Roethlisberger injured in accident - No helmet.

anyone want to reflect on how selfish Ben is for riding a motorcycle in the first place? He's got a ton of other players depending on him and a contract that says he can't ride (it is standard). We'd say that a player who used drugs and got suspended was selfish -- Seems like Ben falls in that same group.
Derinyar said:
I suspect its not the number of bike accidents that gets attention, but the fact that any bike accident can end up being a serious one. Something that in a car doesn't do much damage can end up doing serious damage to the person on a bike.

Its not something I would do, but know some people love the things. But I just can't understand the people who ride them with little clothing and no helmet on. A busted skull and a serious case of road rash sounds like a horrible way to spend a month or two.
Yup. i sent this thread to a friend who's a steelers fan (also bought a bike a few years ago against better judgement).

i was in an auto accident in Jan... some young driver in the rain lost control of his car and crashed into me then both hit the guard rail... both totalled thankfully no injuries.

had i been on a bike i wouldn't be posting (here or anywhere).
"The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported that Roethlisberger wasn't wearing a helmet. In previous interviews, Roethlisberger has said that he does not like wearing a helmet while wearing a motorcycle." :eek:

I hate when that happens! I tried to wear a motorcycle once, and I could not fit the helmet on, so I had to leave the helmet home. But, man, wearing a motorcycle is some hard stuff! :cool:

I don't wear a helmet either when I ride....

I wish Ben a speedy recovery...

I myself do not ride motorcycles (because I do not own one), but I have a lot of friends that do. They always tell me that as a bike driver, you have to drive 10 times more defensively than driving a car. They say that it is common to move out of the way of cars that may side swipe you or rear end you. It is harder to see some motorcycles in your blind spot because when you check it you are used to seeing a wide car instead of a narrow bike. I see no other choice than using a helmet.

Hey, at least we have a new nickname for Ben:

Ben "Busey" Roethlisberger
Pitts news is saying it wasn't his Harley... more of a crotch rocket.
abersonc said:
anyone want to reflect on how selfish Ben is for riding a motorcycle in the first place? He's got a ton of other players depending on him and a contract that says he can't ride (it is standard). We'd say that a player who used drugs and got suspended was selfish -- Seems like Ben falls in that same group.

I would agree that it is selfhish and stupid of Big Ben. Personally though, I would not put riding a helmet in the same category as doing drugs.

I may not have a multi million dollar contract with the fate of a team riding on my shoulders, but more importantly I have a wife and kids to support. I have done and most everyone has at some point done something really stupid that could be extremely dangerous and selfish, but I would not put myself in the same category as a drug user.

I am agreeing with you, but I think what Big Ben did belongs in a different category as drug use and/or criminal activity.
skinsscalper said:
Wife and I have been considering a bike for a couple of years, now. The more I hear about stuff like this the more I'm not so inclined. Motorcycle accidents seem to be on an average way more frequent than your typical auto accident and the injuries much more severe (helmet or not). They are hard to see, by drivers, and riders tend to take more risks weaving in and out of traffic. I live in a small town, so the driving isn't as hectic, but no way would I ride in a city like Phoenix or L.A. People drive like ***holes in large cities and motorcycle is just a speed bump to some of those jerks (especially in Phoenix).


If you live in a small town, it might not be risky, if you are only going to do some recreational riding. The thing that is risky about bikes are, its not just the other vehicles, but any laspses of concentration can be deadly. I heard more about people just sliding or just going out of control, then one that were in collision.

And thing about Helmets is, I have known people who got serious injuries and even death, because they were wearing a helmet too. Its like the Seat belt thing. It saved my life 2-3 times now for sure. Once when I was going on border of Texarkhana, when the idiot highway pavers, decided to leave like 2-3 inches high shoulder, and I flipped my car at 75 MPH, since my car tire slipped on the shoulder, lost control, tumbled into median and into opposite traffic and landed on sideway finally. I missed by probably few yards, a big semi slamming into my tumbling car. All I had was car smashed but only a scar on my head and nothing else.

But on the same token I read/had know people who got into serious injuries because their seatbelt cut into them or were not able to move around due to seatbelt, which caused more injuries.

Anyway, I guess, what I am saying is, you just never know. I guess maybe thats how Ben viewed it in a way. Maybe he thought if he is going to get into a accident he will, not much use worrying about.
gbrittain said:
Personally though, I would not put riding a helmet in the same category as doing drugs.

