RUMOR: Cowboys - Jets


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Cajuncowboy said:
I would that deal in a heart beat but for only ONE player, and that is D'brickashaw Ferguson. I have said all along that IMO he is the only and I mean ONLY player in this draft worth sacrificing next years #1 pick for.

If this deal happens I will be doing hand springs across my living room.

Better not, at your age you may break a few bones. ;) :p:


Regular Joe....
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If we traded with the Jets to get Young, I guess I can see the logic in it but to be honest, I'd rather see us turn around and trade the pick right back to Oakland for the 7th, Walter and there 4th round pick. Or, if Williams happened to be there at 4, we could turn around and trade Ellis and pick up another 1st day pick or perhaps trade him for a quality FS.


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first off, I doubt this is true..

BUT.. if it was, it wouldnt be that bad a deal.. I think that we all believe that our #1 pick next year will be fairly low.. lets say its in the late 20s.. lets just pick a number.. say.. #28..

so we give away:
Drew Henson

and we get:

not that bad, especially if we think that this is the year that we make a run.. why not do everything possible to make that more of a reality? and as far as who we would take? its gotta be Hawk.. he is the only one that makes sense.. he is a difference maker and at one of our two most glaring need positions.. you dont trade up that much THIS year for a QB when you are trying to make a run.. and Ferguson would be great but you dont trade up that much for an OL.. especially when we signed Fabini.. Ware/Ayodele/James/Hawk... that would be a nice LB corps..


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I know I'm in the minority, but if we actually did this and picked up Vince Young--I'd be thrilled

Cutler doesn't appeal to me that much and I have concerns over Leinarts arm strength


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X-Dawg said:
I don't know the policy about posting rumors - Sorry if this violates it - But A rumor is flying on that has Dallas trading the #18 , next years #1 and Drew Henson for the Jets Pick this season.
Take it for what it's worth.
BTW - not one Jets fan wants it.

not that I want to trade up, but if the above were true the Jets would be pretty stupid...go look at the trade value chart, this doesnt come even remotely close to equal value...while I like Henson, I doubt anyone values him at a 1st rd pick...and next yrs picks are always valued at a round later

its probably a b/s rumor



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There's no way we trade up for a QB. This team is set up to win RIGHT NOW. D' Brick won't last till 4, I would guess Hawk.


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I'd do it for Ferguson. Past him I don't think theres someone there thats worth trading that much to get.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Gaede said:
I know I'm in the minority, but if we actually did this and picked up Vince Young--I'd be thrilled

Cutler doesn't appeal to me that much and I have concerns over Leinarts arm strength

I'd take Cutler over either of Young or Lienart.


Mr. Buckeye
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superpunk said:
You don't trade up to 4 for a LB. No matter how talented you think he is. You trade to 4 for a QB, and ONLY a QB, IMO.

Agreed and I Love Hawk of course he's a Buckeye!:D

What QB do you want?


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superpunk said:
LT is a once in a lifetime kinda player, and nearly impossible to identify pre-draft.

Let me put it this way - to get that high, we're gonna have to give up picks like there's no tomorrow. Do we really want to trade away 3 possible stars for one possible superstar, who has opportunities to make 10-15 plays per game?

IMO, you only do that for the player who's gonna have the ball in his hand, making plays, every single down. That's the only position worth taking that chance on.
Next years 1, us fans and the organization hopes to be drafting 32nd in the 1st round.

If you see a player you must have, and someone is going to only want Henson, your 18th pick, and next years 1, you take that deal. That puts you in the drivers seat to take offers from teams.

Could you imagine the teams wanting to move up with 2 1st rounders? You would have so many options, and if you don't want a certain player at 4, you start to trade down and stock pile, while grabbing someone like Huff at pick 9ish, or Ngata.


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ConcordCowboy said:
Agreed and I Love Hawk of course he's a Buckeye!:D

What QB do you want?

None of em. Leinart if a gun was at my head, but I hate the idea of trading up to get that. next year? I'd be all over that for Quinn.


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Cowboy_love_4ever said:
Next years 1, us fans and the organization hopes to be drafting 32nd in the 1st round.

If you see a player you must have, and someone is going to only want Henson, your 18th pick, and next years 1, you take that deal. That puts you in the drivers seat to take offers from teams.

Could you imagine the teams wanting to move up with 2 1st rounders? You would have so many options, and if you don't want a certain player at 4, you start to trade down and stock pile, while grabbing someone like Huff at pick 9ish, or Ngata.

So we trade up, to trade down again?

That works swimmingly, when I hoodwink the Cardinals into trading me their top 3 pick for La'Roi Glover in Madden, but not so well in real life. I don't see that working. We sell the farm to move up, and someone else is going to give us MORE to move down a few spots?

If that was the case, why wouldn't the Jets have traded with the other team to begin with?


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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Ain't no way that if we did pull the trigger and do a deal like this it would only be for one person and one person only. Leinart.

Hawk?????????? C'mon, there is quality depth at the LB postition this year. There is no way it would be for Hawk, or a gamble with Young. Or a rookie OT Ferguson.

That said, I don't think there is any way we do a trade like that, but if we did, it would be for Leinart only.


Fact > Your Opinion
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I couldn't imagine us doing this unless it was for either Furgeson or Young. Why trade up for a LB in a draft that is deep at LB. We know that at least one of Lawson, Carpenter, or Wimbley will be there when we pick, so why trade all that away for Hawk? I'm not saying that he isn't good, it just doesn't make sense to trade all of that away for a LB, when we can get a good one without giving up anything. And honestly, we are giving up a potential franchise QB to get a LB? That only brings up the question, what to do at qb for the future? If this was to get young, I wouldn't be so upset, as long as we got another first day pick, like a 2nd rounder.


Mr. Buckeye
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superpunk said:
None of em. Leinart if a gun was at my head, but I hate the idea of trading up to get that. next year? I'd be all over that for Quinn.

Hey don't forget Troy Smith!:D


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If this rumor were true I could promise you it would be to select a QB not any other position. I hope this rumor is false


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abersonc said:

that's right. If we trade up, we certainly won't take a rookie with our draft pick.
HAHA!! I just spit out the Mountain Dew I was drinking when I read that..