Sanjay Lal hype is getting out of control


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I am not saying he sucks. He might be a good fit. Dooley had to go. People who are hyping him up as some sort of guru and think he is going to create "gold out of lead" by having guys count steps they are taking are fooling themselves.
thats all im saying but worded slightly different
I am not saying hes great. He might be a good fit. Dooley had to go. People who are hyping him up as some sort of guru and think he is going to create "gold out of lead" by having guys count steps they are taking are fooling themselves.

but thats not really the way the op came off
but whatever


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You're really reaching if you're pulling out team passing yardage rankings and trying to attach a WR coach's value to that.

His main job is to teach technique/route running to his receivers. What the QB/offensive coordinator/head coach does with it from there is up to them.

I'm not a card-carrying Sanjay fanboy yet, but so far I like what I'm seeing from Lal.


Village Idiot
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Well, his son just spent a bunch of time with Brady filming Tom vs Time, so maybe he picked up some pointers?

Oh, this isn't Sanjay Gupta, world-renewed guru and doctor™ we're talking about?

In all seriousness, Rob Ryan gushes over the dude, so take that for what it's worth.

Unless it's about pizza or beer, I'd probably ignore anything Rob Ryan says about most subjects.


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Oh, I don’t know, maybe he’s teaching methods? How he interacts with the players? How well he knows NFL offenses? How well he knows NFL defenses? How well he understands the rule book? Etc., etc.
Maybe..but if his teaching resulting in the stastical worst receiving corps in the league for so long then why did we hire this guy?
Wouldn’t you rather take a chance on the WR coach who coached AB or someone who achieved something?
Early reports had us chasing Sammy Watkins for $16m per year with his 39 catches and 3 teams already..


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As a fan I also enjoy the hype and the positive outlook of the up coming season, BUT every year, this team is hyped to the extreme and everyone is positive about everything the team did in the off season. The flaws are over looked, see Garrett, or even hyped, see DT. Then by the end of most seasons, over the past 22 years, we are left frustrated and disappointed. I will enjoy the hype, but also realize we have ?’s at many positions( S, TE, DT, G, LB, and WR) that need to turn out positive. We also, still have Garrett as our HC. He needs to improve as much as any position group. Enjoy the hype and positive outlook, but be realistic, other wise the fall at the end of the season is down right depressing.
The thing about fandom Crash is we all position ourselves in a comfort zone to allow us to endure the season. There is no right or wrong only what's best for each of us. I understand disappointment and frustration hell I cried in 67 but I'm a lot tougher now:) being optimistic and hopeful is what works for me, let's hope neither of us are disappointed despite the differences in our approach:)


Village Idiot
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You're really reaching if you're pulling out team passing yardage rankings and trying to attach a WR coach's value to that.

His main job is to teach technique/route running to his receivers. What the QB/offensive coordinator/head coach does with it from there is up to them.

I'm not a card-carrying Sanjay fanboy yet, but so far I like what I'm seeing from Lal.

Maybe if he had 1 year of experience, but 4 teams and a decade of coaching, and his group was consistently amongst the worst in the league. It has to tell you something about his results.

The Fonz

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Well, his son just spent a bunch of time with Brady filming Tom vs Time, so maybe he picked up some pointers?

Oh, this isn't Sanjay Gupta, world-renewed guru and doctor™ we're talking about?

In all seriousness, Rob Ryan gushes over the dude, so take that for what it's worth.
CNN going gaga over this guy


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I'm reluctant to reach the conclusion that Lal is destined to be a flop, based solely upon his history with inferior teams. We'll probably know soon enough if his methods are wanting (or not) as midseason rolls around. Until then, I'm inclined to afford him the benefit of the doubt. Let's hope our receiving corps turns out to be a pleasant surprise to many of us. If our WRs manage to get open as advertised, Dak could quite likely be a pleasant surprise as well.

If the receivers get open, based on Dak's first season he is going to have a monster year. Monster year.


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Naaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, the Richard hype is much better. One of the best D teams in the NFL decides to let him go and he is the next savior.

