Roethlisberger injured in accident - No helmet.

DBoys said:
Cops don't lie about injuries but the Steelers will.

He could have damage to the brain. He could have memory issues and all sorts of other problems. Anyone saying he will be fine it is mere wishful thinking at this point.

Answer me this how can you have road rash on his knees when you smack the windshield of a stopped car head on? The sort of impact will stop you and he will fail straight back to the ground.

He apparently went up over the car and smacked into the ground on the other side...
Chief said:
I guess the paramedics scooped up the teeth before the vultures could get them and sell them on ebay.

Imagine Ben having to buy his teeth back.

The good news is, I tried to follow the link provided, and ebay has already pulled that ghoulish "auction"...
silverbear said:
Yeah, but for six million dollars?? I mean, that's almost a year's salary for Big Ben...


StanleySpadowski said:
Wow, sorry for the typo.:rolleyes:

And second, when guys you know really well, the invite them to golf in a member-guest every year kind of well, who happen to work at Mercy can't answer any questions but give vague generalities and cite HIPAA then I'd say it's encountering a problem.

I even know a certain test they ran on him (done on a majority of similar accident victims) thanks to one of the Mrs.' best friends but can't say anything because me knowing is technically a violation.

Eh. Sorry about that. I am a health lawyer. HIPAA is a part of my daily life. I was genuinely curious why you would say that.

[As a practical matter, under HIPAA, your doctor friend violated HIPAA by confirming that Roth is a patient is there. HIPAA prevents covered entities from disclosing protected health information (PHI) which includes any patient identifying information. That is, a doctor saying "Yes Roth is a patient here" is just a much a violation of HIPAA as saying "we are fusing his 5th vertebrae and discovered he has AIDS." Of course, that all assumes there wasn't a release. Insofar as one of the physicians made a press conference, I am assuming that there was a HIPAA release, though, that authorized his treating physicans and covered entities to disclose the details of his injury.]
cobra said:
Eh. Sorry about that. I am a health lawyer. HIPAA is a part of my daily life. I was genuinely curious why you would say that.

[As a practical matter, under HIPAA, your doctor friend violated HIPAA by confirming that Roth is a patient is there. HIPAA prevents covered entities from disclosing protected health information (PHI) which includes any patient identifying information. That is, a doctor saying "Yes Roth is a patient here" is just a much a violation of HIPAA as saying "we are fusing his 5th vertebrae and discovered he has AIDS." Of course, that all assumes there wasn't a release. Insofar as one of the physicians made a press conference, I am assuming that there was a HIPAA release, though, that authorized his treating physicans and covered entities to disclose the details of his injury.]

I understand that totally, but I'm sure you understand the grey area there though. When I ask about "the" accident and he/she talks about "a" patient, issues with HIPAA get cloudy.

Same with the Mrs.' friend. When she called about a birthday party later this month and mentioned having a busy day with seeing a "unique" name early this afternoon, we knew what they did without ever really having to spell it out.

Health care professionals violate HIPAA everyday be it on the golf course, around the poker table or sitting in the stands at little league even if it's only the spirit of the law and not the the letter.
update article
Big Ben in serious condition after motorcycle accident
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- news services
PITTSBURGH -- Steelers star Ben Roethlisberger, the youngest quarterback to lead a team to the Super Bowl championship, broke his jaw and nose in a motorcycle crash Monday in which he was not wearing a helmet.

Roethlisberger remained in serious but stable condition following seven hours surgery that ended at approximately 9 p.m. ET, according to Dr. Daniel Pituch, Chief of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Mercy Hospital.

His condition is not expected to change throughout the evening, Pituch said at a news conference."He suffered multiple facial fractures," Pituch said. "All of the fractures were successfully repaired. His brain, spine, chest and abdomen appear to be without serious injury. And there are no other confirmed injuries at this time."

