Revisiting Romo's Late Game Stats

Keep slinging the insults. That is all you have. My opinions are based on Romo's history of turnovers in certain situations. My opinions are much more informed than the opinions denying that it happens.

By watching 1/32 of the players? How the holy hell is it to be informed with your apathy of the rest of the league?

Its not.
It's funny how suddenly easy it is to acknowledge the cowboys aren't any good when defending romo.

The cowboys aren't that good outside of romo
It's funny how I've never heard this in the Roger Staubach days or the Aikman days, because they actually won. You only hear this type of thinking from fans who are used to losing. When you're used to losing, and a losing QB and franchise, you try your best to make the glass half full, when there's not a drop in the cup.

The fact is, no matter how good or bad the team is, Romo has had the game in HIS hands during the season every year, and has thrown away several crucial games that put us in a do-or-die situation at the end, which he usually loses. When the ball is in the QBs hand at the end of the game, and he throws it away, it's on him. If he doesn't like that, then he can give up that big fat pay check and become a tight end.

And I would advise us Cowboys to stop thinking like losers and start blaming everyone on this team including your pretend god Romo. Everyone on this team, mainly Romo and Witten are responsible for losses on the field. I call those two out because you've removed everyone else on the team so they can't be blamed. They've been here through it all and haven't done squat. And I also blame the Coach and most of all, I blame Jerry Jones. As I sit here watching a great franchise in San Antonio Spurs, then have to go to sleep every night with my reality that we will never win with this GM, this Coach and this quarterback.

You wouldn't have, as there was no internet. But it was just as true in the days of Staubach and Aikman.

As for the rest, I'm going to assume it's your frustration talking, because the rationale doesn't make any sense. Romo and Witten might literally be the least of our problems.
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Face book.spookiedookie...come get me

Yeah right so I can make you look silly in front of your family and friends. You would unfriend me within 5 minutes. LOL
One of the biggest points of disagreement is the role of the QB when the team wins or loses. For those that believe it is a total team effort, the QB plays no bigger role in the win as any other position. I disagree. Common sense shows that a QB has the hell in his hands every offensive play. If Romo throws a great pass for the winning TD, he should get the credit. He should get the credit for the late game interceptions that prevents the offense from scoring and winning the game too. Every position contributes , but the contributions are not equal. The whole offense flows through the QB position . The elite QBs runs the offense with very few mistakes.

I agree...sort of.

When he grows a game-winning TD pass, he should get credit for his end of the pass. The recover goes the appropriate share of credit for making the catch, and the OL should get credit for giving Romo the necessary protection. Under no circumstances does the QB get full credit for the team winning the game.

Conversely, a late INT doesn't mean that the QB lost the game by himself, either. People keep pointing to the Denver game last season. Granted, Romo threw a late-game int. that sealed it, but anyone who pins the loss on him alone, ignoring the defense that gave up 51 point, and didn't force a single punt, is lacking in football knowledge.
It's funny how I've never heard this in the Roger Staubach days or the Aikman days, because they actually won. You only hear this type of thinking from fans who are used to losing. When you're used to losing, and a losing QB and franchise, you try your best to make the glass half full, when there's not a drop in the cup.

The fact is, no matter how good or bad the team is, Romo has had the game in HIS hands during the season every year, and has thrown away several crucial games that put us in a do-or-die situation at the end, which he usually loses. When the ball is in the QBs hand at the end of the game, and he throws it away, it's on him. If he doesn't like that, then he can give up that big fat pay check and become a tight end.

And I would advise us Cowboys to stop thinking like losers and start blaming everyone on this team including your pretend god Romo. Everyone on this team, mainly Romo and Witten are responsible for losses on the field. I call those two out because you've removed everyone else on the team so they can't be blamed. They've been here through it all and haven't done squat. And I also blame the Coach and most of all, I blame Jerry Jones. As I sit here watching a great franchise in San Antonio Spurs, then have to go to sleep every night with my reality that we will never win with this GM, this Coach and this quarterback.

Man, this post is a doozy of drivel, even for Clove. How many logical fallacies can you stuff in one post? Meet exhibit A.
I agree...sort of.

When he grows a game-winning TD pass, he should get credit for his end of the pass. The recover goes the appropriate share of credit for making the catch, and the OL should get credit for giving Romo the necessary protection. Under no circumstances does the QB get full credit for the team winning the game.

Conversely, a late INT doesn't mean that the QB lost the game by himself, either. People keep pointing to the Denver game last season. Granted, Romo threw a late-game int. that sealed it, but anyone who pins the loss on him alone, ignoring the defense that gave up 51 point, and didn't force a single punt, is lacking in football knowledge.

Nobody has said that he blew the game by himself but when he has the ball in his hand at the end of the game and he turns the ball over then he choked. It's in Romo's head. He can make comebacks against bad teams. I want to see him do it against good teams in pressure games.
Nobody has said that he blew the game by himself but when he has the ball in his hand at the end of the game and he turns the ball over then he choked..

