Revisiting Romo's Late Game Stats

It's amazing no one is taking into account that a majority of these Qb's on the list are playing with the lead. Late in the game, they don't need to pass and play catch up. Romo constantly has to. There's so many other factors not discussed in the stats. Of course romo's rating will be higher when we're down 17 in the 4th quarter. Teams let up by then

As usual, you flunk at analysis. Rating is not a cumulative stat. Additionally, you could easily argue that teams that are up big have an easier time passing the ball as the defense is forced to combat more time-wasting strategies such as running. Your hero Peyton Manning threw 3 TDS in the fourth quarter in a blowout against the 'Skins, 2 TDs in the fourth quarter in a blowout against the Ravens, and another whopping 3 TDs in the fourth quarter in a blowout against the 2-14 Texans. So much for your "analysis".
They're ok I guess, but 16 games of 500 yds 5 TD/1 INT should get you to 14-2 at least.

Too bad at the end when he could have put the game away against that horredous defense he choked. Has the best game of his career and then chokes at the end. That is Romo for you.
That's already been outlined I suggest you do some reading.
Outlined, eh?

I looked through all your posts in this thread, and you have said something about Romo being 1-6 in "elimination games," having 12 INTs, and this gem...
I know from researching playoff games and SB's that the QB who has the better TD to turnover ratio their team usually wins.
You say you've "researched" it, but you haven't provided the results of your research. All you've done is conclude that the stats presented aren't useful, but that your "stats" are. You haven't provided a comparative analysis to other QBs in the league to even see where Romo ranks.

How is anyone else supposed to judge your claims, when you haven't presented the full context?

And you've been called on it a number of times by percyhoward, and you've dodged it each time, or asked him to do the correlation to winning for you. Laziness.

But I'm glad you directed me to your "outline" in the rest of the thread. It lets me know you're talking out your ***. I had missed that, thanks.
It's amazing no one is taking into account that a majority of these Qb's on the list are playing with the lead. Late in the game, they don't need to pass and play catch up. Romo constantly has to. There's so many other factors not discussed in the stats. Of course romo's rating will be higher when we're down 17 in the 4th quarter. Teams let up by then

Even if this were true, whose fault is it that we're playing catch up?

If Romo has a good overall passer rating, and has a good passer rating late in close games, then who's fault is it that he has to pass in the 4th quarter and play catch up?
Outlined, eh?

I looked through all your posts in this thread, and you have said something about Romo being 1-6 in "elimination games," having 12 INTs, and this gem...
You say you've "researched" it, but you haven't provided the results of your research. All you've done is conclude that the stats presented aren't useful, but that your "stats" are. You haven't provided a comparative analysis to other QBs in the league to even see where Romo ranks.

How is anyone else supposed to judge your claims, when you haven't presented the full context?

And you've been called on it a number of times by percyhoward, and you've dodged it each time, or asked him to do the correlation to winning for you. Laziness.

But I'm glad you directed me to your "outline" in the rest of the thread. It lets me know you're talking out your ***. I had missed that, thanks.

Do you have 8 million online followers? If not, then KJJ wins! lmao
They say he's the best QB in Cowboys history which further proves how worthless they are.

Worthless? lmao

Go into your nearest truck stop, go to the dirty restroom, and take a look at yourself.
As usual, you flunk at analysis. Rating is not a cumulative stat. Additionally, you could easily argue that teams that are up big have an easier time passing the ball as the defense is forced to combat more time-wasting strategies such as running. Your hero Peyton Manning threw 3 TDS in the fourth quarter in a blowout against the 'Skins, 2 TDs in the fourth quarter in a blowout against the Ravens, and another whopping 3 TDs in the fourth quarter in a blowout against the 2-14 Texans. So much for your "analysis".

There about 4 guys that just can't accept the facts even when they smack them in their face. They don't have anything to support their positions only an opinion. I even question to what level of football that they have played. Seems to me that they have either never played or played until they were 9 years old. I just don't get how they can't see how good of a QB we have right now.

I just don't get it at all? Are you really Cowboys fans? Because it does just seem that you all flat out hate Romo. I think a lot of people would just go ahead and accept that if that is the reason.

It's bad enough that you have to battle idiot fans from our division let alone people who are suppose to be Cowboys fans. Wake up already!
There about 4 guys that just can't accept the facts even when they smack them in their face. They don't have anything to support their positions only an opinion. I even question to what level of football that they have played. Seems to me that they have either never played or played until they were 9 years old. I just don't get how they can't see how good of a QB we have right now.

I just don't get it at all? Are you really Cowboys fans? Because it does just seem that you all flat out hate Romo. I think a lot of people would just go ahead and accept that if that is the reason.

