Russia invades Ukraine *** READ RULES IN POST 6 BEFORE POSTING ***

This might be kinda boring for most but could possibly be VERY revealing if true.........And btw this YT channel is fun to follow, if you like learning about someone who grew up in the USSR and now lives in America.

I posted earlier that Belarus appears to be joining Russia in the war. It was deleted because no sources but I got some sauce now. I hope it is just a rumor but I’ve heard it on the radio as well before these sources came out.


I posted earlier that Belarus appears to be joining Russia in the war. It was deleted because no sources but I got some sauce now. I hope it is just a rumor but I’ve heard it on the radio as well before these sources came out.



CNN just reported this as well......
I've certainly been impressed with Zelensky. So far, he has said and done all the right things... no doubt, he has won over Europe and most of the world.

Putin has inadvertently created a hero out of Zelensky.

Putin is generally regarded as a master strategist, but has boxed himself into a corner which, unfortunately, makes even more dangerous.
Seems like another miscalculation of Putin not expecting so many countries to support harsher sanctions, especially so quickly.

Na, this is step one. They are going to switch to some sort of digital currency, maybe china's.

There are many major countries not being harsh with them
Seems like another miscalculation of Putin not expecting so many countries to support harsher sanctions, especially so quickly.
Saw on the news that if prolongs the Russian economy is not going to be able to fund it. Said they Russia relies heavily on exporting its oil and if no one one is buying it it will cripple funding this war effort. I think it said over 50% of the economy is based on it.
Putin miscalculated many things about this but the worst one was the timing. Every leader of every free world nation needs a "hell yeah" from their citizens after two hard long years and people looking for someplace to direct their anger and frustration. Putin gave them that.

Russia is not that far removed from their Vietnam in Afghanistan and everyone but the Ukrainians thought this would be over quickly. Iran, N. Korea have been strangely silent and China has already shown they're not on board even though they'd like to take over Taiwan. They are watching very closely at the world reaction to this invasion and I think it has even surprised them.
Former Russian military officer Konstantin Eggert told DW he had "trouble discerning" what Putin meant when he said nuclear forces are on higher alert.

"The expression he used to indicate some heightened state of alert does not exist in Russian military manuals," Eggert, DW's Russia affairs analyst said.

There are four levels of alert in the Russian military, he explained. Those four levels are: regular, heightened, the threat of war and full or complete.

"Nuclear forces are pretty much always on heightened alert," Eggert noted.

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