Santonio Holmes arrested again

The point is that you didn't have this problem 30 years ago-not to anything close to what you have today. It seems like every other player with any talent at all is a punk who still thinks he can act like an animal & get away with it.

Pretty soon each NFL team is going to have to hire a psychiatrist to interview all draft prospects, and put them through a polygraph.

You would think these idiots would learn by now. You know the ones who are still in college have to watch the draft & see players with superior talent get passed over for players with less talent, but more class. It's hard enough that they are young & dumb. Add to that the fact that most of them never had a male role model around to show them how a man is supposed to act, so they have no clue.

Talk to most NFL, or NBA players about the most influencial person in their life, and they will say their mother or grandmother. It's time for the men in our society to man up & take responsibility for the children they bring into this world. Then, maybe the kids won't grow up to be another killer like Ray Lewis, or Leonard Little.
Of course, it would help if our court system wouldn't feel the need to coddle these criminals as well.
HeavyHitta31 said:
And to think, many wanted us to draft this ****** (including me). What a complete and utter moron :banghead:

This is why I always point out character concerns when everyone is discussing draft strategies and who we need to pick every year.
Hostile said:
Here's his math Vintage. Direct from him, not made up by me.

I'm sorry, but I simply do not buy that at all. There are guys who have had off field issues that turned out to be busts or at least not "great." There are great WRs who aren't having off field issues.

Yeah, there are some guys who fit that math. That makes it a hypothesis. One that got blown up BTW. More holes in that theory than Swiss cheese.

I don't think he meant it as an 'absolute.' Just a general comment.

Like if I had said, rich + money = getting off on a crime.

Just something that has a slight truth to it, but said more out of humor/amusement.

I seriously doubt he meant it as an absolute, as you seem to be thinking he meant it as. That's how I took it as. When I read it, I appreciated the general truth/humor in that comment. I didn't take it to mean a truth.
Vintage said:
I don't think he meant it as an 'absolute.' Just a general comment.

Like if I had said, rich + money = getting off on a crime.

Just something that has a slight truth to it, but said more out of humor/amusement.

I seriously doubt he meant it as an absolute, as you seem to be thinking he meant it as. That's how I took it as. When I read it, I appreciated the general truth/humor in that comment. I didn't take it to mean a truth.
When I see an = sign, yeah, that looks absolute. Unless you're telling me that 2 + 2 = 4 doesn't work every time.
In all fairness, Ohio State isn't the only program that does this. Almost all big time programs do it. Ohio State just seems to do it better. Go figure.

Yeah lets get that Very Straight...Anyone who thinks that their team dosen't do the same thing is kidding themselves. Some things get out...Some Don't.

Whether they do it better or not is debatable. I could care less as long as they win.

Just wait until you guys find out all the thinks they covered up about Carpenter.:)
Hostile said:
Here's his math Vintage. Direct from him, not made up by me.
Actually you left out part of the math in bold.

WR + Off-field Issues = Great NFL WR.

I am not excusing the douch bag, but isn't eerily how most talented WRs always tend to be bad boys or idiots off the field.

He gets my early ROY vote for 2006.

As you can see I qualified my statement, I didn't excuse Holmes behavior and I clearly stated that "most talented WRs" tend to be bad boys or idiots off the field.

Comprehension 101

Hostile said:
I'm sorry, but I simply do not buy that at all. There are guys who have had off field issues that turned out to be busts or at least not "great." There are agreat WRs who aren't having off field issues.

Yeah, there are some guys who fit that math. That makes it a hypothesis. One that got blown up BTW. More holes in that theory than Swiss cheese.
You don't have to buy it. You can penny pinch in your own ignorance.

Noone disagreed that there are guys who have had off-field issues that turned out to be busts or atleast not great. Thanks for raising the point.

It's very valid, just as valid as some of the most talented WRs also tend to be bad boys and idiots off-field, just because you don't buy makes it false.

You state that there are guys out there that fit the math, but go on to say it's an hypothesis:lmao2: .

The fact there are guys out there that fit the math make it a FACT. It is proven that some of the most talented WR (Owens, Keyshawn, Irivin, Moss etc lesser ilk.....Robinson, Bryant) are bad boys and idiots off the field.

So how exactly do you blow up FACTS (not hypotheis)?

What theory are you talking about?