A broken jaw normally takes seven weeks to heal. It is not known how long it will take for the other injuries to heal.'s John Clayton has confirmed that Roethlisberger also suffered a 9-inch laceration to the back of his head, has lost or chipped a number of teeth and has minor injuries to his knees from hitting the pavement. A plastic surgeon has been called in.

"He was talking to me before he left for the operating room" Dr. Larry Jones, chief of trauma at Mercy Hospital, said before the operation." He's coherent. He's making sense. He knows what happened. He knows where he is. From that standpoint, he's very stable."

Roethlisberger was riding this motorcycle when he collided with an automobile in Pittsburgh on Monday morning. Roethlisberger's mother, Brenda, was crying as she arrived at the hospital. Roethlisberger's father and sister were also at the hospital.

Steelers coach Bill Cowher cut short his vacation to return to Pittsburgh, and arrived at the hospital shortly after 9 p.m. ET.

Steelers president Art Rooney said the team was "encouraged by the early reports from the medical team" at the hospital.

"I am sure Ben knows that we are praying for his complete recovery," he said.

The 24-year-old Roethlisberger was without a helmet, police said. He has said he likes to ride without one, a habit that once prompted a lecture from Pittsburgh coach Bill Cowher.

Roethlisberger's contract does not have a specific clause regarding riding a motorcycle, Clayton confirmed.

Roethlisberger was between radio interviews and on his black 2005 Suzuki Hayabusa -- a large, racing-style bike -- and heading toward an intersection on the edge of downtown. A silver Chrysler New Yorker traveling in the opposite direction took a left turn and collided with the motorcycle, and Roethlisberger was thrown, police said.

The other car was driven by a 62-year-old woman, police said. They didn't immediately release her name and no charges were filed.

Witness Sandra Ford was waiting at a bus stop when she said she saw the motorcycle approach. Seconds later, she said she heard a crash, saw the motorcyclist in the air and ran toward the crash scene.

"He wasn't moving and I was afraid that he had died. ... He wasn't really speaking. He seemed dazed but he was resisting the effort to make him stay down," said Ford, who didn't realize the motorcyclist was Roethlisberger.

Police spokesman Lt. Kevin Kraus said police and homicide units were investigating the crash, something standard when there is an accident with critical injuries. Kraus would give no details on the extent of Roethlisberger's injuries or if anyone else was injured.

The accident occurred on Second Avenue near the intersection of 10th Street in Pittsburgh, around 11:30 a.m. The route is one often taken in traveling to the Steelers' facility in the Southside section of the city.

Several teammates, including backup quarterback Charlie Batch, linebacker Joey Porter and safety Mike Logan, arrived at the hospital emergency room but did not comment.

A silver Chrysler New Yorker with damage to the front passenger fender was removed and Roethlisberger's bike was loaded onto a flatbed truck. Police were detouring traffic around the crash scene as onlookers and media gathered.

One of his agents, Ryan Tollner, was en route to Pittsburgh for what was supposed to be a pre-planned trip and was to arrive later Monday.

In only his second year in the NFL, Roethlisberger became the youngest quarterback to lead a team to the Super Bowl championship. He was 23 when he did it last February.

AP Photo/Keith Srakocic
Roethlisberger was riding this motorcycle when he collided with an automobile in Pittsburgh on Monday morning.
No motorcycle clause for Big Ben

posted: Monday, June 12, 2006

In case you're wondering about clauses in Ben Roethlisberger's contract, there was none inserted relating to motorcycle accidents. Roethlisberger has standard language in his contract in regard to default if he suffers an injury outside of football that prevents him from playing. Kellen Winslow Jr. of the Browns had language in his contract in regard to a motorcycle accident, but his was a single-vehicle incident. Winslow lost millions.

The reason the Steelers and most teams don't add specific language about off-the-field accidents is that they don't feel it's necessary. The NFL Management Council has advised teams to use the phrasing "for any reason" in regard to a player who defaults on his contract because of an injury suffered outside of football.

