***Safety Taylor dead at 24***

This is just terrible terrible news. He was just a boy in the prime of his life, and had turned the corner of his problems.

To all fans of THE WASHINGTON Commanders: I am sincerely sorry for your loss. He was a GREAT player.

It is sad that we live in a society where so many lives are considered disposable, and that noone seems to understand or care that at some point in everyone's life you will cherish each day as special, and any past transgressions seem insignificant in the big picture to the good you can always choose to do daily from there on.

It is mostly sad that Sean Taylor clearly wanted this opportunity and was denied it by someone that has a frozen heart.

May God rest your soul Sean, I will miss you.
Rivalries mean nothing on a day like today. I hope you find peace, Sean. My condolences to his family and Skins fans everywhere.
bbgun;1792834 said:
Rivalries mean nothing on a day like today. I hope you find peace, Sean. My condolences to his family and Skins fans everywhere.

Very well said.
I can't believe it. What a horrible day. Rest in peace sean.

My prayers will be for your family, friends, and fans.
I'm sure most fans went to bed last night thinking he'd make it, only to awake to this news. A cruel day.
He was my neighbor in Ashburn and he was loved in the DC area. He will be missed my heart goes out to his family and friends.
bbgun;1792863 said:
I'm sure most fans went to bed last night thinking he'd make it, only to awake to this news. A cruel day.

Yep. I went to bed thinking he'd pull through. Reports of him moving his eyes, and squeezing the nurses hand. I was convinced he'd pull through.

This morning when I heard it on local news, I thought maybe they were wrong, so I ran to my computer and checked ES, only to find out it was true.
You know, death happens everyday in the news and around us in our own cities. And for the most part, I can brush it off because the death is not close to me. This, however, is totally different! I don't even know Sean personally aside from football. But, this has me very saddened, very shocked, very numb.

My condolences go out to Sean's immediate family, the Commanders organization, and Commanders fans world wide. This is indeed a tragic event.

The good thing is, that Sean is now in God's pasture where the wolf and sheep sleep togeather, and he no longer has to suffer the hell on earth that we all live through everyday.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, something greater must be in store for you.

Why? Just...why? I wish I knew...I really wish I knew.
el_chevo;1792578 said:
No man deserves this... RIP Sean. I wonder how the moth#$#%#$ in this forum feel now after bashing him yesterday. "You reap what you sow..." You guys are incredible...

I feel bad for Taylors family, but Im not going to join in the deification of a guy with questionable character just because he recently died.
JustSayNotoTO;1792880 said:
I feel bad for Taylors family, but Im not going to join in the deification of a guy with questionable character just because he recently died.

You can feel pity for any 24 year old that tragically loses his life under any circumstances, and you can feel sorrow for the family that lost a son, brother, and father. As a human being, we can all feel that for another. There's no need for this stuff today.
JustSayNotoTO;1792880 said:
a guy with questionable character

I would think that someone with high character would just please give the Taylor bashing a rest for at least today.
I still can't believe the news...very sad. The NFL lost a very talented player today.
JustSayNotoTO;1792880 said:
I feel bad for Taylors family, but Im not going to join in the deification of a guy with questionable character just because he recently died.

Sorry, but you're an idiot.
superpunk;1792884 said:
You can feel pity for any 24 year old that tragically loses his life under any circumstances, and you can feel sorrow for the family that lost a son, brother, and father. As a human being, we can all feel that for another. There's no need for this stuff today.

It's amazing how some people can hold personal grudges based on a person's previous transgressions. It is a problem with society as a whole that we tend to not have the state of mind to forgive and forget in the utmost times of sorrow...This is a man who we all know made some mistakes that caused him to have evidence of character issues. Whether or not the investigation turns out to be because of his character or a random act of burglary, is not our right to judge him with thoughts of "karma" or "he reaps what he sows"....Be sensible people and put yourselves in his family's shoes.
5Stars;1792878 said:
You know, death happens everyday in the news and around us in our own cities. And for the most part, I can brush it off because the death is not close to me. This, however, is totally different! I don't even know Sean personally aside from football. But, this has me very saddened, very shocked, very numb.

My condolences go out to Sean's immediate family, the Commanders organization, and Commanders fans world wide. This is indeed a tragic event.

The good thing is, that Sean is now in God's pasture where the wolf and sheep sleep togeather, and he no longer has to suffer the hell on earth that we all live through everyday.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, something greater must be in store for you.

Why? Just...why? I wish I knew...I really wish I knew.

I wish I could believe like you and others in after life and god...
In times like this, I only can ask myself why, why this things happen in life, and I dont have an answer, only a sad sad feeling and the feeling that we see how precious is life while we are here, and how we let it go away so easily at times...

But Sean and others that pass away are examples to us, we all need to learn from these guys, and how it makes me mad to see that in 2007 we already havent learnt from the sean taylor´s of the past... We´ll never learn :(
JustSayNotoTO;1792880 said:
I feel bad for Taylors family, but Im not going to join in the deification of a guy with questionable character just because he recently died.

I am at a loss for words...
Parche;1792911 said:
I wish I could believe like you and others in after life and god...

You don't have to believe like anyone else except what you want to believe in my friend. I have had doubts about stuff like that myself, however, there has to be an outlet, a belief, a something, that helps in time of mourning or need. It can be God or the cat next door, whatever, it's your choice.

The important thing right now is Sean's family, teammates, Commander fans, and football fans in general. All of us need some sort of outlet to try and understand WHY? Just why?

But, life goes on, so look around and count your blessings. Tell your loved ones how much you love them EVERYDAY. And live life to the fullest, because it can be taken away from you in an instant, just like the tragedy that took Sean's life. Dying a natural death is hard to handle. But having something like this happen is even harder, especially for those that were/are close to Sean.

I never met Sean, but I feel sad, and I don't even know why?


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