Romo vs Dak


Taco Engineer
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Yeah.. I feel comfortable projecting the type of QB Dak is at this point.

Good solid QB but limited when the game starts to slip away and he has to step up.
Not accurate. Maybe you forgot Romo's 1st three years with regard to "stepping up."


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Man this topic really triggers some folks.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter who was better. It really doesn’t. Do I think prime Romo was better than current Dak? Yes.

But Romo got old and injured and retired. He won’t ever be coming back. It happens to every athlete in every sport. It is what it is.

I also think people’s memories of his performances that happened over 10 years ago, are not as sharp
As their memories of Dak’s play over the past 3 seasons. It’s easier to pick out specifics of Dak’s
Performances because they were so recent

Honestly, all most of us remember it Romo
Back in 2006-2007 etc are the big moments of games. We don’t remember play to play what was happening. Not unless you go back and study old

There is no doubt, whatsoever, that RoNo
Continued to improve and get better throughout his career. Including begin 4 years in the league.

I hope Dak does same.
Some folks don't get that their "memories " are just as affected by their biases as their opinions. This often leads to venomous, vituperative, and vitriolic responses to eachother. And my fondness for alliteration.


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My take on the 2 of them, Romo was Romo, and Dak is Dak...that is all. I liked them both, Romo most times had me gagging on my own tongue, Dak has me frustrated at how he never wants to go off script and do what everyone watching can see will work. Bottom line I liked both, But just like Reality stated, what matters is winning the BIG games.... NFCC, SB...


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Retorical question:
Why is it so wrong to simply appreciate both Romo and Dak on here?
yeah I guess most think someone has to be the "BEST" ??
I liked Romo he had his flaws, but gave me many years of fun football to watch.
Dak is totally different, but I like him too, they are both good qb's, neither one is was great, maybe dak will
get to a SB, maybe not only time will tell, and we still have clapper, so not counting on any SB's in near future.


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My take on the 2 of them, Romo was Romo, and Dak is Dak...that is all. I liked them both, Romo most times had me gagging on my own tongue, Dak has me frustrated at how he never wants to go off script and do what everyone watching can see will work. Bottom line I liked both, But just like Reality stated, what matters is winning the BIG games.... NFCC, SB...
It was nice to hear dak call out kill, kill several times against the eagles. Clearly a sign of growing confidence in his ability to read defenses.
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Romo was a great QB. I was a huge fan. But it's laughable how those that hate Dak have desperately tried to twist the narrative into Romo having no offensive help at all. It's completely false. He had solid offensive talent around him just about every season.

If you're talking about defensive help, I'd agree wholeheartedly. 2009 was probably the only legitimately good defense Romo ever had (2007 as alright). However, Dak really hasn't had any help in that regard either. I see Dak as a quarterback showing great improvement and on track or even ahead of the curve for where you'd want a 4th year QB to be. He's not a finished product like Romo was in 2014, but even Romo himself wasn't until then.
I really wish people would stop using hate to basically mean you're not kissing someone's butt. You say anything about Mr Average you hate him. Heck outta here. How is posting your opinion of him hating? People need to seriously step out their little echo chamber every now and then.


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what matters is winning the BIG games.... NFCC, SB...
For you maybe but not me, I like the whole season, I think maybe people like you should just only tune in for the playoffs, and if Dallas not in
playoffs, just skip the whole season.
The BIG games, are just another game with a lot of hype mixed in to it.


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That was the only key , and Dak is dealing with the same coach and still cant get past div round.
Fact is since jerry hired Garrett in 2007, Dallas has only won in the WC round and only 3 of those.

And in that long period dallas has always had a pretty good QB, except when romo was hurt.
And still just 1 WC win for long time, then recently 2 more wc wins. Thats it folks.


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What matters is winning playoff games and Super Bowls. ....

The only thing that matters is winning. Winning in the regular season to get to the playoffs, winning playoff games to get the Super Bowl, and then winning a Super Bowl.

The only thing that matters is if Dak helps the Cowboys win Super Bowls. Otherwise, we'll be comparing Romo and Dak to the next franchise quarterback in a few years while hoping that one leads the Cowboys to a Super Bowl win.


I loved Romo, but I want trophies. I am learning to love Dak, but I want trophies.


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I've watched every game of both Dak and Romo's careers. How would you propose that we measure accuracy if not with basic stats (completion % along with Y/A) nor advanced stats (completion % above expectation, tight window throws, etc)? If the answer is "teh eye test" then there is no discussion to be had.

I can say Mahomes is accurate by my eye. You can say he isn't. And that's that. Pointless discussion.

Dak has been accurate this year on throws at all levels. Has he been perfect? Of course not. No quarterback is including Mahomes, Rodgers, Brady, etc. But he's been more than acceptable accuracy wise and it hurts those that have hung their hat on potential accuracy issues.
You either understand football or you don't. It's that simple.


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Neither won or will win a Super Bowl and you can take that to the bank!


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I really wish people would stop using hate to basically mean you're not kissing someone's butt. You say anything about Mr Average you hate him. Heck outta here. How is posting your opinion of him hating? People need to seriously step out their little echo chamber every now and then.

I did not mean hate in a literal way, of course. In a fandom way. I should have made that more clear I suppose.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Do I think Romo is a better QB than Dak? Yes. Doesn't change the fact that we won nothing with him and he shared in the responsibility for a lot of our big game defeats. Also Romo's career is over and Dak's isn't. So Dak has time to improve. Romo's career has been written. Of course some want to make him greater than he was.


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There are fans of other teams that hated Romo for his entire career that even admit he is better than Dakota

I don’t believe there is an argument against that. Romo at his peak was an incredible QB and it took him many years to master the position.

I don’t believe it’s reasonable to compare finished product 10+ year Romo to a beginning his 4th year Dak. Dak has shown very nice improvement and the potential to also be a very good QB with further progression.