Well, if you are going to try to ride a helmet, you must be on some drugs! :)

Police Investigator just said on WTAE-TV that they are investigating with a homocide team, as is standard for accidents like this with "critical injuries".
A former girlfriend of mine said in the ER they call helmets "Brain Crates"...

If the accident is serious, the skull is likely cracked inside the hemet anyway and all it does is hold it together until it is removed and spills out...
Hostile said:
They can, and on this subject they would be right. I have a wife and 2 kids.

I can't explain it. There's something about the freedom of the wind in your hair.
Live free or die, state motto in NH.

Did a 150 mile ride yesterday will Rolling Thunder (look them up, they support Military veterans groups ( From Stuart air base Newburgh NY police escorted ride through the grounds of West Point and back. We all wore helmets, required in NY

No helmet law in CT and I for the most part, don't wear one...Put me on your idiot list.

NY, Mass require them, so when I leave CT I need to bring one.

Freedom is a funny thing. Does anyone here ride a bicycle and not wear a helmet ? Like Hos said, the feeling of the wind in your hair is hard to describe.

Like Ben said, riding in groups is safer. I ride with a group of 8-10 folks generally. 10 straight pipe Hogs make a lot of noise, people notice you which makes for a safer riding experience.

Here's the details as they've been reported on a Pittsburgh TV station:

1. He hit the car 's right front, his head then hit the upper part of the windshield, was thrown across the hood and then his head hit the pavement.

2. He tried to stand up and a eyewitness told him to get back down and which time he collapsed to the ground. He was bleedly severely from the head and face. He did not know his name or what town he was in.

3. The front of the motorcycle was completely smashed in as was the right front fender and wheel well of the car. There were two places in the windshield that were smashed.

4. There appeared to be about a 2 foot skid mark on the pavement from the bike. Big Ben had the right away and the car pulled in front of him. Where it happened was under an overpass and going from sunlight to darkness may have made vision a problem.

5. KDKA News interviewed a doctor who said just becasue Big Ben was awake and talking did NOT preclude serious injury. He said due to the svere angle with which his head hit the windshield a serious neck injury would be a concern as well as blod clots in the brain.

It will probably be a couple hours before any news on his condition is reported. Tests are being run and an update will be given when available.
All depends on the angle and velocity of the impact. The helmet might protect the skull, but the the neck is broken. And so on. CLEARLY it is so much safer to wear a helmet. In this case it appears he would have had some bumps and bruises and nothing else IF he had been wearing a helmet.
from everything I have heard about him, not wearing a helmet is typical.
trickblue said:
A former girlfriend of mine said in the ER they call helmets "Brain Crates"...

If the accident is serious, the skull is likely cracked inside the hemet anyway and all it does is hold it together until it is removed and spills out...

I heard that before. Thats the reason I posted that sometimes they do harm than good ( I forget the specific instance, but when i was kid/teenager, I remember an accident, which killed the rider, because he had helmet, cause he got stuck between something, because of helmet he had on, instead of slipping through or something like that). But those are very rare cases. Just like sometimes Seatbelts do harm than good.
This doesn't sound good, I would hate to see that talent go to waste.
Full faced helmets are extremely uncomfortable, and in hot, humid weather ... difficult to breath in.

Anything less than a full face helmet is close to useless.

I think the best way to encourage riding with full helmets is for manufacturers to make them more comfortable. Even a football helmet is more comfy than a full face.

But the bottom line is the full helmet is designed to withstand one serious blow. Comfort takes a backseat. Unfortunately, because of this issue, many people refrain from wearing a full helmet.

I've been riding for over 10 years ... and it still kills me to see kids riding sports bikes in a t-shirt and shorts.

Anyway, good luck to Ben. But the only thing I could say is, he should have known better.
Social D said:
Its not like he was out doing tricks like KW was. It was an accident. How many people here have a motorcycle and dont wear a helmet?

oh my GOSH!

so you're sitting there comparing whose motorcyle accident was less idiotic?

genius, you get on a bike without a helmet, and you're an idiot. no other way to put it.

I was driving home from work just a few days ago. I was in the left lane, and there had been a dude on a bike in the right lane and we'd been driving near each other for a few minutes. He wasn't wearing a helmet or any jacket or other gear. Coming up on a green lit intersection, I looked to my left for a sec, heard a loud "POP", turned around, saw the dude's bike in pieces on the ground, and the guy laying motionless with his head against the curb

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