Roethlisberger injured in accident - No helmet.

Yeah, according to a News station here in the Cleveland area, his knees were severely damaged from the impact. I don't understand it. I know when I was young, I did some pretty stupid things, but I didn't have the hopes of a large city riding on my health. I also wasn't being paid millions of dollars to play a game that I loved to play more than anything. If I had had a chance to play QB for an NFL franchise, (especially my Dallas Cowboys), I would have put everything on hold that was remotely dangerous until I retired.

Ben was my favorite player coming out of the draft in 2004. In fact, I was hoping JJ was going to trade up instead of down, once I saw Big Ben fall to the #10 spot. I had watched him play for Miami of Ohio, & knew he was the best QB to come along in a long time. The guy has it all when it comes to playing the position. I was really bummed when the hated Stealers took him the next pick.

Even though he is a Stealer, he is still a great person, and I pray for his speedy recovery. I just hope all young men in this country realize that they are sitting on a missile with wheels, and will at least put on a helmet after reading about this latest debacle.
When you look at the picture of that wreak, you would have to think that at least his right knee might have gotten screwed up, bad!

Look at the freaking car, where the motorcycle hit! :eek:
Cops don't lie about injuries but the Steelers will.

He could have damage to the brain. He could have memory issues and all sorts of other problems. Anyone saying he will be fine it is mere wishful thinking at this point.

Answer me this how can you have road rash on his knees when you smack the windshield of a stopped car head on? The sort of impact will stop you and he will fail straight back to the ground.
burmafrd said:
I saw one that said "sprained knees" which does not sound too bad. Right now he probably will not be able to start the season, but maybe by october he would be back. That is, of course, if there are no complications.

A sprained knee is a sprain of the ligament(s) -- the severity of that can range from minor to something more severe to football such as tears of the ACL, MCL, and PCL. It would be surprising if there was a clear indication on this today or even tomorrow. His knees are likely too swollen for an evaluation.

The broken jaw is serious -- that's a good 2 months right there and he'll have issues keeping weight on.

But really -- this is all minor compared to other possible outcomes from such a wreck.
Kangaroo said:, dude, he's messed up, big time! I ride and have had road rash, but, this is a bigtime hit! His right leg has to be hurt more then just some road rash! Maybe his left leg has some road rash! Look at how rough that pavement looks! :eek:

No...he has to be more busted up then what is being reported...

5Stars said:, dude, he's messed up, big time! I ride and have had road rash, but, this is a bigtime hit! His right leg has to be hurt more then just some road rash! Maybe his left leg has some road rash! Look at how rough that pavement looks! :eek:

No...he has to be more busted up then what is being reported...


This is from ESPN in the article ('s John Clayton has confirmed a report that Roethlisberger also suffered a 9-inch laceration to the back of his head, lost teeth and has knee injuries from hitting the pavement. A plastic surgeon has been called in.
I guess the paramedics scooped up the teeth before the vultures could get them and sell them on ebay.

Imagine Ben having to buy his teeth back.
Chief said:
I guess the paramedics scooped up the teeth before the vultures could get them and sell them on ebay.

Imagine Ben having to buy his teeth back.

:lmao2: :lmao: :laugh1:

That's wrong and funny at the same time!


Your bad, Chief! :lmao2:
Ron Gant
Jeff Kent
Jay Williams
Kellen Winslow Jr.
Ben Roethilsberger

The list of high payed athletes who unwisely ride bikes will grow,because some people never learn.
Phrozen Phil said:
When I see this story, I get a bad feeling in my gut and I have painful memories. I've lost two friends to Bike accidents and neither one was their fault. I notice that people don't give riders enough room on the road in many cases. I always allow for more room for a motorcycle, simply because they appear to be harder to see.
In recent weeks, however, the other side of this issue has come up. I watched in my rear view mirror as a a guy on one of those "crotch rockets" decided to make a run between the lanes in heavy traffic, only to get clipped by an extended mirror on a pick-up. He wasn't really badly hurt, but his bike was a mess. It's a calculated risk, but it's hard to factor in the risk that the other riders or drivers provide. I hope Big Ben will be OK, but I feel for him and his family.
That is legal here.
Chief said:
I guess the paramedics scooped up the teeth before the vultures could get them and sell them on ebay.

Imagine Ben having to buy his teeth back.

Hilarious. Well, no one ever accused Roethlisberger of being smart. What a dipchit.
Hostile said:
That is legal here.

Also in CA...I've rented Harley's out there many times and I couldn't belive this is true, but it is. Although when traffic is at a dead standstill, I can see the advantages.

Edit, by the way...I rode home from my GF's this morning...Normal no helmet. After seeing this accident, I went on a errand this afternoon and drove my SUV. Looked like rain anyhow.

Makes you think...

But on the other hand. I do not live in a bubble, if you give up what you love because of a certain amout of danger involed...I would give up skiing, snowmobiling, high diving....walking outta the house, etc.
5Stars said:
You're kidding!??

No I'm not. As long as traffic is stopped or at an extreme crawl they can do it. Not at high speeds mind you. Most bikers go to the left shoulder and go right on past.
Thanks to HIPPA, I couldn't get a ton of info I could share but from what I've gleamed, most information about his knees is conjecture. Just remember, knees and ACL/MCLs aren't life threatening so they won't even be really looked at today. They can't even scan for tears today anyway and there is some swelling.

PFT's comments that Bettis was told "He'll be fine" can be taken several ways -- fine that he's going to live or fine, it won't affect his football career.

On a lighter note, wouldn't you hate to be the insurer of the person who evidently caused this accident? Talk about loss of future earnings. Even if he's ready for camp, the endorsements he'll lose thanks to a frankenstein look is $$$$.
StanleySpadowski said:
On a lighter note, wouldn't you hate to be the insurer of the person who evidently caused this accident? Talk about loss of future earnings. Even if he's ready for camp, the endorsements he'll lose thanks to a frankenstein look is $$$$.

I didn't even think about that. Thats painfull.
StanleySpadowski said:
Thanks to HIPPA, I couldn't get a ton of info I could share


First, it's HIPAA, no HIPPA. Second, how did you encounter a HIPAA problem?
On there's a transcript of his interview last may with Andrea Kremer about not wearing a helmet.

He siad he only rides in groups and not on sports bikes or crotch rockets.

I guess all that went out the window.

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