It's bad enough that you have to battle idiot fans from our division let alone people who are suppose to be Cowboys fans. Wake up already!

There are a few more than just four guys that hate Romo. For the life of me I just cannot understand the hate for a player on the Cowboys that has given up his body for at least 8-8 for the last few years considering the lack of talent this Cowboys team have had for several years now. These 8-8 teams would not win 3 games with the likes of what the Cowboys trotted out at QB before Romo came along.

The idiocy of fans is that they think football is won by one player! It never is.

Prior to Romo coming to the team, I had never seen what I call "Cowboy Trolls"....Quincy Freaking Carter never got the hate that some of these clowns have against Romo. Pathetic....but, the beat goes on.
I've reviewed this thread and concluded that Percy and his side have won the argument in a landslide.

The Trailblazer / KJJ side never presented any valid evidence of their side of the argument.
I've reviewed this thread and concluded that Percy and his side have won the argument in a landslide.

The Trailblazer / KJJ side never presented any valid evidence of their side of the argument.

I've reviewed this thread and concluded that Percy and his side have won the argument in a landslide.

The Trailblazer / KJJ side never presented any valid evidence of their side of the argument.

Well, they did blame every loss on Romo. That's some kind of evidence. Weak evidence...but, what do you expect?
Football outsiders statistics...

Defense-adjusted Yards Above Replacement gives the value of the quarterback's performance compared to replacement level, adjusted for situation and opponent and then translated into yardage...

Romo's rank for 2013 was 7th, behind Manning, Rivers, Brees, Ryan, Foles and Brady.

Defense-adjusted Value Over Average represents value, per play, over an average quarterback in the same game situations.

Romo's rank for 2013 was 10th, behind Manning, Foles, Rivers, McCown, Brees, Rodgers, Kaepernick, Wilson, and Ryan. Brady was 11th.

Those sound like similar lists to the passer rating lists.

Oh, and in 2011 Romo was ranked 4th in both. In 2012, he was ranked 7th in DYAR and 10th in DVOA.
This mentality is so frustrating to try to debate. You're literally saying you don't care about explanations, you only care about wins and losses, and then you're perfectly happy ignoring the tons of things that contribute to teams losing football games that have little or nothing to do with QB play. It is, obviously, a completely irrational argument to try to make.

And then, to write off people pointing out the exceedingly obvious as avoiding the point....gah! Your point is not your point. Your point is you're trying to hold somebody accountable for something they cannot be held solely accountable for. That's not an argument, that's a misunderstanding about how football games are won and lost.

So why bother to even read a trolls posts.
Outlined, eh?

I looked through all your posts in this thread, and you have said something about Romo being 1-6 in "elimination games," having 12 INTs

Try "reading" my posts instead of looking through them. I said Romo has 12 "turnovers" in his 6 elimination game losses…NEXT!

You say you've "researched" it, but you haven't provided the results of your research.

Had you read my posts you would have seen that I provided results of my research. I posted that in the last 2 SB's the winning QB's had the better TD to turnover ratio. The last 5 winning SB QB's didn't have a turnover in the SB but the opposing QB's did. Kurt Warner had a much higher passer rating in the SB 5 years ago than Ben Roethlisberger but Warner had 2 turnovers. One was returned for a TD that helped cost AZ the game. Nothing determines the outcome of big games more than turnovers…NEXT!

All you've done is conclude that the stats presented aren't useful, but that your "stats" are.

The stats presented don't determine who the best QB's are. They don't determine winners and losers in the games that matter most like the stats I've presented…NEXT!

How is anyone else supposed to judge your claims, when you haven't presented the full context?

I've provided a lot of content do some reading instead of skimming. If you have a problem with an opinion I have either do some research yourself or provide my "quotes" and we'll discuss them…NEXT!

And you've been called on it a number of times by percyhoward, and you've dodged it each time, or asked him to do the correlation to winning for you. Laziness.

I haven't dodged anything you continue to prove you haven't read my posts. Percy's agenda is to ask ridiculous passer rating questions that he believes he has the correct answers for to simply keep this argument going and to waste my time. It's an attempt to turn one argument about passer ratings into another argument about passer ratings. I know his MO we've been arguing passer rating for 4 years. LOL I told him prior to the 2010 season that when Romo's passer ratings lead to another playoff win or a championship for him to get back to me. He claims there's no stat that correlates to winning more than a QB's passer rating and Romo despite having the 5th highest passer rating all-time is 4 games under 500 the last 4 years with no playoff appearances. As for laziness go do some reading…NEXT!

But I'm glad you directed me to your "outline" in the rest of the thread. It lets me know you're talking out your ***. I had missed that, thanks.

I directed you to it and you still can't find it. LOL It let's me know you either haven't done any reading or your ability to comprehend is in question…NEXT!