Romo has broken bone in back; out 6-10 weeks ** Mega Thread **


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Meet the new Cowboys starting QB

Put up a poll to see if he has a better body than Romo.


Junior College Transfer
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To be honest. I think that is the next shoe to drop.
If and when that happens, bank on Sir Jerry's saying that the legal process must play out and we support him as a member of the Cowboys family. Then Garrett will say Zeke is passionate and give him a pat on the butt and clap heartedly.
A lot of this is so familiar and cyclical: injuries, suspensions, legal system, old veterans with baggage. Blimey, enough to make one sick.


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That's why I don't see him retiring at all. We owe him big time money. At least next couple years he will likely be our starter. If not, he's a well paid veteran backup.

that won't happen. he'll either be the starter in 2017 or he won't be on the team. If we release him after june 1, we save about $14 million in 2017 and $16.3 million in 2018, this just isn't a contract that we can't get out of if need be.

As of june 1st of this year, he was cuttable. June 1st of 2017 is even easier, but I think we are getting ahead of ourselves here.


"You want some?"
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If I could somehow spin this dreadful news, I would say this gives us an opportunity to see if we truly have our future QB in Dak. I thought we were an 8 or 9 team with Romo playing. i didn't think there was a chance he would start all 16 games but I absolutely didn't expect this

This speeds up our obvious choice to finding the heir apparent QB

Maybe it's not such a bad thing

It could lead to another 4-12 season and more opportunity to rebuild the defense or grab a QB early.

It could lead to determining that the future starter of the Cowboys is already on the roster.

One thing it won't be is boring.

The season was set to be intriguing... now it's been amped up a couple more notches.


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Not a cap expert but my read of that is it is still a bad situation. $20M of cap room for a player that isn't on the team where that money isn't available for anyone else.

We saw the talent level last year without Romo, presumably they'd need to upgrade a number of positions to get better quick -- and that $20M would be unavailable.

Am I understanding that right?
You get 5.1M to replace Romo or to upgrade somewhere else to offset his loss.

They had well over 20M in dead money for many years so it's not a huge issue at this point.

If Dak is the real deal, then they save money as compared to Romo playing 3 more years.


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I wouldn't blame him. He earned that contract and sacrificed his body and health for it. If you dont think he will have chronic pain than youve never injured your back. He put the team first and fought through injury his whole career. Fact is hed play week 1 if they let him. Him being a back up and refusing to retire would most likely be driven by his desire for one more chance, not greed. Hes been a class act and a joy to watch and root for. Ill always respect him for what hes done here. Its a shame, he deserved better. I cant help but think back to him coming out of greenbay and crying with his family surrounding him. I love the game but more so I admire the man hes been while he represented.

I would. He's been well paid already. And paid while he's missed a good number of names too. All players sacrifice their bodies to okay in the NFL, that's why they get paid millions to do it. It comes with the territory.

I have great respect for him too. I'd hate to lose it seeing him make a money grab move.


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I hope it's not the end for Romo but it does look like the beginning of the end.

Likely last year was the beginning of end. This was just a reminder of it. Age and injuries have been accumulating. Eventually they take a toll.

Romo has looked increasingly stiff since 2014. This is the 3rd DIFFERENT back injury that will have knocked him out since 2013.


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Are we blaming Free for this? It is entirely on Romo.

Lol we have alot of people were gonna blame. What about Jerry dang it, and Garrets stupid play call and the refs. Ha, get it all out guys, cant take this crap home to the wife and kids.


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This team isn't going anywhere. There's no pash rush and no defense, even if Romo had played all 16 I doubt we make it very far in the playoffs. Somebody posted in a week or so a go but I think all but 6? Super Bowl winners had a points allowed rating in the top 10. We've done that exactly once in Romo's career and I don't think that's likely to turn around based on what I saw from this defense last year and in preseason.

The only chance I saw for this defense to turn around was Randy Gregory living up to his potential this year. The minute he got suspended and we let Hardy go I felt this team would have an uphill battle.

The good news is, unlike last year where we wasted valuable snaps on Weeden and Castle, Dak has actually shown some good traits and has some upside.

