Rumor about Tom Brady destroying cell phone

Since he did destroy his phone...why would they apologize?

Just friendly advice...You and this Tom Brady stuff...not very good together...every time you puff your chest out to defend something about him or the patriots it winds up blowing up in your face like Daffy Duck playing robinhood

While I want no part of the ongoing argument, I have to say that, in a vacuum, this is an epic burn. Well done.
The records can only be seen with a subpoena and the NFL does not have the power to do that.

The nfl could ask a judge for discovery and get them
But it won't matter
The actual script of text messages is held a fairly short period of time
Who you call, or text including times is kept for a long period of time but the actual messages themselves are not
My guess is any appeal would be over the process and the actual event wouldn't be relevant to the process
But not complying with the CBA requirement that he comply with the investigation could be an issue if he destroyed his phone
Gonna be interesting to see how this shakes out
When you consider this whole farce started as a result of a false leak by the league, and all the public spent months getting riled up over something that was proven untrue, I'm willing to bet no apology with be forthcoming regarding anything to do with his phone...

Yeah. I agree. This thing should have been over a longgggggg time ago with only a $25k fine.
Something tells me all of a sudden certain members of this forum will discover a newfound love of Stephen A. Smith.

I wouldn't count on that. Brady getting his phone destroyed is common knowledge and has nothing to do with that POS.
Since he did destroy his phone...why would they apologize?

Just friendly advice...You and this Tom Brady stuff...not very good together...every time you puff your chest out to defend something about him or the patriots it winds up blowing up in your face like Daffy Duck playing robinhood

I love these, but my favorite Daffy Duck is still "Duck Season, Rabbit Season". And anything Bugs Bunny with Yosemite Sam in it.

Patriot fans living rooms after the suspension was uphelded​
Actually most Pats fans wanted it upheld because they knew they upholding the whole thing would bring it to court. The thing Pats fans were afraid of was a reduction to 1 or 2 games.
Nope. Not until we sign Junior Gallete.

I guess Brady just thought he would do the League a favor and destroy the evidence like they did after Spygate.

He actually is swell fella.
No seriously, we need you to tell us all how great of a guy the woman beating professional athlete is.

Brady is guilty for obeying the laws of physics but Hardy is pure as the wind driven snow.


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