Schefter today: growing sense Zeke short suspension **merged**

Could be, I think it's truly comical but there are plenty of others who actually believe it. Almost every thread over a few pages has some reference to a conspiracy or inside screw job. I only comment on about 10% of the ones I see and I don't read every single page. Maybe a separate thread would consolidate it where the believers and non believers can talk it out.

Ya know, like why the Cowboys only run certain plays in practice while outdoors? Because Mara has a satellite focused directly on Oxnard. Don't forget about the NFL's version of the Secret Service that follows Dez everywhere he goes to make sure he's not causing any problems. Oh wait, that's Jerry's personal babysitting crew.

Mara's satellite is out?!
If they suspend him, then it will be because he actually did something detrimental to the league, IMO.

IOW, if the girl just got mad because he broke up with her and faked the DV... then I see no way there is an actual suspension. There would have to be something else.

Maybe it is the other things he's done this offseason (I don't think it is suspension worthy though)... or maybe there is actually something that wasn't worth charging for the police but the league doesn't like.

If it is as clear cut a case of her trying to set him up as many seem to think (myself included)... then I literally see no way he can be suspended.

So no pandora's box unless they do what I am pretty sure they won't and there is no proof of any wrongdoing whatsoever.

I've said all along that I don't think there will be a suspension... but there could be something I don't know about.
Given leaks of info these days, you think there is something that happened that hasn't been said before? I doubt it....and if so, how is it that the "investigation" took this long and it so happens that the suspension is going to happen week 1 of this year? I think we all know what this deal is here, and it has nothing to do with conduct detrimental to the league.
Given leaks of info these days, you think there is something that happened that hasn't been said before? I doubt it....and if so, how is it that it's going to happen week 1 of this year? I think we all know what this deal is here, and it has nothing to do conduct detrimental to the league.

If we already know everything, then he won't be suspended, which has been my contention all along.
Isn't what you say hypocritical? Think about it. Your basing your argument based on nothing more than an assumption. Yet you keep going on and on as if WE shouldn't assume his innocent. Make up your mind.

No. My "assumption" is based on the fact that nearly all DV cases do not lead to conviction because of suddenly uncooperative victims and/or the troubling legal issue of he said/she said.

Good Lord. A lady calls the cops, that's much more often legit than not.

But you, you think she's just faking. Your attitude is ancient - grow up and face the reality over your miserable and sad try to blame it on the b#$@_ every time
Yes. The incredibly low proportion of false claims should overwhelm those legit ones that are never prosecuted.

Keep on supporting dudes who beat women, brother! It's a good look.

So in the post after you say its ignorant to assume anyone knows everything about the case, you now know everything about the ratio of false claims to true claims.

Got it.

And whatever that ratio is, it doesn't matter. The actual facts of Zeke's case are what matter to Zeke's case.
Do it. I've already addressed this in another thread but by no means am I an expert. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Don't forget to include "new money" owners like Jerry who some people also think can't have bus/backroom influence in the league.
You suggested the tin-foil thread first, bub. You do the heavy-lifting with that and maybe I'll oblige you with a counter thread.
So in the post after you say its ignorant to assume anyone knows everything about the case, you now know everything about the ratio of false claims to true claims.

Got it.

And whatever that ratio is, it doesn't matter. The actual facts of Zeke's case are what matter to Zeke's case.

So in the post after you say its ignorant to assume anyone knows everything about the case, you now know everything about the ratio of false claims to true claims.

Got it.

And whatever that ratio is, it doesn't matter. The actual facts of Zeke's case are what matter to Zeke's case.

The actual facts do matter.

We don't know the actual facts, so most relevant are statistical facts about similar cases.

Fact. DV cases rarely get conviction.

Fact. Women get beaten every second in our country.
Question, if NFL and Goodell suspend Zeke, does that open the door, Pandora box so to speak to where NFL will have to suspend other NFL players without conviction in a court of law? Since, Zeke wasn't charged with a criminal offense with his ex girlfriend, then doesn't that open Pandora box so to speak, to where NFL will have to suspend other players that like the Giants wr that goes to parties, supposedly does drugs, etc, but just rumor but no hard evidence, or any other NFL player that comes under certain suspect issues?

Another example, Eli Manning supposedly issue with email, and other info to where Eli has told the Giants equipment manager to doctor up jersey, so could make money off the jersey that Eli didnt wear, etc.? Doesnt that open pandora box to where NFL has to suspend other nfl players without criminal offense but just rumors etc?

