Sayings You Were Raised Around

I'm so hungry, I could eat the arse end of a rhino.

I'm fixin to do sumpin.

It's supper time!

When I was thirsty, I said I wanted a Coke, even if it was a Dr Pepper or whatever. There was no such word as soda or pop, everything was a Coke :D
When I wuz a young'un, When I ever got out'a line, my Daddy would sometimes send me ta get him a switch.

Most of ya know what a switch is, but fer those of ya what don't, I'll 'splain it up fer ya...

A switch is a piece of equipment made out of wood, long and slender, usually a simple branch cut from a small tree in the yard. You flick it at strategic times and locations in order to change a young'un's mind. (Usually works like a charm, too.)

In some families, it also proves to be a great source of Cardio-Vascular Exercise for Dad as well.
When I wuz a young'un, When I ever got out'a line, my Daddy would sometimes send me ta get him a switch.

Most of ya know what a switch is, but fer those of ya what don't, I'll 'splain it up fer ya...

A switch is a piece of equipment made out of wood, long and slender, usually a simple branch cut from a small tree in the yard. You flick it at strategic times and locations in order to change a young'un's mind. (Usually works like a charm, too.)

In some families, it also proves to be a great source of Cardio-Vascular Exercise for Dad as well.
My Mamaw did that with a twist. She'd tell me "go pick a switch and make sure it's a good'un cuz you don't want me pickin' it". Talk about a confused kid, just the job of pickin' the switch had the desired effect on me. I was pretty much on my best behavior at her house.
My Mamaw did that with a twist. She'd tell me "go pick a switch and make sure it's a good'un cuz you don't want me pickin' it". Talk about a confused kid, just the job of pickin' the switch had the desired effect on me. I was pretty much on my best behavior at her house.
I have the fly swatter that my granny used the 1st time she gave me a whuppin She kept it where I could see it when I visited and reminded me of it and it was not one of those plastic things they make these days
My Mamaw did that with a twist. She'd tell me "go pick a switch and make sure it's a good'un cuz you don't want me pickin' it". Talk about a confused kid, just the job of pickin' the switch had the desired effect on me. I was pretty much on my best behavior at her house.
I have the fly swatter that my granny used the 1st time she gave me a whuppin She kept it where I could see it when I visited and reminded me of it and it was not one of those plastic things they make these days
We got the belt or a hanger. Man, it stung when they got bare skin! Don't squirm, or you get it in the lower back.
I have the fly swatter that my granny used the 1st time she gave me a whuppin She kept it where I could see it when I visited and reminded me of it and it was not one of those plastic things they make these days
Oh, the wire kind with the flexibility for velocity. My best bud and co-conspirator growing up got in trouble one day and his Mom grabbed one and didn't realize the wire mesh was frayed and his legs looked like a shark attack but actually looked worse than it was but he milked it. She was inconsolable after she saw what she had done and probably could have been brought up on charges, if they did that back then. She never physically disciplined him again.

And ya know what I found interesting? He didn't act out around her near as much, everybody else he was the same but he told me "I don't ever want to see my Mom like that again". Her reaction to what she had done, out of anger, had more effect than the actual whipping he'd received. Not me, I was the alpha and constantly cruising for something stupid to do and seldom didn't find it. I knew if I stayed in motion, trouble could find me.
Oh, the wire kind with the flexibility for velocity. My best bud and co-conspirator growing up got in trouble one day and his Mom grabbed one and didn't realize the wire mesh was frayed and his legs looked like a shark attack but actually looked worse than it was but he milked it. She was inconsolable after she saw what she had done and probably could have been brought up on charges, if they did that back then. She never physically disciplined him again.

And ya know what I found interesting? He didn't act out around her near as much, everybody else he was the same but he told me "I don't ever want to see my Mom like that again". Her reaction to what she had done, out of anger, had more effect than the actual whipping he'd received. Not me, I was the alpha and constantly cruising for something stupid to do and seldom didn't find it. I knew if I stayed in motion, trouble could find me.
Back then ya almost had to kill the kid for charges to be filled Had a coach with a paddle he called tiger he rigged a whistle up on the end of it so ya could hear it coming sadistic old fart
We got the belt or a hanger. Man, it stung when they got bare skin! Don't squirm, or you get it in the lower back.
Never used anything on my sons. My Dad used a belt on me and he travelled every week and would return on TH or FR and too often he would whip me with a belt. I grew up hating him and wished something would happen to him on the way home so I wouldn't get whipped again. Then he'd head to the golf course on Sat and Sun and the only time I got attention from him was through discipline.

I am so completely opposed to disciplining with any physical means because of the scars, inside, I carried for most of my life and was never close to my Dad because of that. Later I came to understand his side of it and how he must have dreaded coming home and having to do that because he wasn't remotely an evil or mean man, it was just what he thought discipline was. I forgave him but never forgot. Spare the rod and spoil the child.

That last sentence is the biggest bunch of BS only matched by the other saying I heard growing up, "children should seen and not heard". What ignorant worthless awesome person came up with that one and why in the hell did they have children?
Back then ya almost had to kill the kid for charges to be filled Had a coach with a paddle he called tiger he rigged a whistle up on the end of it so ya could hear it coming sadistic old fart
My coach had holes drilled into his to cut down on the wind resistance and he could lift you off the ground. That was pretty commonplace back then and nobody thought much about it until he swung it one time and this real skinny kid jumped up thinking he would get in motion ahead of it but he turned as he went up and got it right behind his right femur and broke it in two places.