I just thought it was eery how most talented WRs tend to be bad boys. Every decade has had it's handful. Even Jerry Rice got arrested (lock himself inside a massage parlour bathroom while police raided the joint) and had borish tendacies with some of his WR coaches.
Hostile said:
When I see an = sign, yeah, that looks absolute. Unless you're telling me that 2 + 2 = 4 doesn't work every time.

No. I am saying you took it out of context.


Money + Fame = No Jail Time.

Is it an absolute? No. But if I made the comment, I would expect readers to read it for what it is; a slightly humorous exaggeration that is based off of Kobe, OJ, etc.

That is all that it would be.

And thats what I believe the OP meant when he did his post. But this is silly to argue over, when he can come in and clarify if I am right/you are right.
Vintage said:
I don't think he meant it as an 'absolute.' Just a general comment.

Like if I had said, rich + money = getting off on a crime.

Just something that has a slight truth to it, but said more out of humor/amusement.

I seriously doubt he meant it as an absolute, as you seem to be thinking he meant it as. That's how I took it as. When I read it, I appreciated the general truth/humor in that comment. I didn't take it to mean a truth.
Thanks for that Vintage.

Thats exactly how I expected my post to be comprehended, but I guess Hos is looking an angle.

We go way back so I am not surprised he'd intrepret my post that way.

Personally, I make an effort to comprehend a fellow poster post without having a bias based on past conversations.
Vintage said:
No. I am saying you took it out of context.


Money + Fame = No Jail Time.

Is it an absolute? No. But if I made the comment, I would expect readers to read it for what it is; a slightly humorous exaggeration that is based off of Kobe, OJ, etc.

That is all that it would be.

And thats what I believe the OP meant when he did his post. But this is silly to argue over, when he can come in and clarify if I am right/you are right.
You're right Vintage :hammer:

It wasn't meant as an absolute? Of course Hostile would hope I'd take that position:lmao2:
Charles said:
You're right Vintage :hammer:

It wasn't meant as an absolute? Of course Hostile would hope I'd take that position:lmao2:
No, I don't hope you'll take that position.

It still seems rather ignorant to me, but if you see it as wisdom for the ages be my guest.

Bottom line, you said it badly, got called on it, and it hurt your widdle feewings. Nothing new.
Hostile said:
No, I don't hope you'll take that position.

It still seems rather ignorant to me, but if you see it as wisdom for the ages be my guest.

Bottom line, you said it badly, got called on it, and it hurt your widdle feewings. Nothing new.

How? It was an exaggeration. People used them all the time.

It was done to envoke some humor into the thread. You missed it.
Vintage said:
How? It was an exaggeration. People used them all the time.

It was done to envoke some humor into the thread. You missed it.
Yeah, I can certainly see where my original response of "Jerry Rice was arrested?" could remove all humor from the attempt to split sides all over the forum. At the very least give me credit for saving people lots of snot getting shot out of their noses as they grasped the high comedic content. In return, just let me say, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Hostile said:
Yeah, I can certainly see where my original response of "Jerry Rice was arrested?" could remove all humor from the attempt to split sides all over the forum. At the very least give me credit for saving people lots of snot getting shot out of their noses as they grasped the high comedic content. In return, just let me say, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.


I doubt he meant for it to be side splitting humor. It was meant as it was meant; an exaggeration based on slight humor.
Vintage said:
I doubt he meant for it to be side splitting humor. It was meant as it was meant; an exaggeration based on slight humor.
I'll turn in my Monty Python fan club badge out of sheer guilt. Judas Priest.
Vintage said:
I doubt he meant for it to be side splitting humor. It was meant as it was meant; an exaggeration based on slight humor.

let's let Charles explain his reasoning instead of you

that is unless you 2 arent' the same poster
Hostile said:
I'll turn in my Monty Python fan club badge out of sheer guilt. Judas Priest.

Nah, as a fellow Monty Python and the Holy Grail fan, you can keep it.
Hostile said:
No, I don't hope you'll take that position.

It still seems rather ignorant to me, but if you see it as wisdom for the ages be my guest.

Bottom line, you said it badly, got called on it, and it hurt your widdle feewings. Nothing new.
But apparently Vintage understood exactly what I was saying:lmao: making your statement a moot point.

You comprehended it wrong, Vintage got you on track:p:

My feelings are hurt:lmao2: Sorry I don't easily get offended..... like some do:)

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