Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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Side note, Trump called for a boycott of the NFL and this weekend the ratings went UP. LULZ

99% of the people talking about giving up on watching the NFL are full of hot air. Pics or it didn't happen, y'all.
Ratings were actually down yesterday.
I wouldn't say that, they have a just cause and this is their way of trying to bring attention to it. But attention has been brought to it already and for a long time now.They have made their point, now they need to move on to something more productive. If they want things to change, they should contact mayors, police chiefs, their state and national representatives. A schlub like myself would not get the time of day from them, but these guys would.
Finally, a fair and astute commentary on the issue. Thanks, bloke!
Are the missing time on the field? Nope they're not protesting their jobs.
I am sorry the moment they step out of their undies into their Jocks they are on the job. If Dez decided he did not want to dress out for warm ups my guess he is he wont play. The players may be "dual" employed first being a representative for their respective teams and being a representative of the NFL on game day.
So this only happens to minorities and this is related to the NFL and the national anthem how?

only to minorities? no of course not. more frequently to minorities, absolutely. I've seen it. I've been apart of it. As far as the nfl and anthem goes, Kaep chose to use his platform as a way to protest against it. Would i have done it? nope but i don't see a problem with it, nor do i feel its as big an issue as people make it seem to be.
only to minorities? no of course not. more frequently to minorities, absolutely. I've seen it. I've been apart of it. As far as the nfl and anthem goes, Kaep chose to use his platform as a way to protest against it. Would i have done it? nope but i don't see a problem with it, nor do i feel its as big an issue as people make it seem to be.

Why does it happen more frequently to minorities? Isn't it meant to be a big issue? Isn't that the point of disrespecting the national anthem while on national tv?
I feel anger that I ever served in the same military as you. You are the type of person i warned my sailors about becoming
I honor your freedom to say that but face to face, I'd kick your but then buy you a beer or two and still not hold a grudge.
Can someone explain what the protesting players want.

Is it to pass laws saying that cops cannot respond to calls in certain neighborhoods? Kind of like no go zones in certain european country's
Is it to force an amendment to the constitution that says all cops must be black?
Do they want the head of the police union to get on TV and say that cops are racist and hate blacks?

Or have they been duped into pawns doing their part to tear apart the country?
Point one I would not doubt it, it would mean stopping the war on drugs, which in itself is probably a good idea.
Point 2 would not make a difference because black cops that enforce the law are demeaned and called names.
Point 3 they would love that.
Why does it happen more frequently to minorities? Isn't it meant to be a big issue? Isn't that the point of disrespecting the national anthem while on national tv?

why does it happen? your guess is as good as mine. not proper training. possibly racism, or not the right personnel in the job. If we knew why, we could fix it. but we don't so it continues to occur. and yes it is a big issue. for me, my family, my friends, my race. It doesn't bother many of us because we understand the problem and agree it needs attention
Not yet. You? :facepalm:

No but I know how that would make me feel it did. Hence why I can see where the players are coming from and what protests mean to them. We are all entitled an opinion via the first amendment.

This is called empathy.
He complained and you said he was a snowflake. You complained so by your logic that makes you the same.

You struggle to keep up with what I am saying is all I am getting. You seem upset though. Do you want to talk about it.
I don't complain, I just tell it like it is. My guy won the election so what's to be upset about? You mad? I don't give what you are saying a second thought, it's the drivel of weak mind so why bother.
why does it happen? your guess is as good as mine. not proper training. possibly racism, or not the right personnel in the job. If we knew why, we could fix it. but we don't so it continues to occur. and yes it is a big issue. for me, my family, my friends, my race. It doesn't bother many of us because we understand the problem and agree it needs attention

Do you think it is possible that minority communities experience more incidents with police for reasons other than improper training, possible racism or not having the right personnel? Could there be another explanation for it?
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