Roethlisberger's accident is a good reason why. Should the 62-year-old woman who was driving the car that struck him be found at fault for the accident, Roethlisberger would have a better case to regain lost salary or signing bonus pro-ration -- if there was specific contract language about a motorcycle accident. By being vague and just citing an injury suffered for any reason, the Steelers could reclaim portions of his signing bonus and not pay his base salary.

The Steelers don't want Roethlisberger's money. They want him to play, and he probably has seven weeks to heal from his broken jaw and facial injuries. If he isn't able to play this season, Roethlisberger could owe the team as much as $2 million -- his $655,000 base salary and about $1.9 million in signing bonus pro-ration.

No Chunky for this monkey: The accident certainly will postpone Roethlisberger's $2 million commercial for Campbell Soup, which was scheduled to be shot this week. Roethlisberger's broken jaw will prevent him from doing much television for the next month or two. With his jaw wired, it would be tough for him to even down Chunky Soup.

Front office relieved: The Steelers' front office was relieved with continuing updates that Roethlisberger suffered no serious damage to his knees. Roethlisberger missed time last year with a knee injury suffered in the final minute of a win over the Chargers. His knees suffered cuts from hitting the pavement after flying head first off the bike. If his knees are OK, Roethlisberger should be able to return to the practice field in about seven weeks.
man i hate this, this really hits home, i had a friend die in a motocycle accident and another in a car accident. i know what his teammates and friends are going thru. i really feel for him, everytime i see something like this it really breaks my heart, i pray he comes out ok and that he can continue his career. Big Ben our prayers are with you man, Hang in there.
I'm truly amazed that it appears he'll be back in 7 weeks and able to play this season and make most of training camp.
Dangerous Dave said:
The article did say he severely injured both knees...

Does that mean road rash or blown ACL(s)?

The broken jaw and missing teeth alone will cost him at least
3 months.

If he were a Commander, I'm sure ES would only be debating whether
he'd be back in time for their 2006 training camp...

Are you forgetting how quickly Witten came back after a broken jaw?
StanleySpadowski said:
Says the man who's broken a few in his day.:)

Don't know that I've ever broken anybody's jaw, in fact I'm pretty sure I haven't... I HAVE been on the receiving end, though... a freak accident, the one year I worked making snow at a ski resort... the booms that the snow guns were attached to were operated by a hand crank, and that sucker snapped back and clipped me right in the jaw...

Now, if you wanna talk about broken ribs, I HAVE done that before... I even broke my little brother's ribs in a fight one time (we used to have some epic battles, and he got his licks in more than once)... and yeah, I've had my ribs broken too, a time or two, both in fights and on the basketball court...
alicetooljam said:
Are you forgetting how quickly Witten came back after a broken jaw?

Witten also didn't crack his head on a car windshield have a nine in gash in the back of his head and missing most of his teeth. They won't even begin to put them back in until he gets his jaw unwired.
I'm glad he didn't experience any life threatening injuries.

Couple of thoughts ...

While Roeth's bike was capable of doing 189 mph + ...I wonder how fast he was going?

Didn't read anything about who was at fault.

What was the cause of the accident?

Some recent reports are questioning whether Roeth can play football anymore.

I'll bet Bill Cowher is pizzed!
I heard positive reports that the Steelers feel everything is going great for Big Ben considering what could have been......his knees are ok....just will take time....but, we should see him on the field.
Phoenix-Talon said:
I'm glad he didn't experience any life threatening injuries.

Couple of thoughts ...

While Roeth's bike was capable of doing 189 mph + ...I wonder how fast he was going?

Didn't read anything about who was at fault.

What was the cause of the accident?

Some recent reports are questioning whether Roeth can play football anymore.

I'll bet Bill Cowher is pizzed!

I haven't read anything about how fast he was going but from the way I understand it the lady was at fault. She pulled out in front of him while making a left.

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