See what Dak's got for the first half, then see if Romo can hold up in the second half. If Dak puts up top 5-10 qb numbers he's your guy going forward, if he doesn't and Romo manages to play through the remainder of the season he's your guy next year.


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Yep, not blaming the Cowboys front-office contract. I am just questioning a lot of the chatter I am seeing pointing to the 'cap savings' if Romo is gone.

The cap savings are outweighed, IMHO, by the massive amount of dead money.

Again, I am not a cap guy -- I don't fully understand all the implications.
the dead money is still a lot smaller than the already projected cap hits if he stays.....that is why they are savings

If Romo plays next year his cap hit is 24.7m
If he is cut or retires it 10.7m
and is 8.9m in 2018 instead of 25.2m

those are massive savings.......19.6m vs 49.9m


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that is exactly what I said
No, you didn't make it clear to people that don't follow the cap issues in detail.

Your post causes people to just see the 19.6M in dead money and not realize that it actually frees up 5.1M of cap space or more if June 1st cut.


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You really don't get it. Opposing defenders have no fear at all with taking borderline shots at Romo because he doesn't draw flags. There was even a thread with some solid statistical facts about this recently in this forum. Defenders won't take the same liberties with golden boys.

Fact is the NFL has gone out of its way to protect QBs. They go the extra mile for some of them and not for others.
Yep, you know that if Tom Brady or Aaron Rogers started a slide and was hit in the back like Romo was it would have drawn a flag. It was obvious he was sliding and no flag. If it was one of the pretty boy QB's then it would have been flagged and Avril wold have been fined.


Safety third
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The defender had Tony wrapped up before any part of Tony touched the ground. And if by, "followed through", you mean the defender didn't defy the laws of physics and immediately levitate to avoid landing on Tony then I guess you could say he, "followed though".

There's no need to sensationalize - or blatantly fabricate - the sequence of events. Nobody would draw a flag on that play, and nobody should draw a flag on that play. Even if a flag had been wrongly thrown, the outcome doesn't change. He's still injured. The flag does nothing to change that, but I guess it could give someone a villain to direct their hate towards.

Quit lying to yourself.

A physicist and psychologist! Thanks for taking the time out of what must be a very busy schedule to educate us.

The defender had no control over wrapping him up and driving him into the ground? That's all on physics? Lol

Maybe you should take your own advice.


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What you guys aren't understanding is its 4-6 weeks from today . NOT 4-6 weeks from week 1. That mean there's 2 weeks before the season and he'll likely miss 2-3 regular season games. He should be ready by the Bears Sunday night game.


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1. I'll be missing you - Puff Daddy
2. Wind beneath my wings - Bette Midler
3. In the arms of an angel - Sarah McLchlan
4. It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday - Boys II Men
5. I have nothing - Whitney Houston
6. My heart will go on - Celine Dion
7. Without you - Mariah Carey
8. My way - Frank Sinatra
9. Tears in heaven - Eric Clapton
10. Let it be - Beatles


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No, you didn't make it clear to people that don't follow the cap issues in detail.

Your post causes people to just see the 19.6M in dead money and not realize that it actually frees up 5.1M of cap space or more if June 1st cut.
actually it did but we'll just disagree.....but if they didn't merge my other thread people wouldn't keep asking the same questions over and over


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I would. He's been well paid already. And paid while he's missed a good number of names too. All players sacrifice their bodies to okay in the NFL, that's why they get paid millions to do it. It comes with the territory.

I have great respect for him too. I'd hate to lose it seeing him make a money grab move.

And thats the double standard its ok for a team cut or threaten to cut a player if he wont renegotiate but its not ok for a player to hold out or want to collect the agreed upon contract. He got payed for the games he was injured sure but he was injured because he played the game. Again though if he did stay as a back up I personally think it would be less about money and more about one more shot. Heck I think hes the type of guy thay would give some back anyways. But truth is the whole scenario is far fetched. I think its jumping the gun to talk about losing respect for the guy that fought so hard to earn it.


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Looks like Doug Free's guy to me. Guy has never been able to sustain a block...nor keep a guy in front of him.

This doesn't look a dirty hit to me. Yes maybe it should have been flagged, but I don't believe it was malicious.