Schefter Per Mort Report: Murray 5 for 42 mill 21 guaranteed

I didn't say anything about Randle or Dunbar, but i really doubt they head into the season with those guys as there main backs. You can argue that all you want, but you can't prove it. We'll all see very soon where the success in the running game really came from.

Now look the Cowboys have an elite oline, elite QB, elite WR and elite TE. The iggles have none of that. You think teams aren't going to stack the box to stop Murray . He is the only real weapon they have now.

That's right, I can't prove it just like you can't prove that he wouldn't have kept up that same level of production with the Cowboys, yet you're here saying just that. I'm not talking about the Murray that went to the Eagles because I don't care about their team, I'm talking about what Murray does for the Cowboys and how he was a valuable part of this team.
True. But WHEN something happens, plays a part in how fans feel. Carlos Beltran put up incredible numbers with the NY Mets. Ask most Mets fans about him and the first thing they will bring up is the called strike 3 in the playoffs vs the Cards. Same with Murray's fumble vs the Packers.

Understood. But having to read how much Murray has a fumbling problem when its just not true is annoying.
Any back that has as many yards after contact as Murray will have some fumbles. His numbers are not even bad.

Its over now anyway. He will be running the ball for the Eagles now.

Let the goofy Ryan Williams posts take over now.
stuck what??????

Spin spin spin spin spin!

Lose your OPoY to a division rival? So what! Just take a swig of silver and blue kook-aid and you'll be frolicing through the "all is well" meadow with the Cowboys' FO in no time!

On a serious note...there is a lot of offseason left so let's see how it plays out. As of right now though I'm kinda bummed. Hopefully Jerry has something up his sleeve.
LOL, sorry its just been a rough day already, and then everyone talking about Peterson said this Peterson said that. Peterson hasnt actually said anything minus the fact he still has issues with Minnesota and he feels uneasy about going back. Everything else is just conjecture and the media trying to get hits. If i hear Peterson actually come out and say I want 25 million, I will agree with everyone here and say thats far too much, have a nice day.

No problem. FWIW, I would love to have AP here for a couple of years but I just won't allow myself to feel optimistic about that...less pain that way.:)
C'mon dude. You can hate the guy but he was awesome last year.

I have never bad-mouthed Murray. I have no problem with him leaving and taking more money.

but in no way did Philly "stick it" to Dallas when they offered 2 million more per year with more guaranteed money. Dallas not once showed signs of panic and seemed reserved to the fact that Murray would leave seemingly since the end of the regular season.
They took one of our players. That's all that matters to some of them.

You are absolutely right. It doesn't matter what the numbers are, or that by most accounts they way overpaid for Murray. All that matters is they "think" they stuck it to the Cowboys. The media up there drives this. It's amazing, but that's how absolutely sad and pathetic that fan base is.
This is disgusting. I think this is a product of Madden and fantasy football - plug in and play BS. It's NOT that simple! I think this is a product of Jerry overcompensating the OPPOSITE WAY... he got burned so much on overpaying those who didn't deserve it, he cant' see the forest for the trees in terms of who DOES deserve it. Murray is NOT MBIII. Murray is PISSED, feels disrepected and has screwed us. I believe he would have stayed for a deal somewhere in between what we initially offered and this overbloated insanity the Eagles are giving him to screw us. Since this is a non-negative-rant zone I guess I can't say anything.But this is NOT a good move and we very well may suffer. And it would be fine if Romo was 5 years younger. But he's not. Good luck. And for everyone thinking AP is going to come in and give us the same production or some Miracle rookie will do the same... go play your little Madden game. This is seriously sick. The TRUTH is always inthe middle. The Cowboys have gone from one extreme (overpaying) to another (no money) and the result may be the same. I have lost all excitement for next season. Blah. I'll just spend the summer drunk.

I like just about everything you wrote. Depending on what they do to fill the void, I might like it more or I might like it less.
But even me or I (some one will correct me) wouldn't spend that kind of cash on Murray. That is a lot of cash for a RB.
We found him in the third round. If we can do that again or better, and add to the defense with a Player, a real DE not a scrub or middle of the road guy we did the right thing.
So let me get this straight.

Philly traded away McCoy, who was perfectly suited for Chip's offense, because he was too expensive. Then they gave a huge contract to Murray, who isn't suited for Chip's offense at all.

And now they're trading Evan Mathis, their best interior lineman.

What the.....?
Understood. But having to read how much Murray has a fumbling problem when its just not true is annoying.
Any back that has as many yards after contact as Murray will have some fumbles. His numbers are not even bad.

Its over now anyway. He will be running the ball for the Eagles now.

Let the goofy Ryan Williams posts take over now.

Ryan Williams is the answer. Ok ok I read a Mike Fisher post about Williams, he said the FO and coaches do not think Williams will be the starter.
Oh yeah, that i know. Im talking about everyone saying Peterson came out and said he wants 25 million guaranteed. lol That was never once said by Peterson. Said by the same guy who said Murray was staying in Dallas. We all know how that played out. Just saying

I didn't go back far enough in the thread, sorry.
Don't know if they know for sure, but it's out there. $42 mil over 5 years. I don't know if we can afford that or not, but I have to question that kind of money for one, yes really just one, good year. I hate to see him go, but if he's hurt for half of next year, I'm glad philly will be paying for that not us...


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