Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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Can someone explain what the protesting players want.

Is it to pass laws saying that cops cannot respond to calls in certain neighborhoods? Kind of like no go zones in certain european country's
Is it to force an amendment to the constitution that says all cops must be black?
Do they want the head of the police union to get on TV and say that cops are racist and hate blacks?

Or have they been duped into pawns doing their part to tear apart the country?

wow so many wrongs in this post
The guys who were doing the security for Kessler and Duke at the Charlottesville debacle were ex-military. The bottomline is that the armed services have remained neutral on this issue. The rank and file have various positions just like the population at large.

Yeah but working and living around such a diverse mix of people like you do in the military I would think you get some type of empathy and listen to the plight of ppl who look different from you. Unfortunately my time in the military I ran across a lot of good old boys you didn't want to acknowledge things that made them uncomfortable
Are the missing time on the field? Nope they're not protesting their jobs.
Seems to me they are on the job as they are wearing their teams colors. If they were in front of their house or apartment or anyplace not associated with the team than more power to them.
Can someone explain what the protesting players want.

Here is a report on the letter some sent to the NFL office. I'd tell them I agree with much of that. I'd also tell them they have made their point and now all they are doing is pissing people off. Spend your energy actually doing something to make these changes instead on kneeling during the anthem because that isn't going to change anything.
I'll still be a fan.

I, for one, and looking forward to all the tough talkers trying to fulfill their promises when we're hoisting that Lombardi soon.

I'm not happy about it, and it will depend on how many and who. I'm guessing it will be a gut reaction and if and when this ends I hopefully will still have passion for it.
Can someone explain what the protesting players want.

Is it to pass laws saying that cops cannot respond to calls in certain neighborhoods? Kind of like no go zones in certain european country's
Is it to force an amendment to the constitution that says all cops must be black?
Do they want the head of the police union to get on TV and say that cops are racist and hate blacks?

Or have they been duped into pawns doing their part to tear apart the country?


They want to create a conversation about injustice for
Only snowflakes with hurt feelings are the ones pissing on the constitution which is what this Great country was found on.

Cry away

The country was founded by people who declared that black people are 3/5 of a human being. 300 years later, black Americans are being disproportionately gunned down by law enforcement.

You can disagree with the protests but try and see these players point of view when it comes to the constitution.
Well there's gonna be a lot of disappointed folk who keep pushing that fake Jerry story

It's not fake at all. Was what he told players last year when they played on 9/11. I'd imagine, he'll leave it up to the team tonight. It was reported somewhere that Witten and Fitzgerald have been talking back and forth about what actions to take tonight. I know it won't happen but I'd love to see both teams on the field holding that big ol flag during the Anthem
Seems to me they are on the job as they are wearing their teams colors. If they were in front of their house or apartment or anyplace not associated with the team than more power to them.

lol hilarious
What do they want?

accountability for those wrongful killings of minorities. Yes there are criminals, yes sometimes force is necessary but there a whooooooooooole lot of scenarios where it wasn't needed or was excessive...and there are no consequences for those individuals
It's not fake at all. Was what he told players last year when they played on 9/11. I'd imagine, he'll leave it up to the team tonight. It was reported somewhere that Witten and Fitzgerald have been talking back and forth about what actions to take tonight. I know it won't happen but I'd love to see both teams on the field holding that big ol flag during the Anthem

What's being passed around is not what he said. Nor did he ever threaten to cut any player. Gullible

The thing is, chaps, it takes so little effort to be respectful and to not act the fool or rebel.
On your own time, I and legions of fans will stand shoulder to shoulder with you on injustices.
Otherwise, methinks 90% of the individuals protesting are preening, posing, narcissistic men who need their days dose of attention.
And Kapernick didn't? Is he in the NFL right now? You sound foolish
Really he could of dipped out after week 1 he had all that guaranteed money. He was still trying to get "job" in the NFL. He has only backtrackeda little bit because his money is drying up. His comments are not as incendiary as they were.
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