I think I'm not communicating well.
I'm saying that the applause McVay is receiving right now as he prepares for a Super Bowl wouldn't be happening if our defense had shown up and did to LAR what they'd done to other offenses this season, and especially so in the last half of the season.
So, the premise of the OP appears to be that McVay is vastly superior to Garrett, and I don't buy it. It was a bad day to have a bad day, but bad days do happen, and our defense had a bad day... and even so, we were within striking distance to still pull out a win in the 4thQ.
Did the Rams offense have something to do with our defense's bad day, absolutely. I take nothing away from McVay. But it was a combination of both... they played well, and we didn't on Rams possessions... and again, even so, we were in the game.