Roethlisberger injured in accident - No helmet.

Hostile said:
No I'm not. As long as traffic is stopped or at an extreme crawl they can do it. Not at high speeds mind you. Most bikers go to the left shoulder and go right on past.

We all do that...but if you get caught here in Utah, they will fine you. You see, doing things on a motorcycle that a conventional vehicle CANNOT DO, then those drivers of cars, truck, or whatever...don't know that a motorcyclist can do that...

One time, I did just what you're talking about, and was cruising real slow on the left hand side of some cars that are stopped, waiting for a car wreak to get cleared...and a driver opened his car door just as I was crusing by...and I hit the door!

No big deal, because I ride to survive (Harley Sporster Sport - 2000 yr.)

What is even worse about what you are talking about?!! Bicycles! Now, those MFr's are real hard to see, and they think they own the road!

If you run over a bicycler here in get the fault! :eek:

StanleySpadowski said:
Thanks to HIPPA, I couldn't get a ton of info I could share but from what I've gleamed, most information about his knees is conjecture. Just remember, knees and ACL/MCLs aren't life threatening so they won't even be really looked at today. They can't even scan for tears today anyway and there is some swelling.

PFT's comments that Bettis was told "He'll be fine" can be taken several ways -- fine that he's going to live or fine, it won't affect his football career.

On a lighter note, wouldn't you hate to be the insurer of the person who evidently caused this accident? Talk about loss of future earnings. Even if he's ready for camp, the endorsements he'll lose thanks to a frankenstein look is $$$$.

You assume she's going to survive the Steeler fans.
5Stars said:
We all do that...but if you get caught here in Utah, they will fine you. You see, doing things on a motorcycle that a conventional vehicle CANNOT DO, then those drivers of cars, truck, or whatever...don't know that a motorcyclist can do that...

One time, I did just what you're talking about, and was cruising real slow on the left hand side of some cars that are stopped, waiting for a car wreak to get cleared...and a driver opened his car door just as I was crusing by...and I hit the door!

No big deal, because I ride to survive (Harley Sporster Sport - 2000 yr.)

What is even worse about what you are talking about?!! Bicycles! Now, those MFr's are real hard to see, and they think they own the road!

If you run over a bicycler here in get the fault! :eek:


Yeah, no kidding about Bicycles...Those guys run stop signs, lights...ride double wide along a 35 MPH rodes doing 10 and don't let people by. We hate them here in CT.
Yeagermeister said:
You assume she's going to survive the Steeler fans.

What if she was wearing a Bengal jersey and somehow related to Carson Palmer?:laugh1:
It will probably be a week or so, before details are released on how much damage was done physically and if Ben will ever be able to play at a level some think he was capable of.
I have family members that ride harleys without a helmet around town and with a helmet on longer drives. To me, it makes no difference if you're going 50 feet or 50 miles...Wear a helmet! It's worth it not to look as cool but still be able to enjoy the ride...

I hope he pulls out of this and continues his career...
Jarv said:
Yeah, no kidding about Bicycles...Those guys run stop signs, lights...ride double wide along a 35 MPH rodes doing 10 and don't let people by. We hate them here in CT.

I also ride bicycles...but mine is a mountain bike, where I can get the hell out of Dodge and relax and get in some good exercise...

But, these wanna be "Lance Armstrong" riders, with all their pretty little outfits riding anywhere, and everwhere that want, because they know that if I hit one of them, I am the one to blame! :cool:

Stick with a motorcycle, stay out of traffic...take the slow road...go the long way...take the senic route...and, put something between you legs! Ride a Harley...and ride to survive!

Yep, if you don't wear a helmet (or a seat belt in a car) then you're just asking for it. Don't be surprised when you get it.
5Stars said:
I also ride bicycles...but mine is a mountain bike, where I can get the hell out of Dodge and relax and get in some good exercise...

But, these wanna be "Lance Armstrong" riders, with all their pretty little outfits riding anywhere, and everwhere that want, because they know that if I hit one of them, I am the one to blame! :cool:

Stick with a motorcycle, stay out of traffic...take the slow road...go the long way...take the senic route...and, put something between you legs! Ride a Harley...and ride to survive!