I think NFL has big problem if they suspend a player who hasn't been charged with anything. The reason I bring this up is because the suspension has to be 6 games according to their new domestic abuse policy. Sometimes we see that 6 games get reduced. But if NFL starts giving out smaller suspensions as preemptive strike based on their own interpretation of what that player might do in future then player lawyers could start to sue the league. But their biggest problem will be turning off fan base across the country. Lets not forget Jerry is more powerful now then at any point in past.
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Domestic violence concerning his ex and I don't know a video were he exposed a woman's breast.
She allowed it. The women's movement is also about freedom of choice. So I don't see any reason for it to be involved.
It doesn't work that way. The league has the right to suspend players for actions even if there are no legal charges.
That's not what I'm saying. There's no evidence that Zeke did anything wrong. The league just can't suspend arbitrarily and without evidence.
No. My "assumption" is based on the fact that nearly all DV cases do not lead to conviction because of suddenly uncooperative victims and/or the troubling legal issue of he said/she said.

Good Lord. A lady calls the cops, that's much more often legit than not.

But you, you think she's just faking. Your attitude is ancient - grow up and face the reality over your miserable and sad try to blame it on the b#$@_ every time

LOL you really need to read the police report. Its a FACT that she told her friend to make all of this stuff up. It was her friend who stated that and not Elliot. So you must think that her friend (not Zeke's friend) is lying to the cops about not telling the truth that her friend is lying? Man, your argument is becoming more strange. Especially when most of it is based solely on assumption and nothing else.
I see an indecent exposure issue here.

Permission by the victim is irrelevent.

The only reason he was not caught was becuz no cops saw it at the time..

I think some of us have to stop protecting Zeke like some little kid.

He's a multi-millionaire with responsibilities in society.

Love his football..

but like Michael Irvin before him..

you pay the price if you insist on doing it differently.

First, indecent exposure legally refers to the display of genitals in public. A woman's breasts aren't considered genitals.

Second, someone has to be offended by the action. If no one files a charge, then apparently no one was offended.

Third, I'm not making excuses for Zeke. He does have to be aware of his responsibility as a Cowboy and a millionaire. But ... he still has rights as a player, and Goodell cannot arbitrarily suspend him without violating a spelled-out rule and not without evidence.
Yes. The incredibly low proportion of false claims should overwhelm those legit ones that are never prosecuted.

Keep on supporting dudes who beat women, brother! It's a good look.

We don't know the actual % of false claims, mainly due to it being tough identify without someone admitting it. Yes, the same goes for rape. Sadly, it's the nature of both crimes - tough to identify.

But there is proof, and I have provided it to you, that this woman wanted her friend to lie about Zeke abusing her. The fact that you have completely ignored that to this point tells me your bias.

And since you want to claim people on this board "beat women" due to not following the "listen and believe" narrative, look into guys with a white knight complex. Their history of mental/sexual abuse is even worse.
This entire Zeke of thing is infuriating. If I were Jerry I would threaten something drastic if this doesnt go away. All proof is that she lied and it didn't happen. So a suspension sets the precedence that any accusations no matter proven false and legally documented by real investigators not the fake NFL team ones are valid. Jerry should pay some lady to accuse Goodell of domestic violence. Will he suspend himself?
Jerry needs to make a stand on this, completely unacceptable.
The true slippery slope, or Pandora's Box, is the league enforcing discipline on any conduct detrimental BEFORE the player actually was in the NFL. Players like Joe Mixon should expect a six game suspension even before they're drafted or signed. And how far back can NFL go to enforce their arbitrary penalties, high school?
She allowed it. The women's movement is also about freedom of choice. So I don't see any reason for it to be involved.
I think it is bs. Listening to Shefter on NFL live it sounds like the NFL investigation team is recommending a short suspension because they can't prove that Zeke did anything concerning domestic violence but they have some type of proof that he did something. Maybe Godell might let it go with a fine. This might be another Brady situation.
I think NFL has big problem if they suspend a player who hasn't been charged with anything. The reason I bring this up is because the suspension has to be 6 games according to their new domestic abuse policy. Sometimes we see that 6 games get reduced. But if NFL starts giving out smaller suspensions as preemptive strike based on their own interpretation of what that player might do in future then player lawyers could start to sue the league. But their biggest problem will be turning off fan base across the country. Lets not forget Jerry is more powerful now then at any point in past.
I think if he gets suspended it will be to protect the shield. Give him a few games to teach Zeke a lesson. He actually might win the appeal.

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