That was the end of physical discipline at that school and all others in the district and to make matters worse for the coach, that kid was the son of one of LR's top law firms. His parents charged him and he was taken into custody but they ruled it was really an accident since this has been an accepted form of punishment and the kid disobeyed the order to keep his feet on the ground, which I could attest to was the order the coach told anyone getting the paddle. The coach kept his job but no more paddle.
Never used anything on my sons. My Dad used a belt on me and he travelled every week and would return on TH or FR and too often he would whip me with a belt. I grew up hating him and wished something would happen to him on the way home so I wouldn't get whipped again. Then he'd head to the golf course on Sat and Sun and the only time I got attention from him was through discipline.

I am so completely opposed to disciplining with any physical means because of the scars, inside, I carried for most of my life and was never close to my Dad because of that. Later I came to understand his side of it and how he must have dreaded coming home and having to do that because he wasn't remotely an evil or mean man, it was just what he thought discipline was. I forgave him but never forgot. Spare the rod and spoil the child.

That last sentence is the biggest bunch of BS only matched by the other saying I heard growing up, "children should seen and not heard". What ignorant worthless awesome person came up with that one and why in the hell did they have children?
I see too many spoiled, entitled kids these days to admonish corporal punishment completely. Maybe what we got was a bit overboard, but we didn't grow up believing the world owes us anything.
Parents have so little power to discipline now, and it shows. Combine that with the participation awards and the internet giving them access to any information they want, and I'm very glad I don't have any children.
  • Hell to the yeah
  • Damn straight
  • Go figure
  • No retreat no surrender
  • At the end of the day
  • Bird in the hand is better than two in the bush
  • Early bird gets the worm
  • You gotta help yourself before you can help others
I see too many spoiled, entitled kids these days to admonish corporal punishment completely. Maybe what we got was a bit overboard, but we didn't grow up believing the world owes us anything.
Parents have so little power to discipline now, and it shows. Combine that with the participation awards and the internet giving them access to any information they want, and I'm very glad I don't have any children.
I agree but hitting them in the name of discipline only gets angry spoiled, entitled kids. Most child development people will tell you it doesn't work but the problem is doing it right is almost a full time job.

I don't compare my situation to others because along with that discipline came love, the right attention for them. He was a very good man, just not a good father. And I was a kid with emotional problems, not a good combination.
I agree but hitting them in the name of discipline only gets angry spoiled, entitled kids. Most child development people will tell you it doesn't work but the problem is doing it right is almost a full time job.

I don't compare my situation to others because along with that discipline came love, the right attention for them. He was a very good man, just not a good father. And I was a kid with emotional problems, not a good combination.
But you're okay now! :confused:
Never used anything on my sons. My Dad used a belt on me and he travelled every week and would return on TH or FR and too often he would whip me with a belt. I grew up hating him and wished something would happen to him on the way home so I wouldn't get whipped again. Then he'd head to the golf course on Sat and Sun and the only time I got attention from him was through discipline.

I am so completely opposed to disciplining with any physical means because of the scars, inside, I carried for most of my life and was never close to my Dad because of that. Later I came to understand his side of it and how he must have dreaded coming home and having to do that because he wasn't remotely an evil or mean man, it was just what he thought discipline was. I forgave him but never forgot. Spare the rod and spoil the child.

That last sentence is the biggest bunch of BS only matched by the other saying I heard growing up, "children should seen and not heard". What ignorant worthless awesome person came up with that one and why in the hell did they have children?
My dad whupped me good maybe 2 or 3 times. Never got one I didn't deserve.

However, I had a childhood friend whose dad whupped him every time he turned around. It was really sad. When his dad died a couple years ago and I saw him at the funeral, all he could talk about was how much his Dad whupped him.

I got my stepson when he was around 9. Had to whip him one time. Didn't want to, tried everything else, but then it became obvious that he was going to push me until I did. I only had to swat him one time, and never had to again. However, I had to prove to him that I would.
I agree but hitting them in the name of discipline only gets angry spoiled, entitled kids. Most child development people will tell you it doesn't work but the problem is doing it right is almost a full time job.

I don't compare my situation to others because along with that discipline came love, the right attention for them. He was a very good man, just not a good father. And I was a kid with emotional problems, not a good combination.
If you went and spent a bunch of time in the school systems, you might change your mind.
If you went and spent a bunch of time in the school systems, you might change your mind.
That is the fault of the school systems and they've created that environment which for a lot of caring devoted teachers, puts them at risk. Hell, then they kick them out and they return with weapons.

I know it's a problem but that is more of a symptom, our society, in general, is the cause. We emphasize the wrong things.
Should I give the preemptive "Be careful not to stray into political territory" warning, or just wait for Dallas East?
My dad whupped me good maybe 2 or 3 times. Never got one I didn't deserve.

However, I had a childhood friend whose dad whupped him every time he turned around. It was really sad. When his dad died a couple years ago and I saw him at the funeral, all he could talk about was how much his Dad whupped him.

I got my stepson when he was around 9. Had to whip him one time. Didn't want to, tried everything else, but then it became obvious that he was going to push me until I did. I only had to swat him one time, and never had to again. However, I had to prove to him that I would.
But I imagine you also interacting with your stepson to show him you cared for him as well.

Man, and I don't lay that all on my old man, I was a prime button pusher. I would not have wanted me as a kid. Not sure I would want me as an adult.
Should I give the preemptive "Be careful not to stray into political territory" warning, or just wait for Dallas East?
Oh, this is straying into that territory? Hell, I can never tell. If I ain't telling everyone we should just blow up all of those aholes in DC and start over, it ain't political to me.

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