We ride every Sunday, weather permitting. We ride in a group of 10-15 normally and head north in Litchfield county, CT. Very scenic and all Summer long a lot of the traffic up there is scooters of all kinds.

I took my GF to Long Island once to Jones Beach for a Summer concert, I'll never do that again. We like the back roads and city driving just isn't fun. I did a ride to NYC once for a 911 tribute, with thousands of bikes and police escorts...But outside of that I stick to the back country.

Been trying to get Hos up here for a fall ride...any other takers out there...Sept. 24th-25th is a bye week and nice up in Vermont, NH and NY Adirondacks.
Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is in serious but stable condition and underwent surgery following a serious head injury he suffered this morning when his motorcycle collided with a car on Second Avenue near the 10th Street Bridge, police said.
Roethlisberger lost most of his teeth, fractured his left sinus cavity bone, suffered a nine-inch laceration to the back of his head and a broken jaw, and injured both of his knees when he hit the ground, police said.
"He is right now in the (operating room) undergoing some surgery from injuries he received in this accident today," said Dr. Larry Jones, chief of trauma and burns at Mercy Hospital, Uptown. "He was talking to me before he left for the OR. He's coherent. He's making sense. He knows what happened."
Roethlisberger, 24, who was not wearing a helmet, collided with a Chrysler New Yorker at 11:15 a.m. and was thrown off his motorcycle, flying head-first into the car's windshield "with a pretty good force," said a veteran city police officer.
Roethlisberger was talking and moving his arms and legs after the accident.
The car, which has Maine license plates, was heading west on Second Avenue and was turning left onto the 10th Street Bridge. Roethlisberger was driving east on Second Avenue riding a Suzuki Hayabusa and collided with the car at the intersection of the bridge and the Armstrong Tunnels.
The driver of the New Yorker, Martha Fleishman, 62, who maintains residences in Maine and Squirrel Hill, escaped serious injury, police said.
"She really feels terrible about what happened, and we certainly wish him a speedy recovery," said her husband, Martin Fleishman, who declined further comment.
Roethlisberger, who led the Steelers to a Super Bowl championship this year, slammed into the windshield, rolled over the car and landed on the pavement, striking his head again, said a woman who witnessed the accident.
The witness, who declined to give her name, asked Roethlisberger several times if he was OK.
He eventually replied, "My name is Ben."
He asked: "Where am I?"
"You're at the Armstrong Tunnel," the witness said.
"What city is that in?" he said.
"Pittsburgh," the woman replied.
Roethlisberger fell silent for about a minute and then tried to stand up.
"I'm OK," he said.
"No you're not," said the woman, who instructed him to stay still.
Pittsburgh homicide detectives are investigating the accident, which is standard procedure when critical injuries are involved, said city police Lt. Kevin Kraus.
Roethlisberger's 2005 Suzuki Hayabusa, which is named after a Japanese bird of prey, was totaled. The 170-horsepower bike, which weighs 500 pounds fully loaded, was targeted by law enforcement agencies worldwide after its 1998 debut because it could reach a top speed of 189 mph.
Suzuki Motorcycles of North America gave Roethlisberger the bike as part of a promotional deal in exchange for his appearance at several area Suzuki dealerships, including Andrews Cycle in Salem, Ohio, where he picked up the motorcycle last summer. Andrews' sales staff declined comment.
The motorcycle is popular among first-time buyers, said Steve Stiller, a salesman at Northgate Motorcycles in Cranberry, Butler County.
Roethlisberger said previously he prefers not to wear a helmet when riding motorcycles. Pennsylvania's 35-year-old law requiring helmets to be worn was amended in 2003 to make helmets optional, he noted.
In May 2005, Steelers coach Bill Cowher lectured Roethlisberger about the dangers of riding without a helmet.
"He talked about being a risk-taker, and I'm not really a risk-taker. I'm pretty conservative and laid back, but the big thing is to just be careful," Roethlisberger said at the time. "I'll just continue to be careful. I told him we don't ever ride alone, we always ride in a group of people, and I think it makes it even more safe."
In May 2005, Cleveland Browns tight end Kellen Winslow Jr. tore knee ligaments in a motorcycle accident and was lost for the season.
Roethlisberger continued to ride after Winslow's accident, and that angered Terry Bradshaw, who quarterbacked the Steelers to four Super Bowl victories during the 1970s.
Visiting the Steelers' training camp last summer, Bradshaw remarked: "Ride it when you retire."
Earlier this year, Roethlisberger led the Steelers to the NFL title, giving the team the fifth Super Bowl win they had been chasing since 1980.
Jarv said:
We ride every Sunday, weather permitting. We ride in a group of 10-15 normally and head north in Litchfield county, CT. Very scenic and all Summer long a lot of the traffic up there is scooters of all kinds.

