Romo is no saint...

Bleu Star;2592630 said:
Chalk this up as my token "told you so" thread...

Perhaps it takes real media snooping to unearth some of the information we would otherwise have no idea of. I'm not sure what it is but it's starting to come out. I won't seek to get the human Romo shield all riled up. I already did that by saying I told you so. Rather, I am interested in your opinions on the current state of affairs as it relates to the cohesion and leadership that should exist in the locker room, in the meeting rooms, and on the field.

Sadly, Romo has regressed under the alleged "leadership" of Wade Phillips. Wade runs a pansy camp and pays zero attention to detail. Wade holds no one accountable for their actions. Everyone on here always says where there's smoke there's fire. Right? Well, there's plenty of smoke coming from the direction of Wade Phillips and Tony Romo.

Romo clowns in meetings? Guys (incl TO) are late left & right to team meetings? Wade has created a real smorgasbord of **** at Valley Ranch. It may take a few years just to undo the damage inflicted once he is no longer commanding this team. Who do we have at the starting QB position? Is it the class clown? Sorry. I don't need the class clown for over 60 mil. Is it a leader? That is still yet to be determined. Romo, whether he chooses to embrace it or not, has got to step up to the plate and become a leader. I would truly like to see that happened but with each passing day my faith in that possibility diminishes. Who, at the coaching level and above, does he have to serve as a mentor for him? Absolutely no one.

I guess the media is good for some things. If anything, they can leverage the one sided campaign against one player simply by reporting the "rest of the story"...
Bleu, can I ask you a question and you give me an honest answer?
Of course he gets more time. I think he gets 2-3 more years. I'm not giving up on Romo. But knowing how close this team is... talent-wise it's there. This team CAN win a SB with the players on the roster. But it's the attitude that seems to gum up the works. Call it chemistry, professionalism, maturity...whatever. This team needs it and it shouldn't *just* come from top down, it should come from each and every player. THey shouldn't have to be told "ok, behave this way." They're grown men... if they can't figure it out then they're lost causes. This is a game, have fun, but know your responsiblities.
superpunk;2593028 said:
Originally Posted by theogt View Post
I think I may just stop visiting the site altogether this offseason.

Co-signed. Has OP named his SAUCES yet?

I guess when the going gets tough, the homers get goin' eh???
gbrittain;2593023 said:
If you think I am blaming our failures this on TO you have not been reading my posts or have totally misunderstood me.

TO is one of many many problems. Most of them can be fixed some can not. Wade can not change himself into a disciplinarian which this team needs and TO can change his ways either.

Sorry Bleu I had to reply...:) I broke my promise of not mentioning TO again in this thread. Did not want to leave Ren hanging without a response.

Have at it bro. I'm just not going to entertain it. That's not why I started this thread. I can only govern that guy named Bleu on this board. :D
Bleu Star;2593036 said:
Sure sir. Anything for you.
You need a kidney. Tony and TO are both potential donors. One will say yes, the other will say no. You only have enough time to drive across town to find and ask one guy before it's too late.

You gonna ask Tony Romo or TO?
Hostile;2593039 said:
You need a kidney. Tony and TO are both potential donors. One will say yes, the other will say no. You only have enough time to drive across town to find and ask one guy before it's too late.

You gonna ask Tony Romo or TO?

That's quite the hypothetical. :D
Hostile;2593039 said:
You need a kidney. Tony and TO are both potential donors. One will say yes, the other will say no. You only have enough time to drive across town to find and ask one guy before it's too late.

You gonna ask Tony Romo or TO?

Too easy. I'll ask Tony because he has a soft side that's easily recognizable. This is without knowing them. If I knew both personally I still go to Romo but, knowing more about TO, the divide would be much closer. TO is a good person with faults. He's no different than any of us really.

Hopefully I answered your question without going too far off on a tangent.
EPL0c0;2593030 said:
Of course he gets more time. I think he gets 2-3 more years. I'm not giving up on Romo. But knowing how close this team is... talent-wise it's there. This team CAN win a SB with the players on the roster. But it's the attitude that seems to gum up the works. Call it chemistry, professionalism, maturity...whatever. This team needs it and it shouldn't *just* come from top down, it should come from each and every player. THey shouldn't have to be told "ok, behave this way." They're grown men... if they can't figure it out then they're lost causes. This is a game, have fun, but know your responsiblities.


:starspin :star: :starspin
Bleu Star;2593047 said:
Too easy. I'll ask Tony because he has a soft side that's easily recognizable. This is without knowing them. If I knew both personally I still go to Romo but, knowing more about TO, the divide would be much closer. TO is a good person with faults. He's no different than any of us really.

Hopefully I answered your question without going too far off on a tangent.
You were honest. Thank you.

Remember this answer the next time you need to point out Tony's faults so that you can try to justify TO's faults.

That's all I ask.

As you like to say :banjo:
Hostile;2593039 said:
You need a kidney. Tony and TO are both potential donors. One will say yes, the other will say no. You only have enough time to drive across town to find and ask one guy before it's too late.

You gonna ask Tony Romo or TO?


Hostile;2593053 said:
You were honest. Thank you.

Remember this answer the next time you need to point out Tony's faults so that you can try to justify TO's faults.

That's all I ask.

As you like to say :banjo:

Both have faults. That is my contention here. I'm just pointing at the one that, up until recently, was wearing a cloak of invisible protection. I think it was made out of latex.

Yep.. lol.. The banjo man likes to appear in repetitive threads.
Bleu Star;2593058 said:
Both have faults. That is my contention here. I'm just pointing at the one that, up until recently, was wearing a cloak of invisible protection. I think it was made out of latex.

Yep.. lol.. The banjo man likes to appear in repetitive threads.
I don't think you'll find many who will disagree. However, T.O. has a much longer history of negatives than Romo. So yes, Romo will get more of a BOD than T.O. and even that is shaky.
Bleu Star;2593058 said:
Both have faults. That is my contention here. I'm just pointing at the one that, up until recently, was wearing a cloak of invisible protection. I think it was made out of latex.

Yep.. lol.. The banjo man likes to appear in repetitive threads.

Would you just leave Romo's and Jessica's love life out of this!

5Stars;2593069 said:
Would you just leave Romo's and Jessica's love life out of this!



Let the record show I was not the one to mention Jessica here. I'm completely innocent.
Bleu Star;2593058 said:
Both have faults. That is my contention here. I'm just pointing at the one that, up until recently, was wearing a cloak of invisible protection. I think it was made out of latex.

Yep.. lol.. The banjo man likes to appear in repetitive threads.
No, he wasn't. That's a load of crap.

Where were you reading last year when he and 2 other players took their wives and girlfriends to Mexico but he was the only one who by doing so did not care?

Where have you been reading during all the speculation that his having sex causes him to lose?

Where have you been reading when people here are discussing INTs and Fumbles?

No one has said the guy doesn't have flaws. You're just so TO blind that you need to amplify him to non Saint to justify your own tired damned agenda.

Damn right :banjo:

Playing just for you. Remember your answer because you were honest. Stick with the honesty over this spin control crap. It suits you so much better.
Hostile;2593039 said:
You need a kidney. Tony and TO are both potential donors. One will say yes, the other will say no. You only have enough time to drive across town to find and ask one guy before it's too late.

You gonna ask Tony Romo or TO?

Id die before I asked owens for any thing.;)

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