduct of these officers because it makes them not american and see how that works out.

I love how the part of the country that supposedly loves the military also loves to keep sending young men to die in senseless wars. Maybe if you love them so much stop voting to put them in harms way?
You and I define "social institution" very differently. I don't watch the NFL for any values, morals, or wisdom. It's pure entertainment. Period. It's a sports league.

Really? You don't care about values like sportsmanship, fair play and team building?
That particular part of his speech reminded me of Chris Farley in Black Sheep. If you've seen the movie, you
know the scene I'm thinking of.

i think lost in all this is the fact that Puerto Rico is getting hammered and the President is still holding campaign rallies and picking fights with the NBA and NFL. Talk about not having your priorities straight. It's like Steph Curry said, it's beneath the office of the President to attack him and all the peaceful protesters and the owners that are worth more money than him.
The point was to raise awareness. Sure the root issue is lost on some or most people. But here we are having a discussion about it, so Kap and the players are getting exactly what they set out to do. Well done on them, because I can't think of a peaceful protest that would have garnered any more publicity than this one has.

Simple open dialogue about the hard truth of the matter. Hard questions from all sides bring truthful answers we all seek:

Starting point: Why are Americans being exposed to a military style police force that enacts violence against its citizens and especially on people of color?
Next: Why is the black community entrenched in broken families that are perpetuating the crime problems in the inner city?
Lastly: Who are the forces behind these issues that are pitting Americans against each other? What is their goal and why can't people see the real target is our sovereignty as a nation?
Love Black Sheep, yet I'm drawing a blank! Help me out here!

He's about to go on stage for his brother.
He walks into a dressing room full of Jamaicans smokin' weed.
After an invitation, he partakes in the smokefest.
Ends up high on stage... loses his mind.
Finishes by saying "kill whitey".

I hope you remember the scene for context.
He's about to go on stage for his brother.
He walks into a dressing room full of Jamaicans smokin' weed.
After an invitation, he partakes in the smokefest.
Ends up high on stage... loses his mind.
Finishes by saying "kill whitey".

I hope you remember the scene for context.

"Kill whitey?"

i think lost in all this is the fact that Puerto Rico is getting hammered and the President is still holding campaign rallies and picking fights with the NBA and NFL. Talk about not having your priorities straight. It's like Steph Curry said, it's beneath the office of the President to act him and all the peaceful protesters and the owners that are worth more money than him.

You kinda lost me at Steph Curry.
from quotes by both Garrett and JJ, they hold the flag and anthem as something sacred, they don't agree with the placement of this protest. Just saying that's from the mouth of the Cowboys head coach, GM and owner.
Really? You don't care about values like sportsmanship, fair play and team building?
Yeah, that's not today's professional sports leagues. It's all about the money and absolutely nothing else. If you can't see that, then I can't explain it to you.
Supporting the military and police is only controversial to those that would wish them harm. It's not political unless your perspective opposes American. Patriotism is not political, as Americans we should all love America. Oppose America, you are an enemy of the state.

We were talking about politics in sports. You don't get to move the goalposts for someone else.

I like how you are painting them as enemies of the state and then claim that it's not political. Give us some more of that stormfront rhetoric though. The jingoism is a nice touch.
my quick thoughts on this

1. The NFL is making a grave mistake challenging the President of the US, I can't see anyway this doesn't hurt the NFL's ratings (NONE) whatsoever!! everywhere i looked today fans and people are burning their memorabilia.

2. The dumb media have been sucked in once again, do you really think the majority of people in this country are going to side with the players on this?? hell no.

3. The last thing here, people are sick and tired of the political circus in this country, and now they found away to slap us in the face with it during sporting events!!
Yeah, that's not today's professional sports leagues. It's all about the money and absolutely nothing else. If you can't see that, then I can't explain it to you.

That's kinda cynical isn't it? Is all the talk around here about Witten's professionalism and selflessness just worthless banter then?
That's kinda cynical isn't it? Is all the talk around here about Witten's professionalism and selflessness just worthless banter then?

I'm sure there are some of the players that don't look at the league as just a paycheck, but I'd be willing to bet 95% of them do. Yes, that's just a guess on my part, but if you don't think money is almost the exclusive driving force behind professional sports leagues, we'll just have to disagree.
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