Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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The country was founded by people who declared that black people are 3/5 of a human being. 300 years later, black Americans are being disproportionately gunned down by law enforcement.

You can disagree with the protests but try and see these players point of view when it comes to the constitution.

I'm sorry have you followed along? I've been defending exactly what you typed. My response was to the snowflake crying about people using their first amendment right to raise awareness during a visible moment before a game.
The thing is, chaps, it takes so little effort to be respectful and to not act the fool or rebel.
On your own time, I and legions of fans will stand shoulder to shoulder with you on injustices.
Otherwise, methinks 90% of the individuals protesting are preening, posing, narcissistic men who need their days dose of attention.

Not saying you are this way, but generally those who hold this point of view lack the ability to empathize with people less fortunate or privileged. Surely you can think of another reason players would be upset besides they crave attention.
A conversation with whom? Who participates in this conversation and what are the injustices?

Well we're participating aren't we? I mean this isn't rocket science. I've yet to see anyone who is complaining actually offer a solution so they would stop protesting.
Oh this straw man argument

Please come with something better

"Straw man"?

Employers fire people every single day for using their mouths to say racist/sexist/threats to their coworkers.

You're actually unaware of how this works?

"You can't fire me for calling that co-worker a *****! She *IS* a *****! I have free speech rights!"

Yeah, good luck with that lawsuit.
accountability for those wrongful killings of minorities. Yes there are criminals, yes sometimes force is necessary but there a whooooooooooole lot of scenarios where it wasn't needed or was excessive...and there are no consequences for those individuals

So this only happens to minorities and this is related to the NFL and the national anthem how?
Otherwise, methinks 90% of the individuals protesting are preening, posing, narcissistic men who need their days dose of attention.

I wouldn't say that, they have a just cause and this is their way of trying to bring attention to it. But attention has been brought to it already and for a long time now.They have made their point, now they need to move on to something more productive. If they want things to change, they should contact mayors, police chiefs, their state and national representatives. A schlub like myself would not get the time of day from them, but these guys would.
"Straw man"?

Employers fire people every single day for using their mouths to say racist/sexist/threats to their coworkers.

You're actually unaware of how this works?

"You can't fire me for calling that co-worker a *****! She *IS* a *****! I have free speech rights!"

Yeah, good luck with that lawsuit.

Again this point is moot. The NFL does not require it. No one is getting cut over this.
I will be taking notes on which players kneel and I won't support them in the future. They have the right to protest, just not at the expense of the flag at an NFL game, to which they are employees. It's disrespectful and disgusting. The players just don't get it. We don't care what your political and social injustice you believe in. You are entertainers just like hollywood actors. I love Tom Cruise movies and I don't want to hear about his dealings with sciencetology. So, players, play the game and keep your views/protests out of stadium. If you don't, I won't spend any more of my cash. You hear that Jerry?
"Straw man"?

Employers fire people every single day for using their mouths to say racist/sexist/threats to their coworkers.

You're actually unaware of how this works?

"You can't fire me for calling that co-worker a *****! She *IS* a *****! I have free speech rights!"

Yeah, good luck with that lawsuit.

Well I have yet to witness any of the employees you reference use derogatory language while referencing another employee during this moment. Yet we know it happens during the game, so they play by different rules joe blow

Also, the league and the owner's have supported their players so your argument is nothing.
A "tenent"? LOL what's that? Ohhhh, you meant "tenet."

Stop trying to sound smart, JC kid.
Here is some smartness. It is old English,
Einstein. Became THE spelling in the 1600 century for rule, belief, principal. Look it up. I dare ye. It is not difficult. I will spell it in American English for your ready comprehension. Heh.
Can someone explain what the protesting players want.

Is it to pass laws saying that cops cannot respond to calls in certain neighborhoods? Kind of like no go zones in certain european country's
Is it to force an amendment to the constitution that says all cops must be black?
Do they want the head of the police union to get on TV and say that cops are racist and hate blacks?

Or have they been duped into pawns doing their part to tear apart the country?

Yeah, none of that.
they are disrespecting the nation by peacefully protesting? lol what? especially considering the Head of State of said nation called them sons of *****es. I swear some of you guys confuse Nationalism with Patriotism to easily.

They are disrespecting a nation that has made most of them very wealthy men. We all stand for the national anthem to show our appreciation to live in such a country that allows people like them to pursue a sport that makes them well off, and allows us to gather for a game of football. Take their protests somewhere else, they have made their point.
Says the snowflake with hurt feels. :rolleyes:

This was in reference to me saying, "This type of black and white rhetoric is narrow minded and never progresses nuanced issues like this in any meaningful way."

Which was really just a polite way of pointing out that mrtxstar is using a logical fallacy he should have learned about in middle school (False Dilemma).

Can someone explain to me why they think players are disrespecting veterans by kneeling? That is obviously not their intentions, and I personally do not see why the flag/anthem directly correlates to the military and or veterans when those symbols are meant for all Americans. I don't feel personally slighted when someone protests America because I know this country isn't perfect and protesting is just one way to improve upon it. Unless we were to ask every single player protesting their reasons for kneeling I'm not going to judge them for their motives.
Not saying you are this way, but generally those who hold this point of view lack the ability to empathize with people less fortunate or privileged. Surely you can think of another reason players would be upset besides they crave attention.
I am among the less fortunate. I cannot recall ANY player empathizing with me and bringing me a bag of groceriescor fish and chips.
Really he could of dipped out after week 1 he had all that guaranteed money. He was still trying to get "job" in the NFL. He has only backtrackeda little bit because his money is drying up. His comments are not as incendiary as they were.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Kaepernick opted out of his contract himself. He still stands for injustice today as he did last year. Hear what you want to
Here is some smartness. It is old English,
Einstein. Became THE spelling in the 1600 century for rule, belief, principal. Look it up. I dare ye. It is not difficult. I will spell it in American English for your ready comprehension. Heh.

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