Russia invades Ukraine *** READ RULES IN POST 6 BEFORE POSTING ***

Ukraine has been urged to give up Crimea by the Brazilian President

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva suggested on Thursday that Ukraine cede the Black Sea peninsula to Russia to end the war, adding his Ukrainian counterpart "cannot want everything".

Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot seize the territory of Ukraine. Perhaps Crimea will be discussed. But what more he invaded, he has to think about," Lula said during a meeting with journalists in Brasilia.

"Zelenskyy can't want everything either," he continued. "The world needs tranquillity... We have to find a solution."
Ukraine has been urged to give up Crimea by the Brazilian President

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva suggested on Thursday that Ukraine cede the Black Sea peninsula to Russia to end the war, adding his Ukrainian counterpart "cannot want everything".

Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot seize the territory of Ukraine. Perhaps Crimea will be discussed. But what more he invaded, he has to think about," Lula said during a meeting with journalists in Brasilia.

"Zelenskyy can't want everything either," he continued. "The world needs tranquillity... We have to find a solution."
Wonder if he'd be willing to concede a portion of Brazil to end the war. Pretty easy to give away someone else's land.
What the leaked Pentagon documents revealed (https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject....s://

  • UN boss 'too accommodating' to Russia.
  • Jordan feared Chinese retaliation over Huawei.
  • Russian infighting over Ukraine dead.
  • Western special forces operating inside Ukraine.
  • US dims hopes for Ukraine offensive.
  • Egypt secretly planned to supply rockets to Russia.
Nothing earth-shattering regarding Ukraine. If anything, probably what most assumed or thought was happening
This war isn't over yet? Wonder what a future China vs Taiwan thread would look like. Good to see Russian's or whoever it is that is attacking inside the Russian borders.
This will be a war that will go on for a long time, granted there's enough warm bodies.
The West has no issue supplying weapons and money. They get to hurt Russia without losing a single man in battle.

My Aunt has left Ukraine again.
A few weeks spending the entire night up listening to bomb sirens and hiding out in a parking garage in Kiev broke her sanity.
They get to hurt Russia without losing a single man in battle.
I worry that many in NATO and the US look at the war in Ukraine as an opportunity weaken Putin and Russia without considering what could happen within Russia should the war continue.

I don't think it farfetched to imagine something akin to the Bolshevik Revolution.

Like you, we have relatives and friends in Ukraine, as well as Russia and Belarus.
Lately, I've watched a series of interviews with Yvegeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Group. Unfortunately, the videos are in Russian (naturally) and not subtitled in English.

He's an interesting character. After serving a brief prison term as a young man, he started a number of businesses including grocery supplies, catering, restaurants, casinos and, eventually, the Wagner Group.

Despite very close ties with Putin, Prigozhin has been an outspoken critic of Putin, the GRU (Russian military intelligence) and the Russian military in Ukraine. The Wagner Group has played a prominent role in Ukraine, Syria and Central Africa. It has also been accused of war crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Some in Russia see him as Putin's successor.
My wife and i had a long conversation with her sister this morning. I don't normally join these conversations as my Russian comprehension generally slows down the dialogue.

I was curious how the Rissian Ukrainian war was affecting them in Volgograd.

It's interesting: there are several Ukrainian restaurants in town and business is booming. No protests, no boycotts.

Volgograd has accepted hundreds of ethnic Ukrainians in the community and provided them housing. Western style retailers that have left Russia have been replaced by local entrepreneurs. There are no shortages in the the local markets.

Basically it has been business as usual in Volgograd.

This is not what I expected.
Looks like Russia can't win. If that's the case, how will this all end? Can Putin admit to his people that this war is a lost cause, or will he just keep fighting until he dies from one thing or another?
Not winning and getting pushed out are two different things. They're not going to get pushed out, they're just going to leave at some point.

Putin's biggest mistake was not leveling Kyiv to the ground as soon as the invasion started when they had Kyiv surrounded and then they just left. If someone is not prepared to do what it takes to win, then they shouldn't go to war.
Not winning and getting pushed out are two different things. They're not going to get pushed out, they're just going to leave at some point.
And why would the Russians just leave?
And I assume you're talking about the Russian Army, since the ethnic Russians and their territorial defense live in those territories and have no reason to leave.
Yes I'm talking about the Russian Military forces.

Ya and there was Japanese people living in America during WW2.
Congratulations Putin for sealing your spot in history. Only 23 years in, and you’re probably already going down as one of the 10 Dumbest Blunders of the 21st century. Now please let someone overthrow your regime like happened to every Russian Leader who screwed up since the Czars. Hopefully someone decent and not as authoritarian and unscrupulous, if you haven‘t killed them all yet.
I'm wondering about something. In the past 100 years we've seen multiple instances of wars jump-starting economies. Maybe Russia felt they had to do it in order to prevent themselves from financially collapsing.
I have a feeling that this war will end with Putin dying by force or otherwise. Russia's new leaders will be interested in money rather than what type of government they adopt. Ukraine and Russia will both be in the EU, and the new EU will extend from Portugal to the Pacific. That's a lot of land.
The Telegram, a Russian streaming media service, is reporting that Prigozhin (head of Wagner Group) is threatening to March on Moscow in an effort to cripple or displace the Ministry of Defense. Moscow citizens have been warned to stay inside and shelter. Some Russian press are now reporting Prigozhin is a Ukrainian sympathizer.

Whew, a lot is going on!

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