I took my GF to Long Island once to Jones Beach for a Summer concert, I'll never do that again. We like the back roads and city driving just isn't fun. I did a ride to NYC once for a 911 tribute, with thousands of bikes and police escorts...But outside of that I stick to the back country.

Been trying to get Hos up here for a fall ride...any other takers out there...Sept. 24th-25th is a bye week and nice up in Vermont, NH and NY Adirondacks.

It's a simple pleasure to ride a motorcycle...if you have a "Harley" mindset...

All these "lunar modules" (that's what we call those stupid rocket bikes) try and go everywhere, anywhere, as fast as they think they can! *** is up with that! :eek:

There is nothing sweeter then hopping on the scooter, put my lovely wife on the back, and just scoot the hell out of town! Take all the time you will get to where you want to go...!

Why someone needs a racing motorcycle to ride around town? I have no freaking clue!

Besides, there is nothing like the sound of a nice, tuned up scooter! Harley style...

cobra said:

First, it's HIPAA, no HIPPA. Second, how did you encounter a HIPAA problem?

Wow, sorry for the typo.:rolleyes:

And second, when guys you know really well, the invite them to golf in a member-guest every year kind of well, who happen to work at Mercy can't answer any questions but give vague generalities and cite HIPAA then I'd say it's encountering a problem.

I even know a certain test they ran on him (done on a majority of similar accident victims) thanks to one of the Mrs.' best friends but can't say anything because me knowing is technically a violation.
Wimbo said:
Mercy Hospital Press Conference:

Coincidentally, Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh is where my Dad died... I still remember the nuns there with fondness, they were so kind and caring towards my Mom and my great aunt (the woman who raised my Dad)...
This guy dont realise how lucky he is to be playing in the NFl. Man, if i had as much talent as him i would freaking at least put on a helmut.
Vintage said:
The Steeler board says its road rash, coming from an inside source over there.

They said he was moving his legs, and that he tried to stand up, which suggests that there's no serious structural damage to those knees... road rash sounds likely to me...
silverbear said:
They said he was moving his legs, and that he tried to stand up, which suggests that there's no serious structural damage to those knees... road rash sounds likely to me...

Ligament damage in the knee is often still "walkable". There is "some" swelling so any guess to extent of injury is just that.
Yeagermeister said:
Did you see a smilie in that post?

Yea, I did, hence the "you laugh" comment.

This woman is going to need a police escort just to get out of the area. Most people don't appreciate the hillbilly mentality of Pittsburgh.
BigDFan5 said:
We have the technology

Yeah, but for six million dollars?? I mean, that's almost a year's salary for Big Ben...

Seriously, the thing I find toughest to believe is the guy was talking-- with a broken jaw... I mean, I know it's possible, but it hurts like... well, it hurts...
silverbear said:
Yeah, but for six million dollars?? I mean, that's almost a year's salary for Big Ben...

Seriously, the thing I find toughest to believe is the guy was talking-- with a broken jaw... I mean, I know it's possible, but it hurts like... well, it hurts...

Says the man who's broken a few in his day.:)

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