That is not even close to being correct.

It's in Romo's head. He can make comebacks against bad teams. I want to see him do it against good teams in pressure games.

He has made plenty of comebacks against good teams in pressure games. And when he does, then you will just troll harder and add "against 16-0 teams with the stadium lights out" to your conditions. Stop being a troll.
That is not even close to being correct.

He has made plenty of comebacks against good teams in pressure games. And when he does, then you will just troll harder and add "against 16-0 teams with the stadium lights out" to your conditions. Stop being a troll.

Name these good teams . Go ahead.
Name these good teams . Go ahead.

lol, I'm not the keeper of the information, it's freely available. Since you are as transparent as a pane of glass, why don't you look at the list and tell me which ones you didn't think were good teams and we'll go from there. Obviously I won't sit here and say 3-13 Washington is a good team.
I agree...sort of.

When he grows a game-winning TD pass, he should get credit for his end of the pass. The recover goes the appropriate share of credit for making the catch, and the OL should get credit for giving Romo the necessary protection. Under no circumstances does the QB get full credit for the team winning the game.

Conversely, a late INT doesn't mean that the QB lost the game by himself, either. People keep pointing to the Denver game last season. Granted, Romo threw a late-game int. that sealed it, but anyone who pins the loss on him alone, ignoring the defense that gave up 51 point, and didn't force a single punt, is lacking in football knowledge.

That is just not true. For proof look no further than the Minnesota and Washington games last year. Romo lead game winning drives at the end and although it was against 3-13 and 5-11 teams, he still get the vast majority of the praise and that is because he should. It's not like he threw a 3 yard slant pass and the WR made some awesome moves and took the pass 70 yards for a TD. Romo made several good plays and then capped it off with a TD pass at the end. Those are game winning drives led by Romo and he deserves the praise for them.
Nobody has said that he blew the game by himself but when he has the ball in his hand at the end of the game and he turns the ball over then he choked. It's in Romo's head. He can make comebacks against bad teams. I want to see him do it against good teams in pressure games.

Exactly. The deal is sometimes it doesn't matter what happened the rest of the game, it matters what you did in that defining moment when you had a chance to end the game. Did you take charge and make the right decisions or did you choke? Romo doesn't get all the blame for that loss, the defense gets the most blame but to say Romo didn't choke at the end is disingenuous. He made a boneheaded move when he could have closed out the game and it ended with the other team winning.
Keep slinging the insults. That is all you have. My opinions are based on Romo's history of turnovers in certain situations. My opinions are much more informed than the opinions denying that it happens.

No one's denying it has happened. The problem is without context it doesn't mean anything. How many times do I have to say that before you quit throwing out that pointless strawman?
I know what it means and I know when you use it. You accuse anybody that is getting the best end of an argument with you of moving the goalpost . It is a weak effort to save face.

Prove that I accuse anybody that is getting the best end of an argument with me of moving the goal posts. You're just talking out your ***... as usual.
Man, this post is a doozy of drivel, even for Clove. How many logical fallacies can you stuff in one post? Meet exhibit A.

Dude always seems angry to me.
Then again, several years of following a mostly .500 team can do that to
lol, I'm not the keeper of the information, it's freely available. Since you are as transparent as a pane of glass, why don't you look at the list and tell me which ones you didn't think were good teams and we'll go from there. Obviously I won't sit here and say 3-13 Washington is a good team.

The information is there. See how many teams with winning records Romo has made comebacks against. You are gonna back up from your statement if you are honest.
Name these good teams . Go ahead.

An undefeated Indianapolis Colts team in 2006 with Peyton Manning, that went on to win the Super Bowl.

Philadelphia in 2008 in the 2nd game of the year.

Philadelphia in 2009 on the road in November.

San Francisco in 2011 on the road.

Cincinnati in 2012 on the road.

Pittsburgh in 2012.

Not including NFC East games where he beat sub-.500 teams, even though division games should probably be considered significant.

Those meet my definition of "good teams." I bet you'll demand that I list the teams that went 13-3 or better next.
EDIT: And Commanders in 2008 on the road in November.

Giants in 2006 on the road in December.

Carolina on the road in 2006. Carolina finished 8-8 and were 4-3 going into that game. We outscored them 25-0 in the 4th to win by 21.

That's 9 of his 23 combined 4th qtr comebacks and game winning drives. Or roughly 40%. The theory that all of his comebacks and game winning drives are against terrible teams is malarkey too.
The information is there. See how many teams with winning records Romo has made comebacks against. You are gonna back up from your statement if you are honest.

I am not backing up from anything. My statement stands. But as I suspected, you couldn't resist adding a magic qualifier (winning record) so we can work from there. The last thing you need to add is how many exactly does he need to satisfy this ridiculous requirement, anyway? It should be entertaining seeing what you come up with here.

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