All falls under the same heading of "Everyone Gets Better When They're a Cowboy".
Carroll is the common denominator in that defense, and ive heard the complaints about Seattle giving up 3rd downs under Kris
but that doesnt take away from me appreciating his closer involvement with these young players
its just some take things way too far one way or the other


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What other metric should we look at when we are evaluating the production of the group he is responsible for coaching, over a decade and 4 different teams?

Well, to be fair, personnel has to be considered in the evaluation. Otherwise The Hoodie still wouldn't have a job after the Cleveland debacle.


Well-Known Member
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As a fan I also enjoy the hype and the positive outlook of the up coming season, BUT every year, this team is hyped to the extreme and everyone is positive about everything the team did in the off season. The flaws are over looked, see Garrett, or even hyped, see DT. Then by the end of most seasons, over the past 22 years, we are left frustrated and disappointed. I will enjoy the hype, but also realize we have ?’s at many positions( S, TE, DT, G, LB, and WR) that need to turn out positive. We also, still have Garrett as our HC. He needs to improve as much as any position group. Enjoy the hype and positive outlook, but be realistic, other wise the fall at the end of the season is down right depressing.

Some years we lived up to the hype. It's about fun. It's up to each individual fan about how they wish to approach it.


1st Round Pick
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These facts that don’t really mean anything? No, not a big fan. I’m willing to give him a year or so to find out if he’s any good. People like you that think he already sucks are just trouble makers.

I’m sure he’s a fine coach.. Just nothing he has done correlates to production so that is why OPis saying he is overhyped.


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I’m sure he’s a fine coach.. Just nothing he has done correlates to production so that is why OPis saying he is overhyped.
everybody in football gets overhyped at some point
it happens every year
prob 95% of the players we discuss as having potential other teams fans would think the opposite

i dont understand why people go so far one way or the other when most dont even know these guys


I am who they thought I was!
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What other metric should we look at when we are evaluating the production of the group he is responsible for coaching, over a decade and 4 different teams?
Look at the QBs throwing to those receivers. Carson Palmer is the only starting caliber among them and only had him 1/2 the year (they were 11th that year).

Not arguing for or against the guy, but there are metrics to consider.

I'm for the change from Dooley, and hoping this is a guy that can work for us.


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He's been coaching in the league for nearly a decade, and has bounced around every couple years. He's now on his 5th team. Let's see what kind of production he's had in the NFL.

Team Receiving Rank By Year

2017 - 30th
2016 - 31st
2015 - 29th
2014 - 32nd
2013 - 30th
2012 - 30th
2011 - 11th
2010 - 22nd
2009 - 29th

As you can see, his groups have produced near bottom, or rock bottom production in receiving yardage. As far as I can tell, he's never produced a 1000 yard receiver in his career, although I didn't take the time to research this fully.

To be fair, he has been in some bad places, with lackluster QB play, but looking at his body of work, it is hard to get excited about what he has done. When looking at the talent on this roster, it is hard to get excited about the prospects of him coaching them up.

I was not a Derek Dooley fan by any means, but to think an NFL position coach doesn't teach technique is asinine. Under Dooley's watch, Dez, Williams, and Beasley all put up career numbers.

I think it was time for Dooley to go, but the Sanjay Lal hype is unwarranted and frankly, he is going to disappoint a lot of people.
Well it’s dissappointing now to see the stats. Thanks.


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It is hard to believe that he is some diamond in the rough, who has just happened to be saddled to the worst offensive coordinator in the league with 4 different teams.
im just saying a wr coach doesnt have much do with the offense ran, the play calling, talent acquisition or developing the qb who throws the darn ball so it is misleading to base his performance off variables that he has little to no control over. Everything I read says he is well respected by league personnel and by the wrs he coaches.


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I’m sure he’s a fine coach.. Just nothing he has done correlates to production so that is why OPis saying he is overhyped.
He said more than he was just overhyped. His quote "...but the Sanjay Lal hype is unwarranted and frankly, he is going to disappoint a lot of people."
You nor I know if that's going to be true. Just pointing that out.