Schefter: Zack Martin Unhappy with Contract; Considering Not Reporting to Camp

I just lost a little respect for Martin. Nothing annoys me more than when athletes, who have made MILLIONS (and will never need to work again), cry about not making a few million more.
I just lost a little respect for Jones. Nothing annoys me more than when owners, who have made BILLIONS (and will never need to work again), cry about saving a few million more.
Well, Tyler was known to have some penalty issues coming into the league. Certainly that is something he needs to clean up. But that's only one aspect of his game. How many of those came at G?

Do you really believe that Martin has only committed 6 in his career? Or that name recognition comes into play?

Tell ya what, you show me videos of Martin displacing folks last year and I'll show you videos of Tyler displacing people and we'll see who runs out of clips first. If that is too much work for you, quickly name 5 jaw dropping plays ZM made last year. I mean off top of your head. That should be easy for a first team All Pro right?

Not saying he's not still a very good player .... but he isn't the difference maker he was early in his career. Tyler is in that portion of his career.
Sorry I’m not using one year to anoint a second year player over a sure fire first ballot hall of fame player. You are delusional if you think anyone in their right mind would do that.
How does the All Pro in 2022 Zack Martin look on this play? How does rookie Tyler Smith look?

Guess which one of them looked like an All Pro while the other looked like a rookie?


Lol oh wow one clip. I have 10 years of evidence. You sure you wanna go down that road? My God. This is why people make fun of our fans. So quick to run a hall of fame player out of town. It’s actually disgusting how quick our fans turn on players. All I said was I wanna see another year. You make it seem like I’m bashing Tyler. I’m not at all.
You wanna bet on that?
If Tyler Smith plays Left Guard all season long in 2023? Yes, absolutely, but it's got to be verified by season long tape, not some bogus votes where people are used to giving away as the norm for certain players because of name.

$100 bet
Lol oh wow one clip. I have 10 years of evidence. You sure you wanna go down that road? My God. This is why people make fun of our fans. So quick to run a hall of fame player out of town. It’s actually disgusting how quick our fans turn on players. All I said was I wanna see another year. You make it seem like I’m bashing Tyler. I’m not at all.
We're talking about 2022, remember? Years past production doesn't matter since it's in the past.
How does the All Pro in 2022 Zack Martin look on this play? How does rookie Tyler Smith look?

Guess which one of them looked like an All Pro while the other looked like a rookie?


This fan is purely salivating with prospects of two All Pros, Tyler Smith and Zach Martin both starting in the interior of the Dallas offensive line. Talk about an improved running game and a dependable 2.5 drop back time!
Lol. My god. You realize what happens to the season and the locker room if that happens? Martin is one of the most decorated and loved leaders on this team. You piss him off and you can kiss this season goodbye. You pay for the trenches. Guys like Martin don’t come around everyday
I'll be honest....I don't think they'd feel the effects in the locker room. They will feel it on the field though.
I cannot believe there are people in this thread bad mouthing Zack Martin and claiming he has been playing poorly.

It just amazes me how God awful stupid some fans are.
Everybody likes Zach and wants him to be happy but it's galling to see these extremely well paid athletes welch on their contracts. It's a freaking contract and everybody knows that every year the newer contracts will be higher, just like yours was higher than other people's when you signed. Honor your freaking contract.
Again, why? Owners don't honor signed contracts all the time. Why is it the players that have to honor it? If Martin got 3 major concussions and destroyed his bran for life Jerry would have dropped him and not paid him in a nano second.
To be able to watch the 49'rs game and say ....... yea ....... Zack Martin was the problem ........ while defending the real people who were the problem in that game.

I just cannot justify that in any way.
Sorry I’m not using one year to anoint a second year player over a sure fire first ballot hall of fame player. You are delusional if you think anyone in their right mind would do that.
Haven't anointed anyone. Simply saying there is a good chance he is a more impactful player in 2023. It's not a career based measurement.

Go back & look at which side most of their big runs came behind last year. Hint, it starts with L.
I just lost a little respect for Jones. Nothing annoys me more than when owners, who have made BILLIONS (and will never need to work again), cry about saving a few million more.
Good point but unfortunately you're mistaken. Jones is not saving ONE PENNY. Theres X amount of dollars to spend on 53 players. More for one means less for another. Why is that so hard to understand ? $220 million or whatever the cap is, it all goes to players. If theres money leftover, it goes TO PLAYERS in another year. There is no saving money and pocketing the extra. Thats a fallacy so fans can complain about the Jones' for another reason.
Good point but unfortunately you're mistaken. Jones is not saving ONE PENNY. Theres X amount of dollars to spend on 53 players. More for one means less for another. Why is that so hard to understand ? $220 million or whatever the cap is, it all goes to players. If theres money leftover, it goes TO PLAYERS in another year. There is no saving money and pocketing the extra. Thats a fallacy so fans can complain about the Jones' for another reason.
The owners make the salary cap so they can save money ........ they could vote and make it whatever they want.

They make it what it is and then say ...... "whelp we are all out of money because of the greedy players"

And naive fans say "Wow those players sure are greedy!"

<owners snickering>

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