It's funny how I've never heard this in the Roger Staubach days or the Aikman days, because they actually won. You only hear this type of thinking from fans who are used to losing. When you're used to losing, and a losing QB and franchise, you try your best to make the glass half full, when there's not a drop in the cup.
The fact is, no matter how good or bad the team is, Romo has had the game in HIS hands during the season every year, and has thrown away several crucial games that put us in a do-or-die situation at the end, which he usually loses. When the ball is in the QBs hand at the end of the game, and he throws it away, it's on him. If he doesn't like that, then he can give up that big fat pay check and become a tight end.
And I would advise us Cowboys to stop thinking like losers and start blaming everyone on this team including your pretend god Romo. Everyone on this team, mainly Romo and Witten are responsible for losses on the field. I call those two out because you've removed everyone else on the team so they can't be blamed. They've been here through it all and haven't done squat. And I also blame the Coach and most of all, I blame Jerry Jones. As I sit here watching a great franchise in San Antonio Spurs, then have to go to sleep every night with my reality that we will never win with this GM, this Coach and this quarterback.