yea no crap
but there is still cowboys fan defending it
make no sense to me
The only way I can defend it is to assume that Jerry is not doing the same things and expecting different results. In the past he would have resigned both Biadasz and Smith. Rayne and Ceedee would have new contracts and it would be business as usual.........and by that I mean, more playoff failure.
These moves are showing me that the loss to the Packers really hit Jerry harder than in past seasons. He finally recognizes that Dak will NEVER take this team to a Championship, the roster hit its ceiling and continuing to feed the fattest cats isn't working.
If anybody here has a better theory, I'd love to hear it......
These are the steps to take
1. Hire a real GM who's word is final. ( I know, I laughed while typing it)
2. HIre a HC that turns camp cupcake into "Camp Consequences "
3. Put a premium back on the QB position and stop looking for 4th round or worse QB alternatives and draft them more BEFORE you need another one.
4. The owner needs to SHUTTY and stop writing checks with his mouth that the team can't cash.
Jerry can literally do all of these things that other owners are ALREADY DOING!!!!