Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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Do you think it is possible that minority communities experience more incidents with police for reasons other than improper training, possible racism or not having the right personnel? Could there be another explanation for it?

i already admitted there are criminals and times where force is necessary. It would be incorrect to say that all police killings towards minorities were not justified. However because of those justified killings or the behaviors that led to killings by the criminal, law enforcement tends to adopt the thinking that minorities all do the same thing and will shoot first even in scenarios where it really wasn't necessary.
The country was founded by people who declared that black people are 3/5 of a human being. 300 years later, black Americans are being disproportionately gunned down by law enforcement.

You can disagree with the protests but try and see these players point of view when it comes to the constitution.
Don't commit crimes and you won't be gunned down.
This was in reference to me saying, "This type of black and white rhetoric is narrow minded and never progresses nuanced issues like this in any meaningful way."

Which was really just a polite way of pointing out that mrtxstar is using a logical fallacy he should have learned about in middle school (False Dilemma).

Can someone explain to me why they think players are disrespecting veterans by kneeling? That is obviously not their intentions, and I personally do not see why the flag/anthem directly correlates to the military and or veterans when those symbols are meant for all Americans. I don't feel personally slighted when someone protests America because I know this country isn't perfect and protesting is just one way to improve upon it. Unless we were to ask every single player protesting their reasons for kneeling I'm not going to judge them for their motives.

Your inability to comprehend a concept does not legitimize the concept. I honestly believe you when you say, "I personally do not see why the flag/anthem directly correlates to the military and or veterans...". To protest is to be American but to try to make your issues more important than my relaxing football time is bad form. There is a time and place for everything. Protest on your time I might even join you and we'll convey a more potent message together.
Loc is the man, Dave! And so are you!!! :yourock::yourock::dance::dance:
I think all 3 are the man, kinda like maybe :huh:,,,
Dallas Trout of Prime???no?,,o.k,,,Trouty's Prime Dallas???,,,o.k.,,,o.k. ,,,then
Prime Dallas Trout it iso_O

:angry:( I'm in need of an NFL streaming link for this game GANG! I've got the 'hotspot' on Active,,,:thumbup:
Please send me an easy clicker cuz' I'm a cherry with this o_O)
i already admitted there are criminals and times where force is necessary. It would be incorrect to say that all police killings towards minorities were not justified. However because of those justified killings or the behaviors that led to killings by the criminal, law enforcement tends to adopt the thinking that minorities all do the same thing and will shoot first even in scenarios where it really wasn't necessary.

Is that true or is this media hype?
is what true? the stereotyping behavior of law enforcement?
" law enforcement tends to adopt the thinking that minorities all do the same thing and will shoot first even in scenarios where it really wasn't necessary."

Yes this? Does it apply just to white cops or do minority cops act in such a manner as well? If so why?
Can someone explain what the phrase "white fragility" means? I've seen it bandied around in discussions like this and would like to have a better idea of what it means.
Actually, THAT comment sounded an awful lot like stereotyping

i'm basing this on my own experiences. when you get pulled over by a cop for something small, who after sees food in your back seat, asks "got the munchies after a little weed session huh?" i can say this happens. And that's a light version of my experiences
Your inability to comprehend a concept does not legitimize the concept. I honestly believe you when you say, "I personally do not see why the flag/anthem directly correlates to the military and or veterans...". To protest is to be American but to try to make your issues more important than my relaxing football time is bad form. There is a time and place for everything. Protest on your time I might even join you and we'll convey a more potent message together.

Nice of you to only quote half of what I said, lol. Protests are never at your convenience, that would make them ****** protests.
Are some really going to give up the whole football seasons if the Cowboys protest. Even if they end up making a deep run in the playoffs?
Give me a break. The whole racism argument when it comes to law enforcement is a bunch of bull****. If you don't want to get shot, don't commit crimes. White people get shot by cops too, but I haven't seen any protests. Are there some accidents and even bad shootings? Of course there are, but the same thing applies to white people that get shot. You just never hear about it because no one cares and no one can make any money off of it. The Michael Brown farce started all of this and it was proven to be total bull****. The "hands up, don't shoot" cry was proven to be a complete lie. The guy went for the officer's gun. You do that, you get shot. Every damn time.

I'm not blind. I know racism still exists. But, it exists on a two way street. In general, you will be treated in the manner you treat others. It seems that today if a black person gets shot by the Police, it's automatically a racist act. Maybe, just maybe black people commit crimes just like white people. Imagine that.
Give me a break. The whole racism argument when it comes to law enforcement is a bunch of bull****. If you don't want to get shot, don't commit crimes. White people get shot by cops too, but I haven't seen any protests. Are there some accidents and even bad shootings? Of course there are, but the same thing applies to white people that get shot. You just never hear about it because no one cares and no one can make any money off of it. The Michael Brown farce started all of this and it was proven to be total bull****. The "hands up, don't shoot" cry was proven to be a complete lie. The guy went for the officer's gun. You do that, you get shot. Every damn time.

I'm not blind. I know racism still exists. But, it exists on a two way street. In general, you will be treated in the manner you treat others. It seems that today if a black person gets shot by the Police, it's automatically a racist act. Maybe, just maybe black people commit crimes just like white people. Imagine that.
Could not agree more!
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