Rev. Al, Russell Simmons, PETA add their two cents on Vick...

Crown Royal;1556247 said:
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Whoever drew that sucks.

Rolling with the pictures today!

"Civil rights leader Al sharpton"


**** Al Sharpton.

**** Al sharpton


Calvin2Tony2Emmitt2Julius;1555593 said:
Originally Posted by burmafrd
I cannot find myself agreeing with PETA without wanting to truly hurl.
But their point about those who are cruel to animals being risks to others is borne out by studies on serial killers. Virtually every one of them were cruel to animals. In many cases what they did to animals as kids they did to people as adults.

This is the leap in faith I find crazy. Plenty of little boys have done something to an animal. It's called being a little boy. Many people are cruel to animals, to say someone who is cruel to animals has anything to do with psychotics is just plain wrong and over the top.

Micheal Vick, if found guilty should be punished okay. Just getting that out of the way because I know what's coming. It is a crime and if convicted he should be punished. But, Looking at some of the post as well as some of the other things I have read on this matter, let's just say it is eye opening.

He has NO Prior convictions, and In our judicial system they use it. They use it to give repeat offender's more time. They use it to give Good people who do stupid things and get caught up Probabtion. Some people with the Blood lust for Vick's head may not like it but that is what it is.

And yes, I know it is popular to say the whole (Gagging) animals are people too stuff is the new elightened badge of honor but Yes, like it or not, fact is we are talking about DOGS here. People get less for killing humans under the right circumstances. Again Dog fighting is stupid, It is cruel and personally I think the dude needs to get over the whole culture and everyting attached to it. But it is what it is. It goes on Nationwide and People get caught and do not spend jail time, they do not loose their jobs. They loose their animals and pay fines.

Just because Vick can afford it and would not Die and Go away like many would like Does not change anything. The punishment should fit the crime.

Rats are animals-killed with impunity
alligators are animals- Killed for shoes
Seals are animals-killed for vanity
Minks are animals- killed So wealthy men can have sex
Chimpanzees are animals- killed to satisfy mans curiosity about everything form asprin ingestion to nuclear exposure

On and On ...

I disagree with P.E.T.A but I can at least respect them. They are outraged about all animal cruelty. The newfound Dog lovers I find hyporcritical.

As an aside I want to see some of the takes the next time a kid is mauled to death by one of these Gentle, Loving, Wise, Magestic creatures, for no other reason than the kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I love my dog but I realize that it is an animal.

You are a mean little minded person. May your kind please go away. Maybe we can throw you to the ground in death, or maybe drowning would suit you better, or maybe electrocution after water was throw on you.

Sorry bud, you have a very sick mind.
And one more comment. I grew up in Southern California, moved to Virginia (short period of time), and then on to New England.

I was never exposed to people that are so mean. Nasty, disgusting.

I moved to Dallas for a job in the mid '80's. We went to the State Fair. While there, there were animals for sale. There was a pen with lots of pigs and this mean SOB who had -- I think you call it a prod -- it had electricity in it. He was torturing this poor pig. Hitting it with the prod and laughing - enjoying every moment. The pig was screaming in agony. I simply could not take it -- I blew into that guy. He stopped. I basically said, isn't it bad enough they have to die, but you have to torture them.

I simply do not, will never understand you SOB's that think that hurting and abusing anyone is not disgusting. And I assure you, if you would do that to an animal, a human is OK to.

You are disgusting.
Vtwin;1556289 said:
Hey!Why does my beef smell like fish!?lol

Another disgusting post. So, let's kill some dogs, insult some women. What next???

No offense, but is there any intelligent life left??? Socrates, oh, you must be turning in your grave.
Crown Royal;1556432 said:
That just isn't true.

Sorry, almost every serial killer was an abuser of animals first.

And even if they do not kill the human being they live with, it goes to tell you a lot about the person. What person hurts an innocent??? A coward first off. Yeh, you can. Who is to talk???

Anyone that hurts an animal and enjoys it has a very, very sick mind.
Pats Fan;1556440 said:
Another disgusting post. So, let's kill some dogs, insult some women. What next???

No offense, but is there any intelligent life left??? Socrates, oh, you must be turning in your grave.


That was crude, yes, but I fail to see the insult.
Pats Fan;1556446 said:
Sorry, almost every serial killer was an abuser of animals first.

And even if they do not kill the human being they live with, it goes to tell you a lot about the person. What person hurts an innocent??? A coward first off. Yeh, you can. Who is to talk???

Anyone that hurts an animal and enjoys it has a very, very sick mind.

Have you even read the thread? We already discussed this.
Pats Fan;1556446 said:
Sorry, almost every serial killer was an abuser of animals first.
And every trans-gendered person who is now "female" was once male... Does that mean all males are, or will one day be, trans-gendered females?
peplaw06;1556458 said:
And every trans-gendered person who is now "female" was once male... Does that mean all males are, or will one day be, trans-gendered females?

I own 3 dogs, 1 cat. On my worst day, and we all have them, I would never think to hurt or not love one of them.

I am reading these posts (most from good people that think like me), but then there are those of you that live in the dark. I call you on that. Just because we are decent people does not mean that we cannot stand up to evil.

We are all not intimidated.
I'm amazed at some of the points of view here.

A few points:

Hunting is the way deer population is controlled. In many places there are more than enough deer. If they weren't hunted, then the deer would starve to death, clearly a worse fate.

I see the distinction made that it's ok to hunt, but not for sport, only for necessity. For most hunters I think it's a cross section of both. They eat the game that they hunt, but they also hunt in part for the thrill of the chase. That doesn't mean they want to be cruel to animals. The vast majority of hunters I know try to kill the animal in the quickest and humane way possible.

I doubt there are very many people who would literally starve to death, if they came up empty in their hunt, although there are a few. Yet, it is still meat they eat.
dboyz;1556486 said:
I'm amazed at some of the points of view here.

A few points:

Hunting is the way deer population is controlled. In many places there are more than enough deer. If they weren't hunted, then the deer would starve to death, clearly a worse fate.

I see the distinction made that it's ok to hunt, but not for sport, only for necessity. For most hunters I think it's a cross section of both. They eat the game that they hunt, but they also hunt in part for the thrill of the chase. That doesn't mean they want to be cruel to animals. The vast majority of hunters I know try to kill the animal in the quickest and humane way possible.

I doubt there are very many people who would literally starve to death, if they came up empty in their hunt, although there are a few. Yet, it is still meat they eat.

I agree and your right about the deer population and what the results would be if hunting were banned. Here in Texas they have programs where hunters can give the deer meat to an organization that is called Hunters for the Hungry. I really don't see the comparison of hunting and taking 2 domesticated animals putting them in a ring to maul each other while guys stand around placing bets as these animals are killing each other

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