Rev. Al, Russell Simmons, PETA add their two cents on Vick...

superpunk;1555186 said:
Let's say I was an alien, with no earthly moral background.

How would you explain why it's ok to do nasty things to cows and other animals, but dogs and cats are off limits? How would you justify other nations' treatments of dogs and cats - murdering them, eradicating them, eating them - as opposed to our treatment?

Just a possibly interesting excercise - if anyone can manage it....

1st off, I would welcome you to Earth, then pop a cap in yo ***, and make money off 'ya
Bob Sacamano;1555188 said:
1st off, I would welcome you to Earth, then pop a cap in yo ***, and make money off 'ya

Thanks, summer.

I appreciate all your articulate, well thought out and rational contributions to this thread.
superpunk;1555189 said:
Thanks, summer.

I appreciate all your articulate, well thought out and rational contributions to this thread.

:jerk: all over you, I think this topic has been thoroughly beat to death already

I'm right, you're wrong ;)
Crown Royal;1555120 said:
Wild/feral pigs and domesticated pigs are different. Most of what we eat couldn't survive in the wild, and would probably become instinct unless they reverted to their wild origins.

Oh I disagree with you on this. Most of the wild pigs around here were actually domesticated hogs that either got lose or were let go. So a pig can and will revert back to their wild orgins
superpunk;1555186 said:
Let's say I was an alien, with no earthly moral background.

How would you explain why it's ok to do nasty things to cows and other animals, but dogs and cats are off limits? How would you justify other nations' treatments of dogs and cats - murdering them, eradicating them, eating them - as opposed to our treatment?

Just a possibly interesting excercise - if anyone can manage it....

Then you would not have been a human? might help you?

Next question? :rolleyes:

(white text)

heavyg;1555198 said:
Oh I disagree with you on this. Most of the wild pigs around here were actually domesticated hogs that either got lose or were let go. So a pig can and will revert back to their wild orgins

Which is why I said unless they reverted back.
Thanks, 5stars - you cleared everything up. Were I an actual alien, I would have recognized the differences immediately from your thoughtful explanation. I can always count on you.
superpunk;1555205 said:
Thanks, 5stars - you cleared everything up. Were I an actual alien, I would have recognized the differences immediately from your thoughtful explanation. I can always count on you.

If you were an actual alien :)rolleyes: ) and came down to Earth?

Leave what is called a "woman" alone! Don't touch them...they belong to us!

superpunk;1554761 said:
Personally, I'm hoping knife-fighting makes a comeback. Or duels....those were the days...

Watch The Movie The duelist based on a true story has Harvey Keitel and Keith Carradine directed by [SIZE=-1]Ridley Scott (yes the guy that did gladiator)[/SIZE]
Well, it's been fun reading this thread. People (again) comparing dogs and cows, dogs with cats, dogs with anything standing on two or four legs, serial killers, morality, whatever.

Dog fighting is against the law. What's to argue?

DallasEast;1555221 said:
Dog fighting is against the law. What's to argue?


But, but, but...some will try to rationalize bad behaviors, no matter what it is.
bbgun;1555001 said:
God you're dishonest. I predicted that Sharp would throw a hissyfit if Goodell decided to suspend Vick ahead of the trial. That hasn't happened yet. Now I see that Sharp has decided to stick his nose in this anyway. BTW, who asked him to? How exactly is the good Reverend relevant to this case? Is he Vick's agent? Spiritual adviser? Or does he just pop up whenever a stripper cries rape? The mystery widens.

It's called being a leader. People look to him to speak for them.
BrAinPaiNt;1554649 said:
This interests me from a certain stand point.

The commish has came down hard on some players recently.

Now this whole Vick thing is going on.

I wonder if he will come down as hard on Vick.

Here is why I wonder about it.

Tank Johnson, Pac Man Jones and Chris Henry are not in the status of a Vick.

By status I mean it as a Franchise QB for a team and a very popular person in the NFL.

Jerk or not Vick has made money for the NFL. They have hyped him up on ESPN and other sports networks. He goes to the Pro-Bowl. Has had many sponsors. He is viewed as a young QB for todays NFL.

So in that aspect he is not like the others who have recently got in trouble.

Now I don't know if the Commish will be harsher on him since Vick is more of a superstar and in turn gets more negative press for the NFL. Will he be less harsh on him as millions of young people idolize him and watch the game because of him, helps sell jerseys and so on.

Just something to watch here. I don't know if the commish will be consistant with Vicks punishment or if he goes a little more one way or the other.

The Commish is well advised by his NFL legal staff. Furthermore Vick, or any other employee of the NFL could be suspended or even banned for a non-illegal act. Vick could be seriously violating rules of conduct stipulated in all player contracts.

The NFL governing body is not stupid and they also are aware of the ramifications if they egregiously cut slack to a superstar player. The impact of providing preferential treatment to Vick would hurt the NFL and undermine the credibility of all that enforce the rules.

Then there is the personal moral groundedness that all of them must contend with. In a nutshell the NFL will go out of its way to ensure that their decision making and actions regarding Vick wil be balanced in the utmost.
moral relativism. Just love the contortions someone has to go through to defend it. Trying to say that a slap to the face is the same as a steel toed boot to the ribs.

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