Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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then love all of america and stop forcing the military into every discussion about what makes america what it is. This insane viewpoint that has been pushed on everyone that the only measuring stick of being an american is how much you obsess or love the military is nuts.

go tell a parent whose kid or other family member was killed by an officer that they have no right to be upset with the conduct of these officers because it makes them not american and see how that works out.

I love how the part of the country that supposedly loves the military also loves to keep sending young men to die in senseless wars. Maybe if you love them so much stop voting to put them in harms way?

I served 20 honorable years in the military. Why would I not continue to honor them beyond my retirement? I know the sacrifice made by our military first hand. They deserve every honor they get from their grateful country. It is an honor to give ones life in defense of country.

Kids getting killed by officers is a sad event that can not be painted with broad strokes as something that is the fault of the officers. Parents love their children and will naturally be upset over their loss no matter who is at fault.

Nobody loves to send young men to war but unfortunately wishing evil away doesn't work so better men than you or I are sent to dispatch those that would do us harm. True evil does exist in this world that would do real harm to all Americans, be thankful it is keep away from our shores.
You were complaining about people forcing their ideology onto you. How does this not apply to you. I mean that stormfront rhetoric is fun and all.
Am I forcing ideology? Maybe you confused me with somebody that gives a crap what you say. Never have never will. Remember that the next time you think you have something to say to me. I don't care about what you have to say. Preach your blather to a weaker minded person that will listen.
We were talking about politics in sports. You don't get to move the goalposts for someone else.

I like how you are painting them as enemies of the state and then claim that it's not political. Give us some more of that stormfront rhetoric though. The jingoism is a nice touch.
All I hear there is you self-identifying as a hater of America. Explains so much about you.
If they do, their *** should be cut. I don't care which player it is from the starting QB down to the 53rd man on the roster.

Well you sir have no concept of:

1. Salary Cap
2. Constitutional rights
3. Peaceful Protesting
4. Or what they are protesting

I'll gladly hold the door open for you when someone kneels tonight.
Well you sir have no concept of:

1. Salary Cap
2. Constitutional rights
3. Peaceful Protesting
4. Or what they are protesting

I'll gladly hold the door open for you when someone kneels tonight.

They won't be cut, but constitutional rights have nothing to do with it. Jerry Jones would be well within his rights to cut them.
Ok, the coverage of the kneeling is beginning to get nauseating on my sports shows.
As intended...
The American Flag stands for the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice. I honor those who gave their lives and NO WAY would I show disrespect by pulling this "LOOK AT ME" protest crap. You want to get political you say it,but the American Flag for me is sacred. I think by law they should be able to shoot a flag burner on sight. This I want to be a 60's hippie makes me want to puke!!! Yeah any Cowboys who pull this crap need to be sent to Cleveland & Buffalo,but first I would make them go spend some time in a Veterans Hospital and see true heroes not because you can run a good forty.YOU ARE NOT HERO, YOU JUST PLAY A SPORT. Heroes are those who sacrificed.Keep the Flag out of your self grandizing protest.

Last I checked the flag stood for all American's
People get fired all the time for saying/doing things their employers found objectionable.

The 1st Amendment says the GOVERNMENT can't suppress your speech. It says nothing about your employer.

People who get caught saying vile things to co workers, racist stuff, etc. get fired all the time. Since their employer is not the Government, there's no 1st Amendment issue involved.
"In the his forum"? Go back to junior college.
Referring to the forum AND that it is the owner's forum. And his rules.
But, too, obviously you are special because you saw fit to get politics into this thread.
You know better but you violated a tenent of the CZ.
Apologize. Now.
Well you sir have no concept of:

1. Salary Cap
2. Constitutional rights
3. Peaceful Protesting
4. Or what they are protesting

I'll gladly hold the door open for you when someone kneels tonight.
Constitutional rights to protest on the job, really? Did not realize I had that right from birth.
People get fired all the time for saying/doing things their employers found objectionable.

The 1st Amendment says the GOVERNMENT can't suppress your speech. It says nothing about your employer.

People who get caught saying vile things to co workers, racist stuff, etc. get fired all the time. Since their employer is not the Government, there's no 1st Amendment issue involved.
They don't teach this in most schools, unfortunately.

Few Americans know what freedom of speech actually means.
what is the difference in your view?

I think kneeling is really disrespectful to the men and women who fought to give them that right. I get both sides of this, I really do and have not debated either side in this forum.

It will go a longer ways by just standing in unity IMO. By kneeling, they are stirring up even more contrversy and the real, underlying issues will be smothered by the 24/7 coverage of the kneels themselves. The media will focus solely on that action rather than a unified front of players locking arms.

In short, if they want to accomplish some goals, do not make it worse by kneeling. This is all my opinion and I